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pussyfuck: Any girl wantin sex tomoro in omagh i wil meet u at grange car park at 1 in the afternoon if u wana be standin in car park at 1
12 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
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11 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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13 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
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10 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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1 Year Ago
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9 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
Bitew: Takoma Park‚ Maryland
13 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago

Angle-Park Online Sex SA AU

Help Meat (A Dystopian Tale Part 2) Help Meat (A Dystopian Tale Part 2) · Fetish · Author's Note: I strongly suggest you read part 1 first so this makes more sense! I am splashing over the rocks, my hands outstretched as I try to catch a fish. I have been on my own for two weeks, hiding during the day under clumps of ferns or blackberry bushes. My mother would not recognize me now with my tangled filthy hair and clothing torn to ribbons. I hiss as the river’s grainy water stings the cuts on my arms. With a lunge, I catch the fish, crouching to devour it as it squirms in my hands. Men’s voices rise behind me as heavy boots crash through the brush. I drop my fish and dash for the forest, zigzagging through the trees. The dog is howling as it catches my scent. Sprinting for a tree with low enough boughs, I grab for a branch, dragging myself up as my legs kick the air. Sudden teeth sink into my ankle. I scream as the dog yanks at me, its weight dragging me down. I land on my chest, air exploding from my lungs. Hands grab at me as the yipping dog is kicked back. A knife is sawing at the remains of my shirt, ripping the fabric from my body. My bra is cut and flung to one side. The hands flip me onto my back and again the knife flashes. My jeans are pulled off, and then my panties. Naked now, I lay sobbing on the ground. My ankle is bleeding. There is a sharp stab of pain when I try to move my foot. The man above me accepts a cloth from a larger man, pours water onto the fabric, and then bends to dab at my face. “What do you think, John?” the bald man in the shadows asks. “Do we sell her for meat?” Straddling me, the man tilts my head into the dappled sunlight. “Pretty,” he says at last. “I say we keep her. Bring me the tape, Brian.” I writhe as my wrists and ankles are bound with duct tape. The men find a branch and run it between my arms and legs, each of them holding one end as I swing back and forth between them. Dangling chest up, I see a glimpse of red between the thick ferns, the men reaching a clearing where their pickup is parked. My captors yank out the branch and toss me unceremoniously in the back. I am manacled by one ankle, secured by a chain to the scratched bed of the older Ford. Then I grunt with every jolt as the vehicle dodges the road’s many potholes. The men have the radio’s volume cranked, raucously singing a song I’ve never heard. I close my eyes, fighting for calm. I had watched from behind a rock as they had emerged unexpectantly from the trees to attack our camp. They had slitted my mother’s throat first thing, hanging her head down like a deer to open her up and gut her. My traumatized little sister had been taken away in the red truck by the sandy haired man—while the bald one remained behind to carefully skin and behead my mother. Then taking up his ax, he dismembered her casually as though he was chopping wood. By the time the smaller man returned alone in the truck, my mother’s torso was roasted crisp, suspended on a spit about a foot above a fire. The two men had seated themselves close to the dripping meat, carving with their knives the flesh from my mother’s limbs. I lingered nearby, hating to leave the last place I had seen my mother. The men had busied themselves the following day with wrapping up the meat. Then one of them spied my footprints on his way to the river. For two weeks they hunt me—two whole weeks that I managed to avoid capture. But then they bought a dog. The men stop the truck beside a ramshackle building. It is a hunter’s shack, yet these men are not poor, I realize, spying the fine-looking vehicles beside the cabin. Instead they are doing what was now a favorite past-time for men; scouring the forests in search of fleeing women and girls. I hold my breath as the men disappear through the doorway of the shack. If I fight them, I die, I think. The men pass the truck and stop beside what looks like a picnic table. I see them lay out a plastic sheet over the top, weighing it down with rocks on the ground around it. Gravel crunches as the shorter man approaches me. His taller companion is leaning an ax against the picnic table, along with a large tub and a bucket of what appears to be tools. A chill of dread touches my spine as the man named John frees me from the truck, then drags me down from its bed. Unsteadily I sway on my feet as John crouches, his knife sawing through the tape binding my ankles. John gestures me to raise my bound hands above my head. As I do so he pushes at my thighs, spreading my legs. Without a word, he wets a rag in a bucket of cold soapy water, and then goes to work. As I stand there shivering, he washes every crevice of my body, not once but twice, returning with a second bucket of fresh water after the first darkens to brown. “You are a help-meet,” he grates into my ear. He empties a third bucket over my head, and then soaps up my hair. “That means you were made to please men. Got it?” I nod, shivering. The sun is behind the trees now. Their hound dog’s icy nose snuffles at my anus. “Why did you run?” Brian asks as he joins his friend. He is a bear of a man with a bald head and laughing brown eyes, his hands and body built like a lumberjack’s. I look away and stare at my feet. “You killed my mother,” I whisper dryly. “I am a man so that is my right,” Brian says. “Your mother was too old to take to the butcher. But not so old to waste. She was actually tender for her age. Her breasts, too, were very nice—too lovely to resist. Care to see what I make with them?” I begin to shake my head, then catching his frown, I nod, fighting back tears. The man grins as he unhooks a little bag from his belt and shows it to me. It is a small leather pouch, round with a protrusion at one end. “They’re easy to make,” he says. “You cut around the base first, then slide your blade just under the skin and up, keeping the tip inside. Then you ease it all the way around at that angle, all the while pulling hard at the nipple. The skin slides off all in one piece. I flip it over my thumb to scrape away the blood vessels and stuff. And look, it has no seams!” He turns the bag over. “I sell these at the club.” John catches my chin and forces my eyes to his. “He could do that to you, you know. Your tits are certainly big enough. But it seems to me we could do more useful things with them; what do you think, Brian?” The bald man barely glances up. “I agree that she’d make a good dairy prospect. But she’s not old enough yet. Besides, you’d have to breed her first.” “Oh, such a chore!” John rolls his eyes. “No, I’m talking about keeping her for us. Wouldn’t it be nice to have milk on hand without going to town? Drawn straight from the tit is always best. Why not this one? With those glands of hers she’d be a natural. Here, let me check.” He feels between my legs, his calloused fingers inserting themselves. He takes a sniff, rubbing his fingertips together to check the texture. “Could be she’s ripe. We’ll fuck her hard for the next little while and see what comes of it. If we can get her pregnant, that’ll bring on her milk once the offspring is born.” “Whatever.” Brian rolls his eyes and snorts derisively, his attention on the picnic table nearby, and assembled tools. “You know this act of yours really gets old.” “It’s never an act. Every single time we go through this I tell you the same thing. Only with this girl . . . I mean look at her. She could produce enough milk to get us through the day. For our cereal. Or cheese if we want to make cheese. Butter, pudding . . . Don’t tell me this doesn’t appeal to you.” Brian stares at the sky. “Like we ever make cheese.” He pauses with a snort. “And what would we do with her later, hmm? You know, when it’s time to go home?” “We’d cross that bridge when we get to it.” John shrugs and kicks at the dirt. Shivering, I close my eyes. “Well girl, in case you’re wondering, my name is Brian,” the big man addresses me. “Brian Dunahee, and this little dreamer here is John Scott, my best friend. We are your masters now—got it? You do what we tell you, and maybe we’ll let you live through the night. If not, I’ll stretch you on that table and gut you, too. What are you called, girl?” “Amy.” Trembling, I nod stupidly as the two men half-carry me into the cabin. John takes a towel and dries me off. Then I’m stretched onto my stomach on the kitchen table, the men sliding me forward over the edge until my breasts hang down. Brian supports my shoulders as John crouches to measure each breast from stem to stern, then checks the circumference, with Brian scribbling his findings on a pad. I tense as something hard and cold slips between my legs and into my body—stopping with a jerk several times as it’s positioned within me. More numbers are recorded, Brian’s expression intense while John scoots a chair close to the table. Sitting beside my shoulder, the sandy haired man raises my nearest breast into the light. “Finely grained skin. Good heft, too. Heavy and dense, with a good plump nipple.” He kneads my breast hard, feeling the bumps and texture of the flesh. My captors carry me to the mattress and set me on my back. Spreading my legs, they raise them high over my head and secure them with ropes to hooks in the wall. They stare unhappily down at my raised pussy. “I’ll get on it,” Brian says, hurrying into the tiny bathroom to grab shaving supplies and a roll of paper towels. He kneels in front of my cunt, sawing the hairs short with his knife, then lathering me up to shave me smooth. He pauses briefly to consider his work, then, spreading my folds widely back with one hand, he dries them off carefully with a paper towel. John hands him strips of duct-tape to hold my pussy open. “There.” Brian stands at last, his fingers stroking my exposed girlhood. “It’s just so much easier this way. I don’t like it when your body hides your cunt from my sight. I hate all that loose skin.” Teary eyed and shaking, I toss my head, my face going hot as John shoulders Brian aside and kneels between my legs. The smaller man explores me closely, tracing the edges of my opening. He sinks a finger into me slowly, pressing upward against the roof of my cunt, then moistening my opened folds, moving languidly around the shape of my vagina. “If we keep this girl, Brian, we could do whatever we want. No brothers to interfere, or put it to a vote.” “I know.” Brian crouches beside the bed to grip and pull on my breasts. “It would be cool if we could, that’s for sure.” “Hey, you’re the one that started that club.” John catches my look. “We have a barn up on the hill,” he explains. “Started a gentleman’s group up there maybe a year before the laws were finalized.” “Nine months prior,” Brian manages. Grinning, he releases my nipple with a slurp. John shrugs. “Fine, nine months then. There are men like Brian here who just happen to love gore, who get off on destroying female bodies. Men like this serve a valuable purpose. They do the clean-up work that no one else wants to do. Eliminating the girls who refuse to fit in. You know, like runaways and such. Girls like you, for example. I bet if I asked you right now what is most important in life, you would not give me the right answer. You don’t even know what the right answer is.” “Damn these tits!” exclaims Brian. He presses into my breast, kneading hard. “How big do you think they are? Double D’s?” “At least. I told you they were nice for her age. She’d make a great milker.” John is prodding my exposed opening, poking in his fingers repeatedly to keep me wet around my pussy. “We have her bra; we can always check.” He inserts his fingers fully, stirring the moist flesh. “She’ll carry a lot of milk if we can get a kid out of her. Damn. That’s it.” He stands abruptly to unfasten his belt, his jeans dropping to the floor as he falls on me. I stiffen in shock, gasping in pain as his cock drives in. Screaming, I grasp for my bonds to free my tied ankles. Brian seizes my wrists and yanks them down. He leans heavily into the squirming tissue of my breasts, releasing his hold to press hard against me, his sausage fingers working my flesh like dough. John is thrusting vigorously now, his shaft inside me plunging deeper with every stroke. I shriek and claw at the mattress. Then abruptly John stiffens; grunting, he wilts above me, his upper body sagging as fluid spills from my cunt. Brian releases me and climbs to his feet. He shoves John off me, then jerks up my buttocks with his hands. Smiling, he nuzzles my opened entrance, his tongue sliding deep into my cunt, moving lazily in a circle. He takes his time eating me out, sucking on my clit and pulling with his teeth. His fingers sink in; he bends to thrust his tongue between them; like a bee pulling pollen from a flower, he licks greedily, his fingers drawing more of my juice to the surface. “Not all girls taste good, but my god! I can’t get enough of this one!” “Maybe it’s me you taste,” John says with a laugh. “You know I just fucked her, right?” “No, this is girl, one hundred percent pure.” Brian runs his finger up and down over my pussy, playfully stretching my tight opening. The men trade off, John mounting me a second time to lower himself into me, pushing in fully, then easing out. “This is choice meat,” Brian says as he prods my buttocks. “She’s what, about sixteen? She won’t be worth a damn if we don’t harvest her soon. Aged girl is hard to sell.” John is moaning, pumping slowly as he braces his arms, controlling his thrusts enough to watch his cock move in and out. Trembling under the abuse, a huge part of me outraged by this violation, I glare at the ceiling. John stiffens mid-thrust, howling as he drives in hard, the volcano of his shaft erupting and going soft, throbbing gently within me. “I’ll tell you what,” he manages at last. “We go through this every time, and every single time you get your way. I never get to win these little contests. You destroy the girl, butcher her for meat, and what do you end up with? You’re happy for a day or two, but then what? You’re always hungry for more. “This girl has the finest breasts I’ve seen, and that’s without the drug. I look at her and I see months or maybe even a year of always having cream for my coffee, or milk for my cereal. But it’s more than that. Did you see how deep she goes? Did you look at the numbers you scribbled down? We can learn from her body, don’t you see? Practice on her. You say you can’t fist, well I’m betting you’re wrong. With this girl, I could teach you.” “My hands are too big.” Brian growls. There is a pause as he stares between my legs. “Do you really think I could?” “If you follow my instructions.” John moves to the kitchen to wash his hands. “She’s got the depth. All we have to do is get some width out of her. We have all the time in the world, Bri—many weeks or months to stretch her out. She’s ours now. You can practice on her all you want.” Licking his lips, Brian crouches between my legs. His big hands press against my pelvis. He is tilting my hips toward the little lamp nearby, his fingers entering me tentatively, hooking at the sides and spreading my tissue. Grinning then he leans down, his mouth fixing itself around the rim of my vagina, his hungry tongue scooping inside me, drawing out my fluids. He sucks hard against my cunt, extending his tongue as far as it will go. I close my eyes, moaning despite myself at the sensations flooding through me. When I open them again, I see John standing behind him. “I take it you’re hungry?” John asks. Brian grunts in his throat and lifts his head, creamy tendrils of fluid running down his chin. He inserts his fingers to spread me again, delight broadening his face. “Look at that. She’s so wet!” Brian stirs my fluids with his fingers, the wet sounds filling the quiet room. Once more he dips down, his tongue swirling in circles as I raise up my hips. Smiling at John, he smacks his lips. “Fine.” Laughing, John returns to the kitchen. “Get familiar with her body. That’s the one thing we must do. In the meantime, I’m hungry. Want a sandwich?” Brian closes his eyes, his mouth open as his fingers dig into my cunt, the hands separating and turning. He hovers above my pelvis, stretching my opening wide at different angles. He pulls me toward him until my legs stretch taut against their fetters. Once more he buries his face, straining for reach with his tongue. “You know,” John calls to him. “When you fist, your hand gets to go a lot farther than your fingers. You can reach down past your wrist—maybe even deeper with this girl. If her juices are what you like, there’s no better way than a good fisting to coax them out.” “I’m too big to fist,” Brian repeats sadly. Nevertheless, he pulls over a chair and sits between my legs. I squirm, embarrassed and strangely aroused by the look on his face as he gapes me gently. “That’s it,” John urges. “Explore her out. Feel inside until you know the terrain. If you want to gape her, use the top wall of her cunt as leverage, then slide in deep with fingers from your other hand and pull down. It takes some muscle but it’s worth it. It’s the quickest way to work large objects in.” I try to relax as the big man makes the attempt, my body yearning for penetration as I stare at the wall. The fingers sink deep, the hand separating as Brian grunts with effort. “The top part’s hard,” he exclaims. “It doesn’t—” “That’s what I mean; you use it for leverage,” John says. “The bottom part should yield readily when you stretch it. Did you feel that?” Brian nods, scrutinizing my pussy around his hands. “Good, that’s what you want. When you insert your hand to fist, you always want to angle it down, utilize that yielding lower wall. Same thing if you’re trying to insert something big like a bottle.” John walks suddenly to the bed and sits down beside me. Flustered, I look away, staring at the wall. “Now you,” he begins, reaching to massage my loose breasts, “listen up. Enough with this hostility, please. In case you haven’t noticed, you can’t run down the streets screaming ‘rape’ anymore because nobody cares. The very concept of rape has ceased to exist. So what must you do to survive, I wonder? According to the bible, the most important thing in life for a girl is to please men. It’s in the book of Genesis, right at the very start. A girl is made to be a man’s help-meet. To be useful to men in every way she can.” I am gritting my teeth, my nostrils flaring. “You killed my mother.” “So we did; so what? Brian found it enjoyable. He found the butchering part enjoyable, the skinning part enjoyable, because that’s Brian’s thing. It’s not just pussy juice that turns him on. It’s internal stuff like blood and guts, and making his little purses. Your mother served her purpose well. Her meat fed me and Brian, plus five other men at a homeless shelter. What meaning have you found in your life, Amy? Here you have this opportunity tossed in your lap, and you stick your nose in the air. If you think you’re above us, think again. This is what I mean. Girls like you don’t belong. Girls like you end up . . .” “Very bloody,” Brian says darkly. “Which is a shame, because damn, you taste good.” I chew my lip, forcing myself to meet John’s glare. “Isn’t that something, though? I taste good. So don’t I have a purpose?” The two men stare at me. “Yes,” John says quickly. “Absolutely—of course you do. But how can you please Brian using this skill? That’s what girls need to ask themselves constantly; how do I take this situation and use it wisely.” I gaze into John’s blue eyes. “I’ll try; I promise. Please don’t kill me.” John thinks for a moment. “Ok, for now you’re on probation. Brian wants to fist you, and I want to see you do everything you can to help him. We’ll untie your legs so you can get your circulation back. But then I want to see an active involvement into making this work.” I cry out in pain as my legs are lowered, hastily massaging my thighs and ankles. John brings plates into the room and a pitcher of milk. I wipe my face and sit up, swinging my legs to the side of the bed as I reach to accept my plate. I avoid the jerky, remembering my mother. But the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are good, and the milk rich and frothy. “That’s not your mother,” Brian says suddenly around a mouthful. “Not sure why, but this batch of jerky came out lighter.” “More fat in the meat, perhaps?” suggested John. Brian shrugged. “Could be, though if I recall, she wasn’t fat.” “That’s girl milk,” John informs me as I wipe the foam from my lips. “You’re going to have to get used to these alternative foods. How long has it been since you’ve had milk?” I think for a moment. “I don’t remember. I never really drank cow’s milk. My mom was into the healthy stuff like Almond or Hemp milk.” I finish my meal and wait the men out. “So how can I help? I don’t know anything about fisting.” “You don’t fight him, that’s how,” John replies. “You relax and enjoy yourself, or act like you do. By tensing up you make the process so much harder. You are now at the age of usefulness for girls. Be useful! This is a new world now.” I stare at Brian’s big hands. “I’ve never had anything inside me before today,” I lie. “Now I have to fit that much in? It’s going to hurt.” “Virgin to fisting in one day,” Brian says around his food. “It is a bit of a leap, John.” The sandy haired man studies me briefly. “Ok, since you’re trying to be so good, I’ll start you out for him—get you ready for his hands. Sound fair?” “Can you explain something to me first?” I ask in a quavering voice. “Why did this happen? Why are women suddenly slaves now?” John chokes on his mouthful. “Not slaves. You were made from the rib of man, by men, for men to use, and to make men happy. Or at least the pretty girls were. Men are made by God and in his image. Girls were made by men. See the difference? Now, shall we get started?” I sigh, moving the pillow to a centralized location on the mattress. Then I sit at the foot of the bed, lying back shakily, my head resting on the pillow. “Smart thinking,” John remarks. He pulls a chair up close and seizes my ankles. With one pull he yanks me slightly off the bed, then places my left ankle on his shoulder. Behind me Brian catches up my right leg and bends it toward my chest. “Hold that for us,” will you” he asks, and I comply, wrapping my arms around my raised knee. “You see how she’s positioned, Brian? IF you want the lower wall of her pussy to stretch, you’ll need to get her ass off the bed first to give yourself the room. A pillow under her hips works too.” Leaning over, John massages the muscles of my groin and pelvic area. He kneads my hard thighs and presses out the stressful knots. Then bending forward, his hand parallel to the floor, he tilts his hand palm up and slides his fingers in. “Lie back,” he tells me. “And don’t think too much about what I’m doing. Brian, bring that flashlight and pull up a chair. You need to watch if you’re going to learn.” Closing my eyes, I grip my knee and breathe in through my nose, exhaling slowly through my mouth. I am exhilarated by this attention—the sight of the two men staring between my legs as they sit side by side. John’s tenor voice speaks softly to his friend, explaining as he works. “Down like this,” John is saying, “into the opening like you’re diving into a pool, and then slightly up . . .” A look of strain crosses his face. “There, see that? I had to lean into my wrist, didn’t I? Press downward, like this . . . see what I’m doing? Stretching that wall between her pussy and anus. Bear down and rotate in. Angle in, pressing against her here. Except I can’t go in yet because I’m only using fingers. But if I funnel my fingers like this—and tuck my thumb between them. Now see what we do.” I draw a deep breath at the sudden tightness, the fingers rotating, rocking side to side and stretching my taut tissue. Knuckles grind against my cunt. “Amy, you’re trying too hard,” John admonishes. “Relax if you can. Visualize yourself opening.” I nod quickly and turn my head, setting my gaze on a spot on the wall. The stain has a tree shape, reminding me of the branch with the one little bulb in the Charlie Brown Christmas special I used to watch. I close my eyes, my full belly making me sleepy. When have I last had a good night’s rest? I am . . . My eyes flare wide. The weight of the hand breaks through and into my body. My cunt is wide around John’s wrist, fluids dribbling down my skin as John glides straight to my core, then drags back in reverse. John pulls out all the way and I see his fingers dripping, the smaller man curling them to show his friend. “Watch again as I go in,” John says. “Down, twisting, lean to stretch, then angle. Right here. See that little give before I’m in? That’s the real bitch right there. Not the entrance to the pussy so much. It’s this second threshold here. Bypass this and you’ve mastered her body. But to get past you’ll want to utilize that lower wall. There’s a hollow just beneath with lots of room; see how much I can move my hand? That’s how you get around those tight muscles. Angle down, twist into the hollow, slide in. There! Level out and push! See how far I can go? She’s very deep. “Okay, once you’re in, draw immediately back, “John continues. “Not all the way—don’t come out of her. You want to stop beneath those muscles that just gave you so much trouble. Now you take your time and press them out; make them soft. Cock your arm and press with your knuckles. Just enough pressure and twisting to . . . There, did you see that! The muscles just relaxed. Now watch as I slide right in.” I lick my lips as the hand goes to town. John is fisting with vigor as he stands above me, his arm rotating as he reaches my cervix, then pulling out hard with a loud wet sound. “See how I angle my elbow as I work, changing speeds when those muscles start to tighten? Never hold in one place for too long. Keep moving. See, again toward the surface we find those very tight muscles. So we work them, pumping fast with lots of lube. Pressing those knots all soft again. There!” He sits back in his chair, cocking his arms behind his back to stretch himself. “This is how we can pump her all night. We feel what her muscles are doing and keep adjusting our tactics. See . . .?” Seating himself, he glides in effortlessly, rocking in his chair as he thrusts in and out. “Like putty in my hands.” I am trembling, groaning, my pelvis straining toward him as he exits, grunting as he thrusts. There is a pause in the motion. Then larger fingers are rotating in. My pussy stretches wider, more fingers delving into my vagina, stretching me back as the thumb joins the rest. “Good,” John says. “You got this. Now lean as I showed you.” I grunt involuntarily, my tissues straining. I try to relax, to find the tree shaped splotch on the wall beside me again. The big hand is yawning my pussy’s mouth, grinding hard into the tensing muscles. “Dive in quick before she tightens back up and you unravel all my work. Good! Level out. Now push!” “Oh!” The word passes my lips. I raise up my hips, my head flopped back against the pillow. The big hand forces me wide inside as it pushes in fully. Brian’s eyes are filled with wonder as he slowly draws out. “I’m doing it!” he cries. “Oh my God, that feels good.” “Yes, now keep going!” Facing me, John straddles my lower torso, his weight on his knees as he leans forward on the mattress. Pressing his weight into his hands he slowly and deeply massages my breasts. “You see?” he tells me as I writhe beneath him. “Being a girl has its perks.” I am moaning as the big hand pumps me, filling me up and pulling me back. Fluids pour down my thigh, soaking the fitted sheet beneath my pussy. Brian pauses and bends to gape me with his fingers, his soothing tongue cleansing me out, gliding from cunt to anus. Then he’s fisting me, his big hand changing angles as he works, the force of his entry raising my pelvis off the bed. I cry out as I struggle, as John, pressing my breasts together, sucks my nipples into his mouth. Bucking, I spurt from my cunt, my body quaking on the bed. Brian is wiping his face – licking his fingers. “Keep at it!” John orders him. “The longer we go, the better.” I scream fiercely and wild as the big hand stretches my pulsing flesh. Now Brian is pulling aside my opening on one side with his fingers, stretching me wide as his hand sinks deep. He stands and lifts me by one leg, forcing John to scramble from my body as I am hauled from my pillow. Vertically I hang with my right leg dangling, my upper body resting on the bed. Brian is grinning like a happy kid at Christmas, with John reaching in to gape me while Brian fists. I undulate madly as John sucks my clit, spraying both of the men again as my body falls limp. I am exhausted, fatigue dragging me down into a kind of fuzzy stupor. And still the two men work tirelessly on, the rhythm of the hands fisting endlessly. I wake in the night to a darkened room, with light between my legs and the hulking silhouette of Brian’s shoulders. My folds are loose, freed at last from the painful tape. Brian is exploring at his leisure, swabbing me with his tongue. I grunt as he slides his hand into my aching cunt, his large fist forming a hard knot inside my opening. Rapidly he pumps just inches from the surface, leaning hard left and then right as he softens me. He pulls out with a squelch and cool air rushes in, my slackened flesh opened, relaxed. With two hands he spreads my cunt deeply from inside, then leans in to lick me out. John is snoring from the bed beside me. I raise my hips, mashing my pussy against Brian’s face. He grabs my buttocks to support them, his head tilting back and forth to guide his tongue. At last he sets me down and wipes his face. I groan and wish for more, my fingers playing with my clit. “Tell me,” he says conversationally, flicking the flashlight on my face. “What made you decide to behave? Could you sense how we were planning to kill you? You are exactly the right age to butcher. I was going to carry your out to the picnic table after—to do to you what I did to your mother. We had the tools out there and everything. But then you had a change of heart. So what happened? We do this all the time. No other girl has done a one-eighty on us like this.” I stop playing with myself to look at him. “You won’t believe me if I tell the truth.” “Try me.” Brian is silent, the unwavering light on my face. I lick my lips. “I wasn’t exactly a virgin, you know. My mom took us away because . . . she was religious and I embarrassed her. I like being penetrated more than anything. My mom called me a nympho, but really what’s the harm if it’s what I love? This though—I wanted to hate you for killing my mother, but you made me feel so good! All I know is I want this day and night, for as long as you let me live. I don’t want you to ever stop.” Leaning between my legs, Brian squeezes my right breast gently. “John always says a girl’s body is meant for this. I guess he’s right.” I am nodding. My laugh sounds silly in my ears, almost childish. “Definitely!” “Well then, I shall indulge you.” Brian sits back in his chair, opening my folds with one big hand. He raises an oily-looking bottle, squirting lube directly in. Smiling, I lay back and raise my hips, feeling my muscles surrender as he eases in. The lube makes him slippery inside me, sliding like a fat eel in and out. He grips my thigh, the motion of his big hand effortless as he works. “If you do stay,” he pants, “There’ll be days when we bring home a girl to butcher. You’ll have to get used to that.” I groan between my teeth, my hips rising to meet his thrusts. “I’ll do anything to stay,” I tell him. “I’ll even make those little purses for you if you show me how. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do anyway? Help men?” Surprised, he jerks up his head. Then he grins. End of Part 2
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Wicked Wicked · Fetish · Part 1 The white, 19-y/o Georg and the also-white, 20-y/o Sebastian, were enrolled in summer classes at a university. And the first Thursday evening in July, they were studying when Georg was surfing online and found a Net-group, “DisreputableTarts.” He scrolled through its membership list until he accessed a naked woman’s picture showing her large, firm tits, trim legs and black hair. He then read: - “Hello. I'm Carol, a 38-y/o widow living in River City. I hope to contact dominant men, being I’m submissive and desperately needing golden-showers, extreme humiliation and safe physical abuse. My hobby is corrupting adult boys, 18 to 21. Please reply to ''.” ‘Look, Sebastian,’ Georg said as he pointed toward his computer screen. ‘Wow, she’s a sexy, old broad, isn’t she?’ Sebastian remarked. ‘She has a vulgar appearance, though I’ll answer her anyway.’ Georg said as he typed: - “Carol. I’m Georg. My buddy, Sebastian, and I think you’re hot. He’s 20 and I’m 19. We live in River City, too. Can you meet us in Washington Park this Sunday morning at 2:3o?” Carol immediately responded, 'I will, sir.' That morning, the guys drove to the otherwise-deserted park and waited until she arrived in nothing except high-heeled shoes. ‘I’m indecent, aren’t I, sirs?’ she askd. ‘Yeah,’ Sebastian replied, as he clutched her tresses and steered her into the men’s restroom. ‘This is where you’ll desecrate the Sabbath,’ he informed her. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol said. ‘Are you ready for my abuse?’ Georg inquired. ‘Yes, I am, sir,’ she’d scarcely answered before his palm exploded against her pretty face. ‘Aaah!’ she gasped. ‘The poor thing’s suffering!’ Georg jeered. ‘Good!’ Sebastian said, followed by him inserting his finger in the slit between her thighs. ‘This is a morally primitive cave,’ he noted. ‘What do you expect? She’s a Neanderthal!’ Georg chuckled before Sebastian removed his finger and wiped it across her lips. ‘You’re so, so sweet!’ he snickered. ‘Cunts are known as honey-traps,’ Georg interjected. ‘She has a potty-hole,’ Sebastian referred to her anus while undressing ‘Your cock’s beautiful, sir,’ she told him regarding his 11-inched pecker. ‘You’re in love with it, aren’t you?’ Sebastian asked. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol admitted. ‘Prove it!’ he snarled as he bent her over and chiseled his prick into her vag. ‘Fuck me!’ she moaned. ‘You contemptible whore!’ Sebastian growled. ‘Demolish the bitch!’ Georg advised him. ‘Yeah!’ Sebastian answered. ‘Uuuh – uuuh – uuuh!’ Carol panted. In a bit, Sebastian came in her snatch and withdrew from it while Georg stripped, brought her to her knees and guided his 9-inched cock into her throat. ‘Suck my dick, you dirty skank!’ he yelled, and Carol obeyed until she had an orgasm. Georg next unloaded in her mouth. ‘Let's relieve our bladders,’ he grinned as the boys pissed in her gullet. ‘Thank you, sirs,’ Carol said. ‘We’re giving you a chance to corrupt us again in church next Sunday morning,’ Sebastian smiled. ‘When, sir? ‘Ten 0’clock,’ Sebastion said. ‘Thanks for mistreating me, sirs,’ she answered, then left. But she didn’t realize that the church was temporarily closed, since its pastor had hired Sebastian and Georg to do some repairs. Still aroused, she wore a skirt, blouse, fishnets and high heels to another meeting when Sebastion and Georg were dressed in priest robes. ‘You understand you’re “wicked”, don’t you?’ Sebastian inquired. ‘I do, sir,’ Carol said. ‘Were you faithful to your husband?’ Georg questioned her. ‘No, sir.’ ‘You were and always will be an adulteress!’ Georg remarked as he led her up the aisle to the altar. ‘Pray!’ he ordered. ‘Yes, sir!’ Carol whispered as she sank to her knees. Sebastian then hammered his cock into her guts. ‘I’m evil!’ she wept. ‘Yeah, and your sins are beyond forgiveness!’ Georg said before Sebastian unloaded in and discarded her bowels. Never in her life, had she felt so degraded and multiple orgasms possessed her with demonic fury while Georg aimed his dick into her rectum. 'Split my ass wide open!' she exclaimed, with Georg indulging her until he spewed jizz into it. By then, Sebastian was holding a communion goblet into which he and Georg jacked-off and urinated. Sebastian then poured the liquids into her mouth. ‘We hereby invoke the Devil’s name and curse you forever!’ he intoned, and... ‘... amen!’ Georg concluded the ‘service.’ However, she wanted him and Sebastian to 'marry' her and a week later, they had a pretend wedding, though the guys demanded that she continue engaging in ‘adultery.' ~*~ Part 2 After the 'nuptials', Carol astonished her ‘husbands’ by confessing to her fantasies involving bestiality. ‘You little pervert!’ Sebastian snorted. ‘That’s what you are, isn’t it?’ Georg inquired. ‘Yes, sir!’ 'That's right,' Georg said. Without forewarning her, though, Sebastian and Georg explained a certain plan to their friends, the white, 18-y/o Elroy and black, 21-y/o Jeremy. ‘Are you serious?’ Elroy asked them. ‘Yeah, we are,’ Georg answered. ‘Carol’s your wife?’ Jeremy said. ‘Unofficially,’ Sebastian responded. ‘The honeymoon’s this Saturday night and we’ve reserved a room at the River City Motor Inn. Come with us,’ Georg said. Next, he and Sebastian went to a kennel to purchase an Australian Shepherd and named him Nimrod. Having done that, they took him to Jeremy’s apartment and left him there until the honeymoon when Sebastian ordered, ‘Wear your red shoes representing adultery and the bridal gown we bought you.' ‘Yes, sir,’ the slag answered before Sebastian and Georg drove her to the motel where Elroy, Nimrod and Jeremy were waiting. Sebastian unlocked the door and shoved her into the room while Georg, Nimrod, Elroy and Jeremy followed. ‘Let me introduce Nimrod, the mighty hunter,’ Georg said. ‘He’s going to shoot his arrow and not miss,’ Sebastian remarked. ‘You fucking hound!’ Elroy disparaged her. ‘Yes, I’m hound!’ Carol said as Jeremy shredded her gown, honked her boobs and said, ‘These milk-cans are enormous.’ ‘Her infidelity’s monstrous!’ Georg sneered. ‘Yep. She wallows in her own filth,’ Sebastian said as he, Georg, Jeremy and Elroy undressed. However, Jeremy’s 12-inched staff excited Carol. She fell to her knees and directed it into her mouth. ‘Suck my cock, you piece of shit!’ he growled. Elroy then moved behind her and hurled his 10-inched spear into her vag. ‘Dummy!’ he yelled. ‘Your brains are in your dung-pussy!’ Sebastian remarked. Hearing that inspired Georg. He went to the bathroom and returned with a toilet plunger. ‘This is her favorite dildo!’ he smiled not long before Elroy soiled her snatch and Jeremy her mouth, followed by Georg slashing the plunger handle into her entrails. ‘Yes, yes, assault me!’ she urged him. ‘I’m not a rapist!’ Georg answered, ‘Me, neither, though I’ve never seen a fouler woman,’ Jeremy said as Georg removed the handle. ‘Foul is as foul does!’ Sebastian snickered while jamming his cock into her ass. He’d barely done that before Georg crammed 4 fingers down her throat. ‘Gag!’ he snarled. ‘Uh-hmmm!’ she nodded while he withdrew his fingers and thrust his penis into her oral gape. In a few minutes, Sebastian jizz-defiled her guts and Georg her mouth. Moaning, the vixen crawled under the canine’s belly and nursed his pizzle into a 7-inched boner. He then reared and penetrated her snatch. Silently, the hunks watched until Jeremy shouted, ‘You’re disgusting!’ ‘Yeah, an obscene abomination!’ Georg replied. ‘Yes, sir!’ she wailed as an orgasm flooded her loins. Soon, Nimrod unloaded in her vag and dismounted her. ‘Okay, let's seal the unholy union,’ Georg said. ‘Union?’ Elroy asked. ‘Her latest husband's tied the knot with her,’ Georg replied. ‘We aren’t selfish, are we, Georg?’ Sebastian said. ‘No,’ Georg answered as he, Jeremy, Sebastian and Elroy pissed in her mouth. ‘Thank you, sirs,’ Carol said. ‘‘Don’t forget that your husbands will never love you,’ Georg remarked. ‘Yeah,’ Sebastian said. ‘You should perform stupid pet tricks!’ Jeremy scoffed. ‘You should turn tricks. How much are you worth?’ Elroy asked. ‘Nothing, sir.’ ‘Your wife’s less-valuable than junk, Nimrod!’ Elroy chuckled. ‘This is weird, but I wish my mother was a dog-fucking whore,’ Jeremy said. 'Me, too,’ Elroy replied. ‘I’ll play your mother,’ Carol volunteered. ‘You little pervert!’ Sebastian repeated. Once the men had driven her and Nimrod home, however, they banged her for another hour and she enjoyed it ~*~ Part 3 The next Friday, Sebastian and Georg went to the university cafeteria where their 21-y/o white friends, Troy and Jim, were eating lunch. Georg and Sebastian bought their food, carried their trays over to the other guys’ table and sat down. ‘Jim and I are having argument. Would the world be a better place if all girls were sluts?’ Troy asked. ‘I don’t mean to shock you, but can I tell you a something?’ Sebastian replied. ‘Sure,’ Jim said. ‘Georg and I are in an unsanctioned marriage Carol who's a slut.’ ‘Really?’ Troy answered. ‘Yeah, and metaphorically, our dog, Nimrod, is her third husband,’ Georg remarked. ‘You’ll let Jim and me do her, won’t you?’ Troy said. ‘Of course. Strange as it might sound, her best quality is her not respecting herself,' Georg answered. ‘Yeah, and I have an idea. Our original meeting happened in Washington Park on a Sunday morning which we’ll do this Sunday at 2:30,’ Sebastian said, followed by him and Georg going to Carol’s house. ‘Do you want us to shame you?’ Georg asked her. ‘Yes, I do, sir.’ At 2:15 on the present occasion, however, Georg had her wear nothing except high-heeled shoes, again. After that, he and Sebastian took her and Nimrod out to his car. Nimrod followed her into the back seat, with Georg and Sebastian getting in the front one. Georg then drove to the park, where seeing Troy and Jim awaiting her induced her to grovel toward them. ‘This is your wife?’ Troy inquired. ‘Yeah, Carol, and this is Nimrod,’ Georg said. ‘I guess you’re trained to satisfy 3 husbands,’ Jim noted. ‘Yes, sir.’ However, Jim and Troy were amazed by her large hooters. ‘Rocks fill those bags!’ Sebastian chortled. ‘Do you have rocks in your head?’ Troy sneered. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol responded as Jim, Sebastian, Troy and Georg stripped. ‘Choke, you despicable whore!’ Jim snarled while thrusting his 11-inched penis into her mouth. He’d scarcely done that when Troy knelt behind her and rammed his 9-inched tool into her anus. ‘You dirty bitch!’ he yelled. Fifteen minutes later, Jim spooged her mouth and Troy her guts, though Sebastian masturbated into her hair. Next, Georg drilled his pecker into her vag, massaged it until he came in it and withdrew from her. The dog then stabbed his dick into her gooey snatch. ‘Fuck the 666 beast!’ Georg urged him. ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ she moaned through an orgasm. ‘Christ almighty, this is unbelievable!’ Troy exclaimed shortly before Nimrod inseminated her vulva and jerked his pizzle from it. ‘It’s your duty to commit adultery, isn’t it?’ Georg reminded her. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol said. After she. Nimrod, Georg and Sebastian went home, however, Georg filmed her and Nimrod rutting and uploaded the footage a site: The Cage. How appropriate for a beast! ~*~ Part 4 Naturally, Carol's second park experience was debasing, considering that Troy and Jim had learned about her 3 'husbands' while Jim had called her 'a despicable whore.' Since Sebastian and Georg relished opportunities to defame her, however, they requested the 33-y/o Javier to give her an embarrassing interview at The Voyeurs' Den which charged an admission fee. That occurred the Friday night 2 weeks later when she was wearing high-heeled shoes and collar. 'Will you be well-mannered if I release you from your cage?' Georg asked her a rhetorical question. 'Yes, sir.' 'Are you sure?' he responded. 'Yes, I am, sir,' Carol said. 'You promise not to howl, don't you?' Sebastian replied. 'Yes, I do. Where are we going, sirs?' Carol asked. 'You're destined to notoriety,' Georg answered. 'Yeah,' Sebastian said as he, Carol, Nimrod and Georg went to his car and he drove to The Den. 'You're Carol, aren't you?' the Latino Javier inquired. 'Yes, I am, sir,' she answered as Javier ushered her, Georg, Nimrod and Sebastian into his studio having a mirror-window in it. But she wasn't aware about 4 sensitive microphones in the ceiling and that an all-male audience could listen to every word. 'I'm Georg, this is Sebastian and Nimrod, the tramp's husbands,' the former said. 'Great meeting you,' Javier responded. 'Have a seat,' - and he gestured toward chairs before Sebastian, Georg and Carol sat down. 'Are you ready?' Javier said. Yes, I am, sir.' 'First, I must say you're lovely fuck-hole,' Javier complimented her. 'Thank you, sir.' 'You're welcome. How did you get to be a slut?' Javier replied. 'I don't know, sir.' 'Would you agree you're an impure female?' Javier said. 'Yes, I would, sir,' Carol responded, 'Okay, Sebastian and Georg, why do let her screw around?' Javier asked. 'She's worthless for anything else!' Sebastian smirked. 'Besides, nature manufactured her to please cocks by the literal 100's,' Georg remarked. 'He's exaggerating, isn't he?' Javier inquired. 'No, sir,' Carol fibbed. 'Do you have sex every day?' Javier asked. 'More than once a day, sir.' 'Really?' 'Yes, sir,' Carol said. 'Do you husbands ever kiss your wife?' Javier asked. 'Never,' Sebastian responded. 'She's vile, isn't she?' Javier said. 'Arc you, Carol?' Georg asked. 'Yes, sir!' 'Puta!' Javier growled as he exposed his 8-inched prick and stuffed it into her mouth after she'd knelt while Nimrod gouged his dick into her vag. Surprise then erupted among 30 white men who were stroking their pricks and observing the action, as they did unril Javier shot jizz into her throat and Nimrod squirt semen into her snatch. Next, Sebastian and Georg stripped, with Georg invading her ass. 'Uugghh, uugghh, uugghh!' she grunted. 'You filthy animal!' he snarled. 'Tu casa de perro (“you doghouse”)!' Javier sneered before Carol surrendered to a orgasm and Georg sauced her bowels. 'You're still a pervert!' Sebastian remarked while sinking his penis into and unloading in the same orifice. 'I always will be, sir!' 'Si, si, puta!' Javier grinned as Carol, Nimrod, Georg and Sebastian left, though she'd always remember that she was a 'vile!' ~*~ Part 5 Twice a week, Carol went to a beauty parlor. Throughout the next week while was she gone, Sebastian wore surgical gloves to collect Nimrod's sperm in jar which he stored in a bedroom refrigerator until a Saturday afternoon when she was drinking coffee in the kitchen. As well, she was dressed in panties and a bra. 'Did you buy some new clothes?' he inquired. 'I prefer being half-naked, sir,' she replied. 'Your immodesty suits you,' he answered. 'So does your depravity,' Georg remarked. 'Yes, sir!' 'You belong in the gutter!' he said. 'You're rude!' Sebastian chuckled. 'Thanks,' Georg answered, then: - 'Caffeine's an aphrodisiac.' 'Yes, sir,' Carol said. 'Are you horny?' Sebastian inquired. 'Yes, sir,' she answered. 'Take your bra and panties off,' Georg instructed. 'Yes, sir,' - and she stood to obey before Sebastian disappeared into his bedroom to bring the jar and a douche-bulb to the kitchen. 'Nimrod's supplied a drug,' he said as he opened the receptacles and emptied the jar into the bulb. He replaced its spout, thrust it into her ass and administered her an enema before he took her cup and held it under her. 'Defecate!' he snarled. 'Yes, sir!' Carol said as she complied. Next, he slid the nozzle out and buried it in her throat. 'Taste your poop!' he commanded. 'Uh-hmmm!' she nodded. Sebastian finally unplugged the spout and handed the beverage to her after she'd sat in her chair. 'Swill that, pig!' he laughed. 'Yes, sir!' Carol blushed. 'Our wife's a sow!' Georg remarked as Nimrod entered the kitchen, reared, aimed his dick into her snatch and triggered her orgasm to end the afternoon. ~*~ Part 6 Since Carol had received a large inheritance from her real husband, she didn't have a job until a company hired her to promote its business. And during supper the next Thursday, she announced, 'I'll be working, sirs.' 'Doing what?' Sebastian said. 'Demonstrating sex-toys. A customer's scheduled an appointment for tomorrow evening at 5, sir.' 'Your employer provided your phone number?' Georg asked. 'Yes, sir.' 'Congratulations. I'm proud,' Sebastian responded. 'Thank you, sir,' Carol replied. However, she didn't know it was the company's policy to send representatives to initial demonstrations, though she was wearing a short dress when she answered the door that evening. 'Hi, Carol. I'm Liam,' a white man startled her. 'H-e-l-l-o, s-s-sir.' 'Liam's an Irish name, isn't it?' Sebastian said. 'Yes, it is, and my ancestors kissed the Blarney Stone,' Liam replied before Georg whistled and Nimrod sauntered into the living room. Georg lifted his tail, shoved her to her kness and growled, 'Kiss your husband's stones!' 'Yes, sir!' Carol murmured as she started dehumanizing herself. 'Did you say husband?' Liam asked. 'Yeah, I did,' Georg answered as Liam dropped his jeans to display his 9-inched pecker. He began fondling it while Sebastian forced a vibrator and a dildo into her muff. Nimrod then turned and emptied his balls into her mouth. 'You shameful hussy!' Liam snorted. 'You're a slattern, aren't you, Carol?' Sebastian inquired. 'Yes, sir!' she admitted while an orgasm surged through her loins. 'Nimrod should divorce you!' Georg replied as he and Sebastian directed sperm into her oral pit. Nevertheless, Carol flinched when Liam shot jizz into her eyes. 'Weep, you poor, poor baby!' he taunted her. After that, he drew his jeans up. 'I'm finished and ready to report to my supervisor,' he said. 'Is she allowed to sell these devices?' Sebastian asked. 'Yeah, at a 75% discount,' Liam responded. 'Thank you, sir,' Carol bid him farewell, then: - 'Please don't divorce me, Nimrod!' But the dog's only answer was to bark! ~*~ Part 7 The following Saturday was the honeymoon's 3-month anniversary and Elroy's nineteenth birthday, with him, Sebastian, Nimrod and Georg celebrating both events at Carol's house. 'Time flies and I can't believe we've been hitched that long,' Georg said. 'Me, neither,' Sebastian replied, then: - 'You don't love your mother, do you, Elroy?' 'She's an obscene abomination,' Elroy quoted Georg. 'Yes, I am, sir,' responded Carol who was naked. 'You're glad Nimrod didn't divorce you, aren't you?' Georg asked. 'Yes, sir.' 'That's because he appreciates your promiscuity,' Georg said. 'Incest isn't any worse than bestiality, is it?' Sebastian inquired. 'No, sir.' 'You're an adulteress, aren't you, mom?' Elroy asked. 'Yes, sir.' 'That characterizes the sleaze-bag you are,' Georg answered as he, Sebastian and Elroy stripped. She lay on the floor; Elroy thrust his dick into her mouth while Nimrod steered his into her pussy. 'He's going to breed you!' Sebastian warned her. 'Whelp Nimrod a litter!' Georg suggested. 'I wouldn't mind sharing your motherhood,' Elroy said. 'You're generous,' Sebastian remarked. But Carol was taking pill. Nevertheless, Elroy battered her throat until he came in it and Nimrod her muff. They withdrew from her before Georg began destroying her snatch. 'Hurt me!' she begged him. 'You bet, I will!' he growled as he slimed her vag. However, he'd scarcely done that when Elroy flipped her off and said, 'Bless you, mother-dearest!' 'We cursed her in church, huh, Georg?' Sebastian inquired 'Yeah, forever!' Georg replied. 'I'm damned to hell, sirs!' Carol sobbed while Sebastian ejaculated into her mouth. 'Swallow your disgrace!' he ordered. 'Yes, sir.' 'Happy birthday, Elroy. Would you marry me?' she asked. 'You're twisted! But, why not?' Elroy answered. 'Thank you, sir.' She now had 4 'husbands,' though regretted that she couldn't 'whelp' Nimrod a 'litter.' (to be continued)
The park The park · Voyeur · The park was an interesting place to go on boaring summer days . We just moved from Orange County California to South Florida and without knowing anyone till school began I would go to the City park and layout swim and tease all the horny older men. My swim suit was a thong bottom and a mid drift tshirt I had cut that was thin from wear and it shows off my nipples when they get hard. I ride my Vespa with a mini skirt and no panties and carry my bottoms in the holder incase I need them. The rush of air blows my pleaded mini skirt up and the looks from men is priceless. I usually stop at the play ground and apply my oil and spf lotion as I slip on my thong . Pervert men always hang out close to the play area as well as the showers are all there as well. I'm sure there are cameras or peep hole throughout the changing room. I get my back pack and begin my walk thru the hiking trail to find my spot to layout. Watching men cruise the park in cars usually means horny perverts walking in the woods. So I find a spot that has a back wall made of beach sand and coral ?. So I set out my blanket 2 beach towels My tablet and a umbrella type fold out that Gives me some shade to watch videos or listen to jams. The area is being to get a few more people , a couple that look like there on honeymoon, A hott milf that is very well kept up for her age and a father son duo . Of course the pervs are getting in a position to watch any thing that gets them hott. I pull of my top and rub spf on my tits and pull off my thong and oil up. The man and his son have a few grins trying not to be to obvious. As I get on a chat app And return some messages one of the members sends a pr/message I saw you ride in and love watching you layout nude teasing all of us today. I took a big swig of my rum and coke and tried to see if I noticed any of the men typing Or looking my direction. I couldn't tell so I responded did it turn you on me riding in with no panties on. He replied we all got rock hard when we saw... I replied who is with you... He said it's a family reunion and it's a few uncles his brother and his brother in law. He ask in capital letters CAN YOU PUT ON A SHOW FOR US?.... TO BE CONTINUED
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The Teacher's Tale The Teacher's Tale · General · The Teacher’s Tale “And for next week I want you to read chapters 16 to 20 alright?!” My last sentence of class was met with a cacophony of noise. The bell rang‚ chairs scraped‚ bags zipped‚ voices grew louder. Lunchtime at Pembury High. I sighed and picked up my own books; heading to the staff room to get my lunch. I always brought packed lunch. It was a force of habit – something my mother had always done for me when I was at school‚ it made me feel… nostalgic in a way. I said hello to my fellow teachers and opened my locker. Inside was something incredibly shocking. A detention slip! It read “I need to see you in my office at the end of the day.” Under ‘reason’ was simply “;)” and it was just signed “LDE”. LDE was the acronym that our school’s dance teacher used. Her name was Lara Diane Edrel. I was both confused and excited. I had fancied Lara since we had joined the school together last year. We were only a year apart in age but she seemed so much like me that the age thing never mattered. She was not the tallest‚ nor the shortest of women‚ she was a perfect height and a fantastic build‚ her legs were lithe and sexy – years of dancing had toned them up‚ her stomach was flat‚ her arse had a fantastic curvature almost perfect and her breasts… her breasts were incredible. Large and round and succulent… I just wanted to taste them. I suddenly caught myself and rushed back to my classroom hoping the day would pass quickly. I myself was not very tall – at the age of 21‚ I was 5’7” quite slim in build with a big smile and big round brown eyes. I had caught several of my sixth formers staring at me and it worried me to think about how they talked about me and my fellow teachers – knowing that I had only myself been in their shoes three or four years previously. I had to be careful about what I thought for the last period of the day. Year nine’s were a tricky bunch at the best of times‚ never mind when my head was over in miss Edrel’s office between her breasts‚ or better yet between those gorgeously sexy legs‚ licking her sweet pussy… I shook myself and carried on with teaching my class about Romeo And Juliet despite the fact that they clearly had no interest in what I was teaching them. I stuck on a youtube video and let the class run to an end‚ not even setting them any homework and as the bell went‚ I was racing across the grounds to get to Lara’s office. When I got there I saw her silhouette through the frosted glass on her door. I hesitated‚ taking in her gorgeous figure then‚ after a split second‚ I knocked. “Come in!” her voice floated through the door‚ it was music to my ears. As I pushed the door open I spoke “Hey Miss Edrel – you wanted to see me? Very nice with the det slip by the way!” I tried to act jovially‚ even though I was nervously excited and could feel my cock stiffening as I looked at her amazing body. She was wearing a figure hugging summer dress – her legs were bare‚ as were her feet so she had obviously removed her leggings which she would have been wearing all day and her full beautiful breasts were almost spilling out of the top of her dress. She flicked her strawberry blonde hair as she turned to look at me with her staggering green eyes and a smile on her face. She walked with a sway in her hips that I had never seen on any other woman and god dam it was sexy. “yes… I wanted to see you” she said in a silky voice‚ locking the door as she did so‚ “and by the look of things‚” she gazed down at the solid lump that was my cock “you wanted to see me too!” I suddenly became very flustered‚ stumbling over my words “I – I can… I can explain!” She just giggled and said “explain what? That you’ve wanted to fuck me since we met? Oh hunny‚ I know… I wanted to see how long it would take you to make a move… but I got bored of waiting…” Before I knew what was happening‚ she had pulled down her dress so I could see her magnificent breasts fully for the first time – they were every bit as beautiful as I had imagined and then she had her hands in my boxers‚ pulling them down and grabbing my cock as she did so‚ sliding her hand up and down slowly at first. “well… it’s nice to meet you” she said‚ before swallowing all 8 and a half inches whole. I swear I almost came right there and then and my hands flew to the back of her head‚ pushing my cock as deep down her throat as I could and she grabbed hold of my thighs‚ before moving one hand to gently carress my balls as she deepthroated me. I moaned and she groaned as she throatfucked me. I was getting closer to orgasm and she could clearly tell this so she squeezed my balls harder and sucked me faster and faster until I groaned loudly and gripped her hair tight trying hard not to shout as there were still students milling around the building‚ I shot my load deep in her throat. She swallowed it all down‚ licking her lips. She stood up and covered up saying “well… that was definitely worth the wait… however… you owe me now!!!” I was too shocked to speak! She wrote something on a piece of paper and slipped it in my shirt pocket whispering in my ear “my address… swing by later tonight… I’ll have a real treat for you then… off you go!” And in a flash‚ I was out of her office‚ still dazed and amazed by what had just transpired… I rushed home unable to get my head around what had happened… Apparently‚ she had wanted me too! And had just been waiting for my play?!!? Well had I known that I would have acted a fuckload sooner!!! I ran up the stairs to my flat‚ fumbling with the keys before I finally managed to let myself in. I was met by my cat and I had to say “Sorry old friend‚ but I have another pussy to play with tonight!” The cat looked slightly hurt (if cat’s can look hurt) and stalked away with her tail in the air as if I’d personally insulted her. I’d buy her some tuna to make it up to her later‚ but right now‚ showering and getting back out was more important. I stripped down and turned the shower on‚ embracing the cold water before it finally turned to hot. I thought that the sheer cold might make me think twice about what I was going to do that evening but instead it only refocused my mind on what was going to happen. As I was washing myself‚ I thought about her lips wrapped around my cock and felt myself getting harder and harder. It was no good‚ I began to stroke myself‚ gently at first‚ the water crashing down around me. I was imagining her breasts enveloping my cock‚ her squeezing them tightly around it and sucking the end every time it went near those incredibly sexy lips. I stiffened even more as I thought about sliding my head between her pussy lips and how good she would taste… before I knew it‚ I had shot my load and it was washing away down the drain… Now all I had to do was wait for her text message to say she was ready for me to come over… Well that and get changed. The text message came whilst I was playing xbox. I felt my phone vibrate against my leg and almost dropped the controller. The text simply read “I’m waiting big boy ;) x” Well‚ I’d kept her waiting once‚ so it would be rude to do it again! I chucked on some jeans and a tee‚ grabbed my hoodie‚ keys and phone from the side and was out my door no more than three minutes after receiving that text. In my pocket was the piece of paper with her address on it. She only lived three or four streets away from me!!! I was getting nervous again but I was excited as well‚ the blood was pumping in my ears. It was an odd sensation‚ but I knew the blood would be pumping somewhere else soon enough. I arrived at her front door within about ten minutes and I rang the door bell. When she answered‚ my jaw almost hit the floor. She was stood there in a French maids outfit and black high heels. Again her breasts were almost fully out – the outfit made them look even bigger than they actually were and the skirt was so short that I was sure if she bent over I would see her panties. “Good evening sir” She said in the same silky voice she had used earlier. “Please… Come in”. I was more than happy to oblige and after I’d stepped across the threshold she shut the door behind me‚ spun me around and pulled me towards her. I kissed her passionately‚ my lips finding hers with incredible ease; our tongues were not far behind and we were exploring each others mouths. It wasn’t long before I was kissing down her neck‚ grazing my teeth‚ carefully‚ so as not to leave a mark – I knew what kids could be like in school and didn’t want her to have to face any of the flak she would get if she had a love bite – and I moved closer and closer to those incredible breasts. Finally‚ I managed to get my lips onto them kissing closer and closer to her nipples. It was just as I raised my hands to remove her top that she pushed me to my knees and forced my head towards her pussy. She didn’t need to force really but it felt good to be wanted down there… She smelt incredible‚ I could tell her juices were flowing but that didn’t stop me from sliding my tongue all the way up her pussy‚ teasing her arsehole before reaching the top and flicking over her already swollen clit. My teeth closed around it as my tongue began to swirl and stab and flick and my fingers plunged inside her. I could hear her moaning as I did this and a sudden surge of inspiration came to me. The next time I withdrew my fingers I slid one into her arsehole and two into her pussy‚ all the while my tongue and teeth working on her clit. This made her grind her hips towards my face and she began to moan faster as my fingers penetrated her two holes. My cock was throbbing but I didn’t stop; I wanted to repay her for earlier. It wasn’t long before I was going to get my reward – her moans got louder and quicker‚ her breathing more shallow; then‚ all of a sudden‚ her hands gripped my hair stupidly tightly and I could feel her pussy and arsehole tense around my fingers. I licked her until her orgasm subsided then she pulled me up and licked her juices off me. “Well‚” she said “I guess that makes us even… Shall we get on with the evening’s entertainment? I thought we’d skip dinner‚ as you’ve just eaten and I intend to eat something myself a little later….” She winked as she finished her sentence‚ grabbed me by the hand and dragged me towards what I could only assume was her bedroom. What I saw upon entering her bedroom shocked and excited me all at once. Attached to the four bed posts were shackles and laying in the middle of the bed was a huge red dildo… Must have been at least ten inches. I was wondering what was about to happen but realised that with Lara‚ I would be able to explore a sexual side of myself that I had never been able to before. Whilst I was taking in what I saw on the bed‚ Lara began to strip and I realised she wasn’t only pantiless‚ but braless too. I watched as she got completely naked‚ bending down to take off her heels and showing me her beautiful trimmed pussy and her arsehole‚ still pink from the assault against the door earlier. As she took off her second shoe she spoke. “I can see from the look in your eye you’re a little surprised… but from the look of your trousers excited too!” She laughed softly as I looked down and saw that my cock was as stiff as iron. She walked over to me and kissed me as she had earlier‚ this time sliding her hands up my top and dragging her nails down my chest. The pain felt good in a twisted kind of way and just as I found myself wanting more and my cock throbbing‚ she stopped. She took my top off and unzipped my jeans‚ pulling them and my boxers down but waiting for me to remove them fully as she wandered back to the bed‚ perching on the edge. I clumsily removed the rest of my clothing and almost sprinted over to her. “Woah there!” She said‚ “I want you to do something to me…” “Anything!” I replied. “I want you‚ to take this big red dildo‚ and force it down my throat… then‚ I want you to put it in my arse and fuck me hard from behind… I want you to treat me like your little slut‚ all my holes‚ are yours… I want you to use and abuse me… all I ask‚ is that this dildo is in my arse for the first few orgasms and after we’ve fucked once… you chain me up. Other than that‚ you have free reign. Deal?” My response was to grab the dildo and her throat‚ almost in the same action. Squeezing her throat I said “Open up.” She obliged almost instantly and I relinquished my grip slightly sliding the dildo in‚ inch by inch to her wide open mouth watching as she took it just as easily as she had taken my cock earlier on that day. When she had it all the way in I held her throat tighter‚ closing my fingers so she could barely breathe. She began to cough and splutter and I again loosened my grip and began to remove the dildo from her throat‚ before ramming it deeper again and making her gag and splutter from the surprise. I smirked‚ pleased that I had caught her out and this time as I removed the dildo from her throat I brought it all the way out‚ telling her to bend over. She obliged almost instantly and I forced her head into the bed before spreading her perfectly rounded arse cheeks. I spat on her arsehole to make it wet then slid three fingers inside her straight away. She bucked slightly then stayed still. I’d never done anything to anyone’s areshole before tonight‚ so I was very excited to have free reign over it after fucking her like this… I pulled my fingers out and before putting the dildo inside her‚ I shoved them in her mouth and she willingly sucked them clean. I began teasing her anus with the dildo before she slowly but surely squeezed it in. This time she did buck and moan and rock onto it‚ her moans getting louder as it got deeper and deeper. I pulled it out about half way before slamming it back inside her‚ making her yelp with a mix of surprise and pleasure once again. I smiled again realising what I was about to do and I slid my fingers inside her dripping wet pussy‚ making her moan and slide her hips backwards and forwards. It didn’t take long til my cock was solid again and I pulled my fingers out and slid it in slowly‚ inch by inch‚ just like I had the dildo. Her pussy felt wonderful around my cock‚ warm‚ tight and wet… Just perfect. She moaned louder and louder as my cock went in and out of her‚ slowly and gently at first but then faster and harder and faster still‚ our hips moving in a rhythmical movement. Suddenly she said “Spank me!” So I pulled my hand back and spanked her. “What the fuck was that‚ are you man or mouse? I said fucking SPANK ME!!!” She screamed the last two words as my cock drilled into her again‚ this time I was taking no prisoners‚ I pulled my hand back as far as I could and brought it crashing down on her arse cheek. The noise was incredible but nowhere near as incredible as the one she made after I made contact and my cock slipped deeper. “mmmmm fuck yeah! Keep going you’re getting me close!” My hand stung from the spank but it was a good sensation so I did the same to her other arse cheek. She moaned again and our movements became faster and more intense‚ as we drew closer to orgasm I brought my hands round to her front‚ squeezing those beautiful breasts hard and pinching her nipples‚ making her squeal with delight‚ then‚ my fingers found their way to her clit. I could see the dildo poking out of her anus as my cock rammed her pussy again and again and my fingers assaulted her clit. Without warning she cried “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” and I felt her pussy tighten around my cock and she bucked so hard into my hips that it made me shoot my load deep inside her. We rode out our orgasms together then I forced her onto the bed and shackled her up‚ once she was in place I slid my cock into her mouth and began licking her clit again‚ so we were in the 69 position. Once again she took my cock with little resistance all the way down her throat moaning onto me this time as I licked her throbbing clit again assaulting it with my teeth and sliding my fingers inside her‚ letting the dildo in her arse keep that hole filled. I was about to do something I’d wanted to do all night‚ I turned around and put my cock between her tits‚ squeezing them together around it and began fucking her chest. Just as I had imagined‚ she began taking the tip of my cock in her mouth everytime she could reach it and kept telling me how good it felt between her tits. This turned me on immensely‚ however I decided to release my grip on one of her breasts‚ holding them both with one hand covering my cock and the other hand once again closed around her throat. Her moans turned to simply squeaks as her airways closed and I moved down her body‚ sliding my cock inside her widely stretched pussy with ease once again. She tried to moan but again she could only squeak and barely breathe as my cock was pounding her pussy for the second time that evening‚ this time with me on top of her‚ feeling those glorious breasts against my chest‚ her erect nipples rubbing against my body as I fucked her harder and harder. I watched her face as I fucked her and I could see the joy she felt from having her breathing restricted and her pussy pounded‚ and I kept it up‚ pulling my cock all the way out of her‚ before slamming it back in‚ harder and faster I pounded and tighter and tighter I squeezed‚ until I saw her eyes glaze over‚ at which point‚ I let go of her throat and instead began attacking her boobs. I slapped each one in turn hard‚ then bit down on each one of her nipples like I had done her clit earlier on‚ and flicked my tongue‚ ramming her pussy continuously with my throbbing cock. I began removing the dildo from her anus whilst flicking her nipples with my tongue and grazing them with my teeth and then rammed it back in‚ three maybe four times before pulling it all the way out of her and stopping my attack on her nippled just to slide it down her throat again. Before she could so much as moan‚ I had removed my cock from her tight pussy and slammed it into her now massively stretched arsehole. The feeling was sheer ecstasy. Her arse clenched as soon as my cock was in there and I couldn’t help but let out a moan of pleasure as I felt the joys of anal sex for the first time. I couldn’t help but think how fucking hot she looked with my cock in her arse‚ a dildo down her throat and her pussy dripping both of our cum… I took the dildo out of her throat and slid it inside her pussy‚ once again allowing my hand to tighten round her throat‚ after slapping her face hard. She moaned loudly again and I slapped her again with my free hand‚ then concentrated on fucking her slutty little arsehole. It felt so good to be burying my cock deep in her anus I couldn’t help but feel my balls tighten and me get closer to orgasm. I didn’t know how many times she had cum so far but I could tell she was getting insane pleasure from what was going on and her hips were moving as much as her restraints would allow. She managed to whisper “Cum… in … my … arsehole … please… fill me…!” She didn’t need to ask me twice‚ no sooner had the words left her lips‚ my balls tightened totally and my load went inside her again‚ making her let out a low stifled moan and me a loud groan. This is what I had been missing… I wouldn’t be missing it again!!! I continued fucking her arsehole for a few minutes‚ then as I pulled out‚ I pulled the dildo out of her pussy and pushed back into her anus‚ not allowing my cum to escape. I clambered up the bed and fucked her throat again to get myself hard once more. I was in no way done with fucking this stunning specimen of the female gender. Once I was fully hard again I rushed back to the end of the bed‚ and slid my cock in her pussy‚ thrusting gently whilst I undid the shackles around her ankles. She gave me a quizzical look but I slapped her round the face again before she could speak and slammed my other hand into her throat making the words catch before she could say anything. I pounded her pussy a few times to make her slip back into the reverie she was in before and then I let go of her throat again‚ put her legs onto my shoulders and then leaned forward‚ making the most of her flexibility and putting them on her shoulders‚ fucking her as deep as I could‚ I also made sure her dildo was as deep as that could go too‚ before I resumed choking and fucking her‚ my free hand rubbing her clit. Her hips bucked and she came again and again‚ but as I had already cum four times throughout the day‚ I could go for ages. I spanked her hard and rammed her dildo in and out of her arse with my free hand making her squeal again and again with pleasure until finally‚ I felt my balls begin to tighten again. I moved her legs back to be flat on the bed‚ climbed up again and unshackled her hands‚ I slapped her again and said “squeeze your tits together‚ I’m gonna cum all over them” she did as she was told and as I fucked he magnificent breasts I pulled her dildo out of arse and slid it down her throat again. She moaned onto it as my cock slipped between her breasts – her pussy juices were still dripping off me as I was between her tits. She moaned louder and louder bringing me closer and closer to orgasm‚ before finally with one final thrust‚ I shot my load all over her chest moaning as I did so. I rolled off her‚ exhausted‚ but she wasn’t done. She pulled the dildo out of her mouth and ate up all my cum. She attempted to clamber on top of me but I whispered “not tonight… I need a break!” She looked stunned‚ but nodded and proceeded to fuck herself with her dildo until she came one more time. Then she went and had a shower‚ inviting me in but I said “Let’s save something for next time” with a wink and a smile. She laughed and went to shower and when she was done‚ I did the same. We slept together naked‚ our hands exploring each other’s bodies before we slept‚ I knew that from now on‚ life at Pembury High and life with Lara were about to get a whole lot sexier… TO BE CONTINUED… The Teacher’s Tale Part 2. It had been nearly a week since I first fucked Lara‚ the Dance Teacher at Pembury High – the school I also teach English at. Life could not have been better since then. Whenever we saw each other in the corridor we would smile knowingly and nod in recognition of the other – knowing that in a few hours time we would be at either one of our houses‚ fucking each other senseless. I couldn’t help but smile remembering one such moment during the Saturday sex session; she had had all three of her glorious holes completely and utterly violated. I was close to finishing as I pounded both her pussy and anus in turn‚ trying to make myself cum‚ she was moaning loudly and egging me on‚ she wanted it‚ I could tell she wanted it she was almost begging me to cum inside her. Never not wanting to surprise‚ I threw her too her knees‚ grabbed her throat and fucked her face hard and fast‚ knowing she could take me all the way in. She even stuck her tongue out to tease my balls when my cock was buried in her throat. This brought me closer than ever and just as I felt my cock stiffen completely and my balls tighten I pulled out of her mouth and shot my load all over her face and chest. When she opened her eyes and began licking her lips and cleaning herself off‚ she looked incredibly pleased with herself and rather happy that her face and chest had got a glazing of my cum. She did look fucking hot with my cum all over her… It’s a picture that will stay with me forever. I once again found myself heading to the staff room at lunchtime‚ to grab my lunch from my locker‚ when all of a sudden‚ I felt a tug on my sleeve. I turned in bewilderment‚ but this soon turned to delight as I saw Lara peeking out of a broom cupboard and shaking the keys at me. I shook my head‚ double checked no one could see me and I slipped inside. I heard the lock click and as soon as it did I had her up against the door kissing her passionately‚ my tongue sliding inside her mouth‚ my hand flying to her crotch to find her once again pantiless underneath her summer dress. I slipped my fingers inside her and used my thumb to massage her clit as she unzipped my trousers and began rubbing my quickly stiffening cock through my boxers. Her lips moved around to my ear which she bit down on hard‚ making me slam my fingers inside her faster and harder and begin to tease her anus with my little finger‚ knowing how much she wanted it inside her and how much she enjoyed it‚ but not wanting to cave to her that quickly. Next thing I knew‚ she was on her knees in front of me‚ taking me deep into her throat. “Oh no you don’t!” I whispered at her in what was a low growl. I picked her up by the throat‚ slammed her back into the door‚ and lifted one of her legs onto my shoulders‚ (her being a dancer was handy and sexy)‚ and slipped my hard and now wet cock easily into her dripping pussy. She let out a moan as my cock and her cunt moved together in perfect harmony and I could feel the warmth and the familiar tightness of her beautiful pussy as my big‚ thick‚ hard cock powered in and out of her. She moaned louder and louder and I could feel her nails dragging down my back‚ spurring me on. I could see the familiar signs of her getting close; her chest was heaving‚ her breathing had become ragged and irregular and she had begun gripping and clawing at my shoulders trying to bring me closer to her as I was fucking her. I slammed my cock into her again and again pulling nearly all the way out apart from my head and then ramming it back inside her as fast and hard as I could‚ sliding my hands down her back to her arse‚ I slipped two fingers inside her anus too and this‚ it seemed‚ was enough to push her over the edge. She bit her lip to stop herself screaming‚ helped by my hand quickly closing around her throat to stifle any other noise that could come out‚ and she clawed my shoulders so hard I was almost certain she drew blood. When her pussy relaxed around my cock‚ I once again forced her to her knees and felt her lips lock around my cock‚ the familiar‚ amazing feeling as my cock went deep down her throat and she held me in there‚ massaging my balls waiting for me to cum. It didn’t take long before I too had reached climax and she’d swallowed it all down. She retrieved her panties from a box on a shelf just behind me and before she could put them on‚ I snatched them off her and said “I think I’ll keep these… I’m coming to pay you a visit later and I don’t want any obstacles!” She looked slightly annoyed at first‚ then I saw the now familiar playful look she got in her eye when she thought about us having sex and she said “Fine. If you want all the year 9 boys to see the pussy you enjoy fucking so much!” She made to unlock and go out of the door‚ but I used my body to block her and pin her up against the door again‚ this time her face up against the wood. Her breathing became shallow again as she felt my cock between her arse cheeks. “Don’t be so disgusting or so silly… we both know that pussy is mine and no one else’s… although‚ I’d be willing to share with your new intern‚ maybe you should get her to wait in your office after school today…” The playful look in her eye suddenly turned to a fire of desire‚ there was a sudden sparkle in them as if to say “oh my god yes.” Instead‚ what she actually said was “I’ll meet you in my office at four. Give me a bit of time to lull her into a false sense of security.” I spanked her as hard as I could and dared with students just milling about outside the door then said “You’re a filthy little slut… And I love it. See you at four.” And with a quick peck on the neck‚ I allowed her to leave the cupboard. It wasn’t long before I followed her‚ sniffing her panties before I left the cupboard and stuffing them in my pocket‚ making sure that the red lace could not be seen from any angle. The rest of the day flew by and when 3 o’clock came and the bell rang‚ I stayed in my classroom‚ claiming to be doing some marking. In fairness‚ I was actually doing some marking‚ but my mind was far from it. I’m sure I even missed a misspelling of “their” as “there” (shocking behaviour for an English teacher)‚ but I didn’t care – Lara was seducing her intern and hopefully‚ I’d be fucking them both very shortly. At five to four‚ my phone buzzed on the table. I dropped my pen and picked it up as soon as I heard it and saw the words “Sorted. Come and get us!” Once again‚ I was rushing through the now thankfully deserted corridors towards Lara’s office. When I got there I could hear giggling‚ I stopped outside for a second‚ trying to decipher whether it was Lara or Kellie‚ and then when I heard a voice I didn’t recognise and the same musical laugh‚ I knew it was Lara. Seemed like her laugh was just as beautiful as the rest of her. I smiled to myself and then steeled myself for what I knew was about to happen‚ what I had orchestrated‚ and walked boldly through the office door. “Afternoon ladies!” I said as I walked in. Lara looked up and smiled at me‚ but Kellie looked confused. Lara chucked me the keys to her door and said “Draw the blind as well hunny‚ we don’t want anyone else to see this!” The look on Kellie’s face darkened even more. She started to speak “wh..what’s going on here?!?!” She stuttered. “Well‚” Lara said in a sing song sort of voice‚ “we’ve noticed how… gorgeous you are… and we wanted to exploit that… and we wanted to do it right now… in my office. Okay?” Kellie looked taken aback but before she had a chance to answer Lara was kissing her and caressing her breasts‚ almost straddling her in the chair. Kellie seemed to struggle for a minute or two but then Lara slid her hand up Kellie’s leg and began rubbing her pussy through her leggings and Kellie started to moan softly into Lara’s mouth. Lara began kissing down Kellie’s body before stopping and looking at me saying “Well come on then! This was your idea!” I couldn’t help but laugh as I stripped off my shirt‚ trousers and boxers then walked over to the two gorgeous women making out with each other. Lara had begun to strip Kellie‚ her top and bra was already on the floor and now Lara was working on her leggings. I looked down at Kellie and saw her stunning figure. She was very lithe and skinny but had big breasts too‚ not quite as big as Lara’s but big enough to stand out in a crowd. She had a very flat stomach and incredibly slim legs. Her pussy was beautifully shaved and was glistening with Lara’s saliva and her own wetness from being so turned on. I looked at her face and saw that it was slightly long but not unattractive – she was pretty in a quirky‚ alternative way. She had deep brown eyes that you could just fall into and she would definitely be a hit in the clubs with all the horny boys. She could be no older than eighteen. For a split second‚ I felt wrong doing this to her‚ but then‚ I heard her let out a loud moan of pleasure as Lara’s tongue found her clit and then my cock stiffened again and found its way into her wide open mouth. She couldn’t take it as deep as Lara could but as soon as I put it in there I felt the cold metal of her tongue stud on my head and this instantly turned me on even more. She was moaning on to my cock as Lara attacked her pussy with her tongue and gagging every so often when my cock hit the back of her throat. She brought her hand up to start jerking me off‚ but I pushed it away‚ holding the back of her head and fucking her face as hard as I was about to fuck her pussy. I pulled out of her mouth and kissed her gently before moving behind Lara and beginning to lick her sodden pussy. She had been rubbing herself whilst fingering and licking Kellie’s pussy and was already absolutely dripping wet‚ but I added my own saliva to the mix‚ first of all sticking my tongue in her arsehole then sliding it all the way up her pussy to her clit‚ sliding my fingers into both holes simultaneously making her moan onto Kellie’s pussy. I felt her begin to buck her hips against my fingers and tongue and I spanked her‚ leaving a massive red mark on her arse‚ the ones I’d left before only just fading. I pulled away and said “swap with Kellie… I wanna taste her and fuck her… get her to lick you out… her tongue is amazing!” Lara could barely speak so she helped me move Kellie to the floor and then Lara knelt over her face‚ I watched as she felt the tongue stud against her pussy for the first time and she moaned louder then she had all day as I began to assault Kellie’s clit‚ pussy and arsehole. I began to slide my fingers in and out of her just like I did with Lara‚ and she squirmed a little at first‚ but then her hips began to buck just like Lara’s had… Turns out she was just as much of a slut as Lara was… I felt my cock stiffen and I looked at Lara’s face‚ it was contorted into the look of sheer pleasure that occurred just as she was cumming. Good‚ I thought to myself. Out loud I said “Lara‚ 69 her whilst I fuck her pussy.. I want you to be able to take both of us in your mouth…” Lara obediently bent forward and I heard a spank as Kellie got more into what was happening. I knelt up and felt Lara suck me into her gorgeous mouth and all the way to the back of her throat again‚ just to prove her supremacy at giving head‚ then forced my cock into Kellie’s tiny tight pussy. She almost screamed into Lara’s pussy as my cock penetrated her time and again with Lara’s tongue lapping at her clit. Every so often Lara would stop to cum all over Kellie’s face again and then keep licking her. I could feel myself getting closer to orgasm and for the first one‚ I wanted them both to suck me off. So I put Lara to her knees and told Kellie to do the same. They both willingly obliged. They took it in turns to suck my dick and balls respectively‚ first Lara on my cock showing Kellie just what she could do‚ then Kellie trying to imitate her and gagging so using her hand to compensate. This brought me close to orgasm and when I said “I’m gonna cum!!!” They both opened their mouths wide and my load shot across both their faces. They spent the next five minutes cleaning each other up‚ then sucking me til I was hard again. This time Lara was going to be fucked by me whilst Kellie licked her clit. They swapped positions and I began to fuck Lara’s sweet pussy looking into Kellie’s eyes as I did so. She looked so helpless‚ being fucked by two people she respected and worked with and yet she had the look in her eyes that begged for more. So I told Lara to destroy her arsehole‚ which apparently she started doing as Kellie started squealing and flicking her tongue over Lara’s clit as my cock pounded in and out. We stayed in like this for what felt like hours; my cock in Kellie’s mouth‚ then back in Lara’s pussy‚ then her arse then back in her pussy again‚ before finally‚ I pulled out of Lara’s pussy‚ pulled Kellie towards me and rammed my cock into her mouth spurting four or five times before finally being done. The two sexy dance teachers kissed and shared my cum then licked each other clean‚ before the three of us collapsed in a heap on the floor. After what felt like an age I stood up and said “We best get dressed and out of here before the cleaner’s turn up… we could all lose our jobs!” Lara gave me a sour look that said simply ‘I wasn’t finished!!!!’ So I carried on “Lara hunny‚ I’ll make it upto you this evening… I’ll be round yours in an hour… Kellie… Would you be willing to do something like this again? You’re incredibly sexy and I for one enjoyed tasting and fucking you very much…” Kellie seemed taken aback‚ but she nodded a couple of times. I smiled at the two of them sat there totally naked and couldn’t help but feel aroused again. “Lara‚ I’ll be at yours in 90 minutes…” I said as I finished getting dressed “you two… best finish up here!” I finished with a laugh as I unlocked the door and headed out to go home and shower. Sure enough‚ after waiting around for twenty or so seconds‚ I heard the lock click and soft moans issuing from the room once again. Fighting every fibre of my being‚ I left the drama class room and headed for my flat. I had a wild evening in planned for Lara‚ and I hoped it’d be one she’d never forget. * Ninety minutes later‚ I rang the doorbell to Lara’s house. She took a little while to answer but when she did she was just stood in her white dressing gown‚ swinging the tie in one hand. She was blocking the way in. “That was a nasty thing you did earlier… Leaving me and poor Kellie while I was still so horny…” “Lara‚ you’re always horny… now if you don’t move out the way and let me in‚ you won’t be able to have my cock again tonight now will you?” I said with a cheeky smile. She pretended to mull it over then said “This had better be good yano… You owe me!!!” I simply smiled and walked in‚ heading straight to her bedroom‚ undressing as I got there. She was right behind me and she helped remove my trousers as I slid her gown off her sleek body. “Lara.. This may be an odd question‚ but how many dildos do you have?” She looked slightly taken aback and then replied “At last count… twelve. Why?” “No reason‚ Just get me your two biggest or thickest ones.. There’s a good girl.” She looked at me again in a quizzical fashion‚ but did as she was told and got her dildos out. She placed them on the bed next to her then said “Well… What are you waiting for?!” I leapt across the room to where she was laying and instantly picked up the red dildo from the week before. I began sliding it up and down her pussy gently and teasingly at first just to get her wet and excited and she tugged at my hair as I did so‚ meaning that she wanted more already and for me to hurry up. I looked up at her whilst rubbing this dildo up and down her pussy and circling it around her entrance and she was getting more and more agitated‚ before her eyes widened as I slipped it inside her moving it in and out gently at first then faster and faster. She began to squeeze her breasts then moved one hand to her clit which she started to rub‚ matching my rhythm with the dildo. It didn’t take long before she was moaning loudly and I was getting excited. Now was to come the fun part. I pulled the dildo all the way out of her pussy and then deliberately turned her over. I spread her arse cheeks wide and slid the now soaking wet dildo deep into her arse. She once again moaned and gripped the bedsheets but she stayed still‚ not quite sure what was about to happen. I spanked her for good measure‚ then took up her second dildo. This one was a dark blue‚ not quite as long as the other one‚ but a bit thicker. This time I took no prisoners‚ slamming it straight into her pussy. She let out a cry of surprise and pleasure then I slid underneath her and she began sucking on my cock for what felt like a heavenly millionth time that day and I began to clamp my teeth down on her clit‚ flicking my tongue between them. It didn’t take long to get me supremely hard‚ so I spanked her‚ pushed her down flat onto the bed and lined my cock up with her pussy. Her dildo was still buried deep inside her and she felt me brush my cock up against her pussy once or twice. She started to say “Oh‚ My‚ God.” But never got beyond “Oh” ‘cos as soon as she started speaking‚ I slammed my cock into her pussy‚ along with her dildo. The feeling of the rubber was an odd one on my cock‚ but not unpleasant as the fake and my real cock worked inside her‚ she began to moan incredibly loudly. Seemed like she loved having her pussy stretched to the limits. I pulled out and flipped her over. I wanted to see the look on her face as the two cocks worked inside her pussy. I wasn’t disappointed. Once again she was biting her lip this time so hard a slight trickle of blood began to slide down her face. She didn’t seem to care. The pleasure of having two cocks in her pussy was so intense she was just focussing on her orgasm. It wasn’t long til I felt her pussy clench and her legs wrap around me. It was the tightest it had ever been during orgasm and she screamed the loudest she had ever screamed. I had to stop thrusting just to keep myself from cumming inside her. I wasn’t ready yet . her arsehole needed the same treatment as her pussy. She seemed to read my mind‚ as both her legs were moved to my shoulders by what seemed to be a mutual unspoken agreement‚ and I spread her arsecheeks wide once again‚ squeezing my cock inside her. I thought her pussy had been tight‚ but this… this was incredible. Every movement felt like it was gonna make me explode. Lara kept wincing‚ I couldn’t tell whether it was with pain or pleasure but she grabbed my hips and made me thrust harder so I guessed it was pleasure. She couldn’t hold on for long though and it wasn’t long til she had another screaming orgasm. This time‚ I came as well‚ filling her arsehole even more than it already was. I kept thrusting until I was done‚ moaning and groaning as I did so‚ then rolled over to lie next to her. She pulled both her toys out of herself and began licking them clean. I didn’t think it possible‚ but this made me even hornier than I had been all day‚ watching her lick her and my cum off of those cocks… She then proceeded to do the same to mine at which point I said “all better now?” She looked at me with her staggering green eyes and said “No… I need to clean you properly!” And with that she held onto my cock and dragged me to her bathroom where she turned on the shower. We began fumbling around with the soap‚ having a bit of a laugh to begin with‚ lathering each other up and washing each other down‚ doing the generic couply thing in the shower. Then I pulled the shower head off of its attachment and plunged the whole thing deep into her pussy‚ whilst it was switched on. She nearly cried with pleasure and I began fucking her arsehole again using the water from the shower and my spit as a lube. She couldn’t keep the shower head inside her for long however‚ so I pulled out of her arse hole‚ pressed her face against the glass‚ and began fucking her pussy‚ holding the power shower over her clit. This really did drive her wild and she was trying to claw at the glass‚ anything to show the pleasure she was feeling. Before too long‚ I abandoned the shower head completely and we fucked as we had in the broom cupboard earlier‚ before she propped herself up between the wall and the glass of the shower door and I fucked her in a sitting position. She had to have me hold her up on several occasions as she lost her grip when she came‚ but everytime she did she dug her nails into me urging me on. It didn’t take long for me to shoot my load inside her‚ burying my cock into her swollen dripping wet pussy‚ and once again she dutifully sucked me clean‚ looking at me the whole time. After this we actually showered properly‚ giving each other a proper wash and clean and then had fun towelling each other off. This gave me another idea. I curled the towel and whipped her on the arse. She screamed and then tried to fight back‚ but I knew as well as she did if I kept whipping her‚ it would turn her on again and she soon submitted and begged “Take me back to the bedroom… I want to fuck you again before we sleep!” This girl was a machine!!! We went back to the bedroom‚ naked and hand in hand and this time she placed me on the bed. “I want a bit of control now!” She said and before I could do anything‚ she had lowered her pussy on to my cock and she was grinding against me. I couldn’t help but let out a groan as I watched her tits bounce up and down whilst she was fucking my cock – the feeling was amazing‚ and I could feel how deep I was going inside her‚ the gravity of her being on top helping with the force of our sex. She clawed down my chest occasionally and I reached up to squeeze those magnificent breasts. I sat up and began biting all down her body and neck as far as I could reach but she slapped me and pushed me back down‚ before standing up turning round and fucking me in reverse cowgirl. I began spanking her arse and clawing down her back but this just made her bounce up and down on me faster and harder. I reached around and began rubbing her massively swollen clit and she started moaning and groaning and reached her hands round to claw at my face and tug my hair. I started to match her rhythm with my cock pounding in and out of her as her pussy lifted up and down onto it. The feeling was ecstasy for the pair of us and I could already feel my balls tightening once again despite the amount of times I’d cum already that day. I squeezed her breasts together and with one final push‚ I began to cum inside her pussy once again. She rode out mine and her orgasm as mine had set her off then she continued to ride me for a little while before she was fully satisfied and clambered off‚ joining me in laying on the bed. I looked at her and smiled. “I like this new arrangement we have!” I said laughing. She looked at me for a long time before saying “Me too… I just wish you’d done thing’s sooner!” I nodded trying not to laugh. And then she said “And next time we have a threesome‚ I want two cocks‚ you hear me? Otherwise it’s not fair! Today you got two pussies‚ two mouths and four breasts! I got one cock!” I tried to defend myself “HEY‚ you got Kel’s tongue too!!!” But she was having none of it. “Fine‚” I finally conceded “You find a guy‚ and we’ll have a threesome with him…” If truth be told‚ I did wanna try both ways‚ and I knew from what happened earlier tonight she’d love to have more than one cock inside her at a time… maybe even having two in each hole… She rolled over‚ grabbed her phone and texted someone saying she knew just the guy. I smiled then kissed her on the lips. “Night Lara… Try not to wake me up too early…” “You’re the one that always wakes me up!” She said laughing “You always prod me in the side or the back with that thing down there!!” We both fell about laughing‚ and started to go to sleep‚ both thinking about what the next couple of days and sexual encounters would bring! TO BE CONTINUED. The Teacher’s Tale Part 3 “Fuck.. Fuuuuuucccckkkkkk!!!!” This was the sound being made by the gorgeous girl I was fucking and had been for the last few weeks as my balls collided with her anus whilst I pounded her pussy as hard and fast as my small frame would allow. She was clawing down my back (I couldn’t count the number of scratches I had accumulated)‚ but nothing was going to stop me. I brought my hand down upon her face and thrust deep into her again as I shot my load into her pussy again. I felt her tighten around me as I did so and she dug her nails in as deep as she could as she too let her orgasm go. “Fuck me.” She said‚ “That was good!” I smiled wryly at her. I couldn’t help but feel that I needed to spice things up some what – Lara had such a huge sexual appetite that I felt I had to whet it somewhat just to keep her satisfied. She was the best thing I had ever had or experienced sexually but if I was to slip up then I would lose her forever. “Hunny… Whats up?” She asked looking at me with a worried look in her eye. “Wasn’t I good enough?” She seemed so downtrodden and disheartened that I just couldn’t bare it. “No of course not gorgeous you were amazing as ever… It’s just…” She looked at me “Just..?” she egged me on. “Nothing… We’re going away for a weekend. I’ll book us the hotel tomorrow morning and we’ll go tomorrow afternoon and just have a fuck fest somewhere different yeah?” I finished beaming down at her. She smiled back and said “OKAY! Anything you want me to bring???” “No‚” I said “just let me pack a bag for you before I leave and then you have to bring it… but no peeking!” She smiled and said “Oooo you’re so sexy when you’re mysterious…” As she said this she sauntered towards the bathroom. “Coming…again?” She winked and I… I couldn’t refuse. “You bet your life I am.” And I sprinted after her taking her into the shower once again. * Lara was driving and listening to the instructions the Sat Nav we had christened “Sally” was giving her. We had gone as far away from Pembury as we could get without it having to take us a whole day to travel. We did stop at a service station and yes‚ we did have a quickie in the backseats of the car where a policeman came and knocked on the window and I thought we were going to get arrested til Lara asked him if he’d like to join in and bring his female partner over to as well and he looked kind of sheepish and said “don’t do it again” and ran off back to his bike. This was a source of great amusement for a good hour of the journey we both fell about laughing Lara trying to concentrate on the drive after I had made her legs shake from the sex we had had not too long before. The bags I had packed were sat in the boot full of toys and other things that I wanted to use on Lara later that evening and she had kept badgering me about what was in there but I just smiled and would say “Wait and see” and go back to reading my book. When we reached the hotel I gave the name that I had booked it under and then I ran upstairs with Lara. I could tell she was horny as she couldn’t keep still and I smirked as we got into the room and the first thing she did was throw off her clothes‚ sprawl on the bed and say in her sexy little voice “Come and get me big boy…” An offer like that one did not refuse. I went over to the bed‚ taking my top off as I did so and making sure that I had locked the door. The ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign swung lazily on the wrong side of the handle as my face fell into Lara’s pussy. Her legs spread wide and my tongue dived inside her‚ my fingers slipping into her arse hole. “Oooh… It’s been too long…” She moaned quietly gripping my hair hard and pulling me deeper into her pussy my nose rubbing against her engorged clit. She smelt and tasted amazing as ever and my cock was rock solid as my tongue moved in and out of her and swirled inside her‚ my fingers pumping her anus and my free hand squeezing each of her magnificent breasts in turn. I pulled my tongue out of her deciding my cock needed to be buried balls deep inside her and I rolled her legs up so her knees were by her face. She just went with it and allowed me to slide my cock deep into her pussy whilst I perched on her thighs. I dipped my cock in and out of her faster and faster deeper and deeper my balls against her clit‚ bouncing on it and making her moan gently every time my cock buried itself inside her. She was moaning and clawing my back again and squeezing my arse trying to make me cum. I pulled out of her pussy and deliberately missed‚ slamming my big wet cock into her arsehole making her scream with pleasure and pain all at once and she rocked backwards hard. I pulled out and forced her legs as far back and as far wide as they could go and began to pound her arsehole hard and fast so much so she began to cry with pain as I plunged deeper‚ harder and faster than I had ever done before. She screamed as she reached orgasm and this spurred me on‚ making me slide four fingers inside her pussy‚ spread as wide as they could making her close her eyes and moan even louder as my cock and fingers worked in tandem to bring her closer to another orgasm. She was moaning and groaning and pushing her holes onto my appendages. She groaned as another orgasm hit her and my balls began to tighten up. This was a now very familiar feeling every time Lara and I were in a room together. I pulled out of her arse hole and began to pull her down but I didn’t need to. She was on her knees in a flash and taking me in her mouth‚ this time thought only sucking my head and jerking the shaft faster and faster. She kept eye contact the whole time and began to swirl her tongue on my tip. This was nearly enough to set me off except she decided to swallow me whole then slide all the way back up my cock and play with the tip again. This sent me into overdrive and I shot my load deep into her throat which she swallowed and sucked up greedily. I looked down at her and stroked her hair smiling. She smiled back and licked her lips her tongue smacking against them as if to say “give me more!” I couldn’t believe this girl. She was utterly amazing in every aspect. Sexy and a sexaholic. Perfect. Instead of giving her what she wanted however I went into one of the bags and pulled out a slutty police officers uniform‚ some stockings and some heels. “Why don’t you go get a bath… and then come out wearing this? And then the room will be ready for you and us and our… session for later…” I said with a wink. She hurriedly took the clothes and shoes off of me and went into the bathroom. I heard the lock click and said “You better use the shower head on your clit cos if I don’t hear you moaning I’m not gonna fuck you later!” She made a noise that sounded like “Duh.” And I laughed as I prepared the room‚ picking up the phone and calling room service. “Hi‚ Yeah‚ I’d like to order some food up to the room… and could you please make sure it’s a guy that brings it up? My… girlfriend is fussy about who brings her food!” I hung up the phone and began to light the red candles I’d brought. They would go nuts downstairs if they found out I had candles but I didn’t want them to be lit for too long. I grinned as I lay out her toys on the bed along with two sets of handcuffs‚ a whip‚ a blindfold and two of her leather shackles. I grinned as I heard her moaning loudly (even if she was faking it‚ she had at least tried to please‚ and lets face it‚ she was such a nympho she probably was using the showerhead on her clit like I’d asked)‚ and finished laying everything out‚ sitting on the bed in just my boxer shorts waiting for her to come out of the bathroom in her outfit. I wasn’t waiting long. Out she stepped of the bathroom and it took every bit of self control to stop my jaw hitting the floor. This unfortunately for me meant that my cock was unattended and sprang to life at the sight of her. Her full beautiful breasts flowing out over the top of the far too tight policewoman’s top cum dress her stockings finishing just below the bottom of the outfit‚ her legs looking sleeker and sexier than ever in the heels that I’d given her. She had a cap on hiding the top of her head and she looked up at me from under the peak. She gazed around the room. “I think I’ll have to place you under arrest. For having a too hard cock and for not fucking me quickly enough.” And upon seeing the candles she added “And for being a romantic fuck.” She swayed towards me and dropped to her knees‚ literally ripping the boxers off me and took me into her mouth for the second time that evening. I pulled her top down slightly and her breasts fell free and I looked down to see my cock almost between them. It was like she read my mind and slid her breasts around my cock‚ sucking it occasionally to make it wetter and to allow it to slide better between them. It was at one such moment that there was a knock on the door and I forced her to swallow my cock‚ lodging it at the back of her throat and shouting in a clear voice “Come in. I’m in the bathroom. Come and leave it on the bed.” In walked the guy I had asked for to come and deliver me the food I’d requested. He saw what was happening and made to run out but I shouted “WAIT!” And he stopped. “Do you not find my girlfriend sexy?” He looked and I could see a definite bulge in his pants. “We don’t have any money to tip you with… So let us tip you another way… A very good way… Let her fuck you…” He looked again. I looked down at her and whispered “Pull up your dress hunny” Which she did so with incredible speed‚ spreading her legs ever so slightly to give him a full view of her pussy. Within seconds he was behind her‚ his cock out and sliding into her pussy from behind. She moaned onto my cock‚ her vocal chords vibrating against my head and I smiled down at her and whispered “surprise!” All she could do was moan as the hotel boy slid his cock in and out of her. She took me out of her mouth and began to jerk me hard and fast but I pulled her hand away and said “On the bed. Both of you. Lara‚ on top of me…” She obeyed and I slid my cock into her arse while the other guy slipped his cock inside her pussy. In tandem we began to fuck her holes. I reached around and began squeezing her throat as both our cocks filled her as deep as they could. He was moving fast and hard as was I and I could tell he was squeezing her breasts and I could feel him pulsing and throbbing inside her every time he thrusted inside her she bucked her hips and I could feel her grind her anus onto my cock. She tried to moan but I squeezed almost all of the breath out of her throat and she bucked harder and harder and I smiled‚ releasing her throat slightly so she could breathe and she let out a long loud moan. After she orgasmed I told her to turn around and let him fuck her arse hole. She did as she was told and got on her knees before laying face down on top of me‚ my cock inside her pussy and he was just about to slip into her anus before I said “put the red one in her first” He looked down at the bed and saw the red dildo “oh and pass me the blue!” He looked and saw them both next to each other… He thought for a split second then slid the red dildo deep into her arse causing her to moan gently and passed me the blue dildo‚ which I slid into her pussy alongside my cock. I looked at her and said “Four cocks you little whore. You’re taking four cocks. And you’re going to cum harder than you ever have and it’s all because of me. You are mine and I own you and your pussy and the only reason you’re being fucked by all four cocks is because of me.” Before she could answer my hand reached her throat again and the other nameless guy slid his cock into her anus along with the red dildo and I could feel the scream build then die in her throat as my hand caught it. Both of our cocks worked her pussy and my spar hand worked on her clit. I could feel her pussy close around my cock and tighten again and again as she came repeatedly from having the four cocks – two real‚ two fake in her slutty holes and I could see tears roll down her cheeks. I could feel myself getting closer and judging by the powerfulness of the other’s thrusting so was he. “She’ll take it in her mouth.” I threw her to her knees then picked her up by the throat. “toss him off into your mouth. Do it like you did to me earlier.” And she did as she was told and she began to suck his head and jerk him into her mouth. “I want to see him cum in your mouth. Let me watch.” She opened her mouth just as the guys face contorted and his cum shot inside her. “Keep it in your mouth and toss me into you too.” She did as she was told‚ rubbing my cock harder and faster making me closer and then she began to fondle my balls which made me spurt right in her mouth. I looked her dead in the eye. “Now swallow it you dirty little slut.” And she did. She swallowed every last drop of cum in her mouth and I smiled. “Thank you sir‚ that will be all. Please enjoy the rest of your evening and remind the rest of your staff not to disturb us unless we invite them. Thank you.” Before I had even finished the first sentence he had gone out the door and down the corridor‚ pulling his trousers up and belting them so as his manager didn’t see anything wrong. The dildo’s were still inside Lara and she made to take them out. I looked at her and said “Don’t you dare!” And she replied with “That. Was fucking hot. And very naughty…” “Not anywhere as hot or naughty as this will be. On the bed. Now.” She obeyed without question and I saw the dildos being held tightly in place and affecting the way she was moving. Once she was on the bed I said “Spread ‘em!” She immediately did as she was told and I cuffed both her hands to the bars at one end of the bed and shackled her legs to the other end. I put the blindfold on her and said “Now you are truly mine…” All she did was smile and I blew out the candles‚ grabbing them as I did so. I made her suck my cock again to get me hard‚ then I began fucking her pussy again‚ making her moan and groan as I did so. This time however I poured the hot melted wax from the candles onto each of her nipples at the same time. She tried to buck but she couldn’t so she moaned loudly instead. With what was left of the wax I dripped the rest of one candle onto her clit with my cock still pounding her pussy and then with a moments hesitation‚ I slid the still hot candle deep into her arsehole. This sent her into a pain and pleasure overdrive. She spasmed and moaned and screamed and bucked and grinded on my cock making noises that no human has heard since the stone age as her most primal instincts came out and I slammed her throat and buried my fingers in her mouth to stifle some of the noise. I pulled the candle and the dildo out of her arse and then pulled my cock out of her and began to fuck her anus again. She was breathing very heavily and I could see tears glistening on her cheeks. I spanked her arse cheeks and bit down on her nipples‚ tasting the wax and making her raise slightly off the bed. I put my cock into her arsehole gently at first and I saw her visibly wince. This just made me want to fuck her harder so I did so. My big hard cock pushed against the walls of her arsehole which were roasting hot and tighter than they had been before I ever fucked her and she cried with pleas
Photography Hobby Photography Hobby · Incest And Taboo · This story is a work of fiction. There are many advantages of being very wealthy as you might imagine but for me the best part is the ability to follow your lusts to any degree you want. I have always found young girls and boys to be a secret desire for me, so at one point I opened a photography studio and fully equipped it with the latest cameras and computers just to take pictures of a particular girl. That project went well for a few months before it ran its course and mom wouldn’t let her little girl do any more modeling, and quite honestly I had forgotten about the studio, until my phone rang. I had posted some ads months’ earlier about child modeling and part of the ad read that you could make 1000’s a week for the right person. The mom calling me sounded a little strung out and really desperate to know how she could get the big payday, so I gave her the basic rundown of how the modeling world runs. We could meet and I would take some photos of her daughter in various scenarios and different outfits – all of which I would provide – then I would send some out to my list of clients and see if they were interested. I usually send 25 photographs for an introduction and if they like them I will sell the 25 photos for $10-$25 per picture. This would make the Mom $500-$750 each set – minus my 20 % commission. (I had to take something for all my “work” or she would be suspicious of my motives) Mom eagerly agreed to this and we made an appointment for the very next day at 10am to meet for the first shoot. After I hung up with her I went to my studio and started getting everything ready. It had been almost a year since my last model and I had to get familiar with the set up all over again. Satisfied that the video cameras were working and all the hard drives were empty I left for the night with great expectations for the morning. I was not disappointed in the morning as mom and her daughter showed up early for our appointment. I was spot on with my analysis of mom – she looked like a meth head and had erratic body movements which were most of the time a total alarm for being around them, unless she is in possession of a beautiful 9-10 year old girl that wants to become a payday model for mom. We introduced ourselves and I had to struggle to keep calm when looking at her daughter, Lisa. She was nothing like her mom almost to the point that I wondered if they were even related. I explained again how this would work and took a chance with Mom (I don’t remember her name at all) and told her that it was usually best if she wasn’t in the studio during shoots. She seemed almost relieved and as soon as she had signed the parental release form she left without even saying bye to Lisa. With just the 2 of us there I was surprised to find that Lisa was very comfortable and was excited about modeling. We went to the back dressing room where I had racks of different outfits ranging from Tennis clothes to lingerie and we started going through them looking for the right fit. She was a natural and loved the clothes so I let he pick out 5 outfits herself, all of which were very modest, and I picked out a shorts and halter top and a bikini that was just a little too small. I told her I would wait outside for her to change into the first outfit and then we could begin the shoot on the set that I had set up last night. I went back up front and check my computer that was hooked up to the PTZ high definition camera in the changing room and watched Lisa as she changed into the first outfit. I noticed she was wearing baggy white granny panties and made a mental not to change that as soon as I could. The photo shoot went great and after 2 hours Mom came back and I told her that I had 100’s of G-rated photos that I would go through and “edit” for my clients (Little did she know that I was my only client) and I would let he know what they thought of Lisa in 2 days. She seemed a little put off that it would take 2 whole days to find something out and her lack of patience made me even happier. For the next 2 days I did create a portfolio of 50 pictures just in case Mom wanted to see what we had done – but as it turned out she never even asked. I also watched the changing room footage at least 50 times. Lisa absolutely loved all the clothes. She would run into the room to change into the next outfit and as she would dress she would stand in the mirror and turn at every angle to see how she looked in each piece. The bikini was her favorite, or at least that was the outfit she spent the longest in front of the mirror. As I suspected it was about 1 size too small for her and it made her ass pop in the back and showed off her plump pussy to perfection. This girl was my whole package: bubble butt, flat chest with barley budding nipples, and a fat camel toe. She noticed the camel toe too as she stood in front of the mirror and pulled her bathing suit bottoms in every direction to see if it would change. After realizing it didn’t matter how she pulled, it was still a pronounced bulge she tried pushing down on the front of her pubis to see if she could flatten it out. Watching her do this to herself for about 4 minutes was the highlight of the film and I couldn’t wait to get her back in the studio. So I called mom back and told her I had “sold” 3 sets to my clients and we should go ahead and do another shoot. She was as you can suspect very excited and we agreed to meet later that day at the studio. I took $1500 cash with me in an envelope and when she got there I made a production about paying her share to her and then asking her for the $300 commission for me. She quickly handed me the money and I asked Lisa if she was ready for another shoot. She smiled and said sure and this time I told Mom that we would need 4 hours and she was off in a flash with her cash in hand. I looked at Lisa and she looked a little tousled and her hair was uncombed so I told her that today we would start with makeup and hair and for her to follow me to the back. I spent a good 45 minutes brushing her hair and talking to her about how makeup would make her look older and more sophisticated and she confided in me that she had never worn makeup before and was excited to try it but didn’t know how. I am not a makeup artist by any means but I did my best and showed her how to apply and blend and when enough is enough. We then went back to the dressing room where I had laid out 4 sets of new underwear, bikini cut, low cut, sheer, and a thong and showed them to her. I told her today we would be taking pictures for underwear ads and we would start with these. She asked about what top to wear and I casually told her that a top wasn’t needed for the shoot as I was only taking shots of the underwear and a top could get in the way, and that I would wait for her on the set. I couldn’t believe it was that easy and I rushed to my computer to watch the show about to go on in the dressing room. When I turned it on she was still dressed standing in front of the counter holding up the thong, and then I started to get nervous. What if she wasn’t going to do it? What if she asked for her Mom to come back? As these scenarios were running through my head she started stripping down and picked up the bikini underwear and pulled them on. These were a perfect fit and you could see a bulge in front but not a full camel toe and she spun around in front of the mirror for a good 5 minutes before walking out of the dressing room wearing only the light yellow panties. My throat was dry and I took a sip of water as she entered the studio and told her she was beautiful. Lisa was a natural and slightly blushed as she made her way to the set. I had put a sofa there this morning and made a show of getting her arranged for the first shoot. Positioning her sitting and looking back over her shoulder and having her long hair come down and cover her nipples. I told her that in the pictures she couldn’t be “nude” but the goal was to seem as though she was nude. She seemed to get it and was incredibly comfortable with me helping pose her. I went back to the camera and started taking pics and started asking her to move and sit in different positions. She was truly a natural so I decided to push it a little and asked her to get on her hands and knees and look back over her shoulder so I could get a picture of her behind. She looked and little puzzled and asked why I would want a picture of her behind, so I told her that my clients thought she was very pretty and enjoyed looking at her, especially her bottom. I’m not sure she understood my explanation but she assumed the position and as she looked back at me I thought the amount of precum oozing out of my cock would have a wet spot the size of a softball on the front of my shorts. I told her that was enough for this pair of panties to go and put on another and off she bounced to the dressing room. She saved the sheer pair for the last and was a little self-conscious when she came back to the set with her hands in front of her nearly naked pussy. She sheepishly told me that you could see right through this pair of underwear and she didn’t know if she should have them on. I acted concerned and went over to her and asked her to show me. I knelt down and she slowly removed her hands from in front of her and the most beautiful bald pussy was on full display to me. I knew I would have trouble standing up so I stayed there for a minute and reassured her that she was beautiful and that my clients were going to love her in these panties. I had one hand on her shoulder and she had gotten accustomed to bringing her hair down her front to cover her nipples and I casually brushed one of the sides of hair back and brushed her cheek lovingly and told her again how pretty she was. She smiled and slowly went over to the couch to do this final shoot. She had all the poses down from memory and I loved the view as she went from pose to pose – and then she asked the question that I wasn’t ready for: “Why do your clients like to see me without clothes on?” Don’t get me wrong I knew this was inevitable but still wasn’t sure how to play this out. I decided to be honest and told her I was going to treat her like an adult and tell her the truth. I asked her if she ever played with herself, you know rub yourself down there. She was posing at this time sitting on the couch with both legs pulled up and chin resting on her knees, and when I asked that she turned beet red instantly and looked away. I didn’t give her time to reply and continued with my response. I told her that my clients thought she was very beautiful, sexy even, and when they looked at her in the poses it made them excited and they would masturbate to the pictures. Trying to keep the photo shoot moving forward I asked her to assume another position which she quietly did, and then she asked me if I got excited looking at her. I thought about it for a second and told her yes, I thought she was very sexy and really enjoyed taking her pictures. She wasn’t satisfied with my answer and told me that wasn’t what she asked; she wanted to know if I masturbated to her pictures. This was it – this was the line I had never crossed. As much as I enjoyed the visualization of young girls and boys, I never played it out in reality. It had always just been a fantasy for me and I was comfortable with that. Now I was confronted with both lying to Lisa and being somewhat safe, or telling her the truth and see if she ran and told mom. Once again I appealed to her youthful desire to be a grown up and told her that I would always treat her as an adult and tell he the truth: Yes I would masturbate while looking at her pictures. She smiled and looked way as I asked her for the next position and she complied. Nothing else sexual was discussed that day and as she was getting dressed Mom came back in the studio, obviously high as a kite and very touchy-feely with me. I did my best to fend her off but Lisa came into the room while Mom was grabbing my crotch and me trying to politely push her away. I was embarrassed for Lisa but Mom quickly said she had seen more than that before and grabbed her and started walking out. Mom looked back at me as said: “2 days until payday?” I replied that I should hear back from my clients by tomorrow so 2 days would be perfect. After they left I once again made a portfolio of 50 pics that were suitable to show Mom should she ask – but only after rubbing out an amazing orgasm looking at the pics of Lisa in the sheer panties. I thought back to Lisa’s questions and how she reacted to my answers and I felt as though Lisa viewed me as a trusted confidant and that Mom viewed me as a payday for drugs. I actually felt good about both. Mom and Lisa came back to the studio in 2 days and I had decided to up the game and this time I told Mom that I had 7 clients that would pay me $500 for the sets – and I thought she was going to jump over the counter and rape me. I gave her an envelope with $3500 in it and asked her for my 20% - which after way too much figuring in her head I told her it would be $700 and she reluctantly counted it out to me. I have to admit it as amusing for her to “pay me” with my own money, but the game was afoot and the less she knew the better. I asked Lisa if she was ready for another shoot and she smiled and said sure, but since it was already after lunch time I asked if we could schedule for the next day at 10:00 and told mom that we would need until 5:00 to get the next set competed. Mom was already daydreaming about the drugs she could go buy and just said yeah and walked out the door before Lisa did. I put my hand on Lisa’s shoulder and walked with her to the door and told her that she looked beautiful and I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow. When we go to the door Lisa turned and gave me a full hug and just said goodbye and walked out. The real reason I didn’t want to shoot a set that day was that I was waiting on some lingerie to be delivered. It’s not all that easy to find sexy lingerie that will fit a 10 year old so I had to order some online and it wouldn’t be there until later today. I spent the next few hours setting up the set for tomorrows shoot and then FedEx delivered. I was like a kid at Christmas as I unwrapped the boxes that contained 6 different lingerie ensembles that included fishnet stockings, garters, fishnet body suit, and see through baby doll teddies. All in all every secret fetish I had was all laid out for Lisa to model the next day. I was at the studio at 8:30 in anticipation of Lisa coming in and the clock was moving slower than ever in my anticipation of her 10:00 appointment. 10:00 came and went with no Lisa. I was nervous and thought again about if I had properly hidden all of the hard drives with the non PG rated pics I had and if there was anything incriminating here if angry mom of the police showed up – the answer was I was good. It was now 10:30 and no Lisa. I was pacing back and forth and thinking about gathering all of my drives from the safe and leaving with in walks Lisa without Mom. Lisa looked awful; wrinkled dirty clothes, wild hair, and puffy eyes like she had been crying. I came over to her and dropped down on one knee and took he head in my hands and asked her what was wrong? Was she OK? She started sniffing like holding back a cry and said that her mom had left her at her boyfriend’s house and they had gone out to buy drugs and never came back. She took enough change from the boyfriends counter to catch a bus over here and that she was sorry she was late. I told her to come to the back and she was going to take a shower, pick out an outfit, and we were going out for lunch – anywhere she wanted. She seemed a little relieved and said she was hungry, but she asked if we were still going to take pictures today. She said her mom would be mad if she didn’t sell more pictures and she didn’t want her to be mad at her. After leaving her daughter at a druggies house overnight with no food – Lisa was still concerned about her mom’s feelings. She was a better person than me. I went back to my computer and watched Lisa take a shower and wash her hair. She was beautiful and innocent in her movements and I followed her from the shower to the changing room on camera and watched her go through the clothes rack while wrapped in a towel. She picked out a cute tennis skirt and top then went over to the bureau and opened the drawer we had all of her underwear in. I almost passed out when I watched her pull out the sheer pair of panties and pull them on. She stood in front of the mirror admiring herself for a moment then continued to dress and come up front. She looked amazing even with wet hair and especially since I knew what she had on underneath. I asked her where she what she would like to eat and she said Pizza – so I picked the place and off we went. As we were sitting in the booth across from each other, she on her third piece of pizza and me on my first, I asked her how she liked being a model and she said it was the best job in the entire world and she hoped to do this forever. She then asked me about my clients and how did I know them, how did I know what they did while looking at her pictures. I explained that there were a lot of grown men that found young girls attractive and since society said it was wrong for them to do so they were willing to pay money to see pictures without anyone knowing who they were. I told her that it should make her feel very special that these clients would pay money to see her – and she smiled and said it made her feel very special and especially special since I liked masturbating to her pictures her too. I almost choked as she said this and looked around to make sure nobody overheard her and thankfully no one had. She laughed at my reaction and not to worry she had made sure that there was nobody close enough to hear her. This little girl was amazing and had me twisted up like a pretzel. One part of me wanted to devour her like a piece of decadent chocolate cake and another part of me wanted to run and hide. The hard on in my pants was winning at the moment and I paid the bill and we headed back to the studio. When we got back Lisa was all business and went straight to the changing room to get into today's outfit. I was extremely nervous when I opened a drawer and started laying out the different sets of lingerie with all of the components for each outfit in the same piles. I told her that today we would be doing adult sleepwear and lingerie and showed her each stack saying that all of these parts were to be worn together for the full effect, and then asked her if she had any questions or needed any help. She was holding up the fishnet body suit and had a puzzled look on her face, but she shook her head no, so I told her I would wait outside on the set for her. Back at my cameras I watched Lisa go through all the outfits one by one and inspecting each set very closely. I think my saving grace with Lisa was that the tags were still on the outfits and each one had a picture of an adult model wearing it, so Lisa had a visual image to follow. After a few minutes she chose the black fishnet stocking with the garters and matching panties and bra. This was by far the most complicated outfit I had – but it was also the most covering of all. It took Lisa about 15 minutes to finally come out of the changing room and I had enjoyed every minute watching her on camera trying to figure it all out – and she did finally succeed. When she came to the set and walked over to the white velour chaise lounge I had set up I just stood and stared with my mouth open, and finally my senses came to me and I told her that she was absolutely beautiful and I didn’t think I had ever seen such beauty before. This was not a lie – she was stunning and had an air of sophistication many adults would be jealous of. She sat down on the chaise and I went over to her and told her that with these outfits she was going to pretend to be inviting her boyfriend over to join her on the lounge chair. I went on to remind her that she was fully clothed but looked very sexy and that was what we wanted to capture on the camera. She smiled and nodded her head without saying a word so I went back to my camera and started the shoot giving her step by step directions on how to sit, where to look, mouth open or closed, every detail I could think of to give her innocent young self a look of sophisticated slutty that would carry through to the pictures. When she got to the sheer baby doll teddy outfit she stuck her head out of the changing room and yelled to me that there weren’t any panties for that outfit. I yelled back that it was ok – she wouldn’t be nude but would give the appearance of being nude and I would be careful with my camera directions. Yes I would be very careful with where I pointed that camera and my first shot was here walking to the set in that light pink sheer teddy that displayed all of her young exquisite body to perfection. She didn’t seem too shy about her appearance and started going through all the same poses we had done before with a little encouragement from me. After about 10 minutes I told her that I wanted to focus on just her face for a set of photos and wanted her to make a face like she was all alone in her room and was thinking about her boyfriend and was playing with herself. She just looked at me in bewilderment for a few seconds and told me that she didn’t have a boyfriend – and that she didn’t know what her face looked like when she did that. I realized that she didn’t deny masturbating and my heart skipped a beat – but now I had to figure out a way for her to replicate her facial expressions during that very private moment so I could capture it for prosperity on camera. I asked her if she had ever seen a video of a woman – I made sure to use the word woman – masturbate before and she shook her head no. I set my camera down and went over to my computer on the counter and within 45 seconds I had a video of a beautiful blonde model masturbating on a white bed. This was a very artistic piece of porn that I knew very well and when it was cued up I asked Lisa to come over and let me show her something. She walked over to the camera, still in her sheer teddy and looked at the screen where you could see the paused video of this model's face and shoulders. She had her eyes closed and her mouth was slightly open with her tongue running across her upper lip. I told Lisa that this was the look that we were shooting for and then casually asked her if she wanted to watch the video to get some modeling pointers for this photo shoot we were doing. While never looking away from the computer screen she nodded yes and I hit play. I knew this specific video by heart – all 13 minutes of it so as Lisa stood beside me as I was sitting in my chair I watched her reactions more than I did the video, but still made an attempt to make “professional” comments from time to time on how she would move and look. I never touched her or offered her to sit on my lap – I was too nervous to do so – so she stood there all 13 minutes watching intently on this beautiful woman make herself have a very apparent and wet orgasm. I was hard as a rock and had a small wet spot on the front of my pants from watching Lisa stare at the show in front of her and switch her weight from foot to foot from what I could only guess (hope) was arousal from the video. When the woman ran her fingers through her dripping pussy after her orgasm and brought them to her mouth to suck clean, Lisa made a little gasp and leaned in slightly to get a better view. When the video finished I tried to be “professional” again and asked Lisa if she could mimic what the woman did in the video she sheepishly said yes and walked back to the chaise lounge. I straightened out my cock and went back and got my camera and walked to the end of the chaise to start the set when Lisa asked me if that was what men liked, did they enjoy watching women do that? I thought about it longer than I really needed to and told her yes, men enjoyed looking at beautiful girls and especially beautiful girls enjoying themselves as much as that model had been doing. Lisa thought about it for a minute while still laying there with her hands in her lap and asked me if I had masturbated watching that girl in the video before? I smiled and told her yes, but that was our secret and not to tell anyone. She seemed to like that answer and asked me how she should start. I told her to lay down with just her head propped up on the pillow, arch her head back some and close her eyes. She started arranging herself as I had requested then I thought time had stopped – or at least my breathing did. Lisa had her right hand between her legs slowly rubbing her clit in a circular motion with both legs slightly bent at the knees. From the end of the chaise I had the perfect vantage point for this and for a few seconds I forgot to take any pictures. She had forgotten that I wanted head shots of this intimate act and instead after watching the video she assumed (correctly so by the way) that I wanted her to masturbate, so here she was. She had watched the video very closely as she mimicked the blonde model very well. She was spreading her pussy lips wide and licking her fingers to get wet, then slowly pushing one finger in and out of her hairless pussy then rubbing her swollen little clit, then back to the insertion. I got into the scene and started taking pictures frantically thinking how much I needed to cum and how I would be able to look at these whenever I wanted and jerk until my arm was too sore to do it anymore. She was really enjoying this – not acting - and her expressions were perfect, but after about 10 minutes she stopped and told me that it felt good when she did that but the girl on the video made it look like it felt so much better. I quickly surmised that Lisa had never had an orgasm, but had only had the enjoyment of stimulation, so I set my camera down and sat down on the end of the chaise. Lisa scooted up so she was upright leaning back on the arm with her legs stretched out and crossed in front of her and I started explaining an orgasm to her. I explained that it was something that would build and build until it felt like she was going to burst or pee and then it would wash over her like a big wave of pleasure. She told me that she could feel it building up but it never got to the level of exploding, and then asked if it was the same way for men? I told her it was exactly the same feeling but when a man had an orgasm he would shoot cream from his penis – yes I was still trying to be professional. She kind of giggled and told me she wanted to watch me masturbate as it was only fair, and that I had already told her I would masturbate to pics of her and the video of the blonde girl. I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do but in my state of extreme horniness I agreed to masturbate and told her to watch closely and I would let her know when I was going to have an orgasm and shoot my cream out. She was giddy with anticipation and sat up on her knees at the end of the chaise while I stood and dropped my pants to the floor. When I pulled my underwear down she gasped and had both hands over her mouth and both eyes wide open on my cock which was dripping a long stream of precum. She pointed and asked what that liquid was so I explained precum as a tasty lubricant to help intercourse between a man and a woman more fun. I don’t know if she understood any of that but I sat back down and wrapped my hand around my cock and slowly started moving it up and down. I could look over to my left and see all of Lisa in her nude teddy staring at me pumping my cock and I knew I wasn’t going to last long, so I told her I was about to have an orgasm. Lisa leaned a little closer to get a good view and the first shot of cum flew up and hit my neck (I was extremely excited and hadn’t cum like that in years) and the second then third shot covered my hand and crotch. I was breathless and swore that was the best orgasm I had ever had – then I remembers the video of the blonde girl licking her fingers clean, so I brought my hand to my mouth and slowly licked all the cum off, then wiped the cum off my neck and cleaned my fingers again. All this time Lisa hadn’t said a word but just watched me intently with a flushed face and neck as I sat there breathing heavily enjoying the post orgasm experience. I then told her that was what it was like for a man to have an orgasm and asked her what she thought? She said that was the most awesome thing she had ever seen and asked me if I would do it again. I laughed and told her that unlike women, men needed a little time between orgasms so they could recover and I pointed to my now deflated cock and told her see? It was down for the count for a while. She was good with that answer and I noticed much to my dismay that her mom should be there in 30 minutes so I told her that we were done shooting for the day to go get changed and ready for her mom to pick her up. I got dressed myself and started downloading all the pictures for the day onto my hard drive when Lisa came out fully dressed in the outfit she wore to lunch. She quietly asked me if she could wear this outfit home since her other clothes were dirty and she promised to bring it back. I laughed and told her that she could keep those clothes because they would never look as good on anyone else. We sat there until almost 6:00 waiting for her mom with no sign of her, so I asked Lisa if I should take her home and after trying to call her mom a few times she agreed. Before we left I got the release form that her mom had filled out complete with a photocopy of her driver’s license and cell phone number and stuffed it in my pocket. When we got to Lisa’s apartment complex it was about what I had imagined. Nothing fancy at all and a little run down but somewhat clean with a mixture of all races – mostly young – in the parking areas. I pulled up to her apartment and asked her if she wanted me to walk her to the door and she said no – but then I asked her for her cell number in case she needed anything and she seemed happy to give it to me. I instantly sent her a text so she had my number too, and I watched her go up the stairs to the second floor and into the third door on the left. I sat there for a moment wondering if I was doing the right thing by leaving and if Lisa’s mom was there – or at least would be there soon. I reconciled that I was and pulled out of the complex, while at the same time texting Lisa to make sure. I asked if her mom was there yet and she told me no but that wasn’t unusual, so I asked her to let me know when she did come home and told Lisa again how much I enjoyed being with her today. After I got off the text thread with Lisa I looked up a number in my phone for one of my special clients, who happened to be a chief of police in the next town over, and gave him a call. I told him the story of Lisa’s mom not showing up to pick her up and that I thought she was into drugs and asked if he would do a quick search for any arrests or accidents and let me know. He told me no problem then asked if I had done any more shoots with Lisa to which I replied that the next set I did would be on the house for his work for me. He was happy with that when we ended the call and I made it home before my phone rang. It was my police chief friend and he told me that he had some bad news. Carole, Lisa’s mom (I never could remember her name) and her “friend” were in a car wreck the night before and the person they hit head on was killed. It looked as though both her and her friend were going to make it but when the police go to the wreck they found large amounts of methamphetamines and their toxicology reports showed that they were both high as a kite at the time of the wreck, so once they were out of the hospital they were both going to jail on charges of vehicular homicide and possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. He told me that they would be lucky to get out of jail in 30 years at the earliest. I hung up the phone with him and was walking around my home in a fog. I couldn’t believe my bad luck. I had finally found exactly what I loved and the relationship was going better than I could have ever dreamed, and now the dumbass druggie mother had ruined it all. I poured myself a drink and went out to my back porch that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico and pondered my options. I had to tell Lisa but when I did what would she do and where would she go? Did she have relatives here? After my drink was finished I knew I had to do the right thing so I got in my car and drove back to Lisa’s apartment. When I got there I called from the parking lot and told her I needed to talk to her and asked if I could come up. She opened her door with the phone still in her hand and waved me up. I know I shouldn’t have been noticing things like this but I noted she was still wearing that cute short tennis skirt and it made me happy – just for a moment. When I got inside and looked around I instantly was depressed. A futon, a folding camp chair and a 1990’s era tube TV were the only furnishings in the living room. I sat on the futon and told Lisa to come and sit beside me, and then I recounted the story my police friend had told me earlier. As expected Lisa started crying and we held each other for a good 10 minutes while she cried and processed the information I had given her, and when she had stopped crying I asked her about any family in the area. She told me that her grandmother had died a few years earlier and that it was only her and her mom now, and she asked if she could go and see her mom in the hospital. I was pretty sure we could arrange something but I told her it might take a few days and I wanted her to come and stay at my home while we worked everything out. She nodded her head in agreement and we went around packing what few things she had and set off for my home. As I mentioned in the beginning of the story there are many advantages of being wealthy, and another is to be able to have a 3 story, 8 bedroom home on the beach. When we pulled up to my home the look of amazement in Lisa’s eyes was enough to make her momentarily forget about the problems her mother was facing. She got out of my car and I grabbed her bag and inside we went. I took her to the bedroom that was across the hall from mine and gave her a tour. It had a spa tub, walk-in rain shower, and a private balcony overlooking the beach – and was able to look onto my adjoining balcony. I told her to unpack, relax, take a shower or watch TV and I was going to go and make us something to eat and she could come down when she was ready. I made simple chicken Alfredo pasta and she ate like she was starving. I had a couple glasses of wine and I had a bottle of sparkling grape juice that Lisa enjoyed from a wine glass like mine, and we had a nice but quiet dinner. After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen together and then we both went to our separate bedrooms after agreeing that first thing in the morning we would look into visiting her mom in the hospital. I lay in bed thinking back to watching Lisa masturbate, then Lisa watching me masturbate, and I wished I had brought a copy of that video home with me. The memory was more than enough for that night as I quickly shot a load all over my stomach and went peacefully asleep. About 3:00 I was startled awake with Lisa slightly shaking my shoulder. I woke up and could tell that she had been crying and she told me that she couldn’t sleep and was scared and wanted to know if she could sleep with me. I told her of course and she climbed in beside me and I wrapped her in my arms holding her tightly until I could hear her breathing even out and I knew she was asleep. I was proud of myself for not taking this moment as a sexual moment – could have helped that I had jerked off a couple hours earlier – but just wanted Lisa to feel safe, and then I fell asleep too. I woke in the morning with Lisa still in my arms, but she had spun around and now had her back to me with my rock hard morning wood nestled on her panties, which just so happened to be the sheer pair she had put on the day before. I was scared to move as I was enjoying the look and feel of what I woke up to, but I had to pee, so I carefully rolled out the other side of my bed and took care of my needs quietly and went downstairs. I called my police friend and inquired about how to get her daughter in to see her in the hospital and that proved to be harder than I thought due to the homicide charges, but as it turned out a lawyer could get in. I then called another client of my photography studio who was a lawyer. Even though he specialized in real estate law I gave him an overview of what I wanted and agreed to pay his fees in full. I was on my second cup of coffee feeling pretty good about what I was planning when Lisa came down to the kitchen. I explained that the only person allowed to see her mom right now was her lawyer and I had hired one that morning that was going to go see her today and give us an update on her condition. What I didn’t tell Lisa was the main reason he was going to see her – I would wait until I found out how she took the offer before telling her. I then told Lisa we would have breakfast then go shopping for new clothes and she had to have a couple of different swim suits if she was going to stay with me here for a while on the beach. She instantly lit up and went upstairs to shower and change. We spent the entire day shopping and bought 3 swim suits and 12 outfits complete with 8 pairs of pretty little girl panties – nothing sexy but cute Cinderella, princess panties befitting a girl her age. After we got back home that evening I pooped and suggested we order out and Lisa ran upstairs to put away all of her new clothes. She came downstairs a bit dressed in a cute pair of short shorts and a halter top we had purchased earlier and we ate Chinese and watched cartoons on the couch. She asked if I had heard anything from my lawyer friend and I told her I hadn’t yet but not to worry, this might take a day or two and she seemed happy with that answer and went back to watching TV. A few minutes later she quietly asked if she was still going to be able to be a model. I leaned over and gave her a one arm hug and told her that she could be a model as long as she wanted to and I loved taking pictures of her. Lisa asked when we could do another shoot and I suggested we do her swimsuits she just bought first thing in the morning. She smiled and said great, and then we snuggled together and finished watching the movie. When I told her it was time to go to bed we both went upstairs to our own rooms. I had just finished brushing my teeth and was dressed as I usually was in my boxers for bed when there was a knock at my door. I told Lisa to come in and when she saw me standing at the foot of my bed only in my boxers she paused for a moment then came on over to the bed right in front of me. While looking down at the floor and pulling the hem of her nightshirt she sheepishly asked if she could sleep with me again, she was too afraid to be in this big house all by herself. I of course instantly agreed and we snuggled up to each other with her spooning me from behind. She had her arm around my chest with her hand resting on my nipple and it slowly became hard as a diamond – then my cock followed suit. There was nothing overtly sexual but the feeling of her holding me from behind was sensual and electric. She fell asleep much more quickly than I did but I finally managed to doze off. When I woke up that morning I was still rock hard but my cock was now sticking out of my boxers and I was lying on my back with Lisa’s hand on my stomach and the covers at the end of the bed. As I would take a breath in it would make the tip of my cock slightly brush her wrist and I realized it must have been doing this for a while because there was a string of precum from her wrist to the tip of my cock and pooling on my stomach. I wanted so bad to cum it almost hurt but I didn’t know how to move without waking Lisa. As I was trying to figure out a solution Lisa moved her hand and lightly ran her fingers down the shaft of my cock sending shivers all over me and making me hold my breath for a second. She got to my balls and gingerly rolled them around feeling their weight in her hand then she wrapped her hand around my cock – a little too tightly but I wasn’t going to complain – and slowly started jacking me off. At this point neither of us had said a word and she quietly asked me if she was doing this the right way, the way she had watched me do it at the studio. I moaned a yes, and don't stop, then erupted all over my chest and her hand. She smiled big and continued to slowly jack my cock milking all of the cum out until it went limp, then to my amazement she brought her hand to her mouth and cautiously licked her finger that was covered in my cum. Then when she decided it wasn’t icky, she licked her wrist and fingers clean, then wiped my chest with her fingers and cleaned them again. Watching her do this almost made me hard again and I rolled on my side and gave her a chaste kiss on her lips and told her how beautiful she was and how wonderful that made me feel. She just smiled and while still holding my now limp cock leaned in and kissed me again, but this time a little more passionately. I opened my lips slightly and flicked my tongue across her lips and she quickly picked up on this new game and in no time we were passionately French kissing. I broke the kiss after a few minutes and asked her if she would like me to give her an orgasm like she had done for me and she breathlessly said yes. I resumed kissing her and pulled her nightshirt up to the point we had to break apart and she finished pulling it off her body showing me her fabulous little nipples and completely flat chest. I lowered my head and kissed her neck and trailed down to her nipples and lightly kissed and licked them as they became rock hard. She was moaning at this point and writhing on the bed, and I hadn’t touched her pussy yet. I think she had a small orgasm from just my kissing of her tits but I wasn’t 100% sure. I slowly worked my kisses down her stomach and her navel sending her into another level of writhing and giggling as I reached up on both sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down. These were My Little Pony panties and as they cleared the bottom of her gorgeous bald pussy I could see a faint wet spot on the crotch, and since my nose was only inches away I could smell a very sweet but faint scent of pussy. I was enthralled and for probably a minute or two I just sat there looking at this beautiful sight, until Lisa had enough of me waiting and removed her panties herself. I returned to kissing her navel and moved down to her pubis, then her thighs as I spread her legs a little to see my prize. Her little bald pussy slowly opened up and I could see the little nub of her clit already swollen and red poking out. She was slightly wet already but when I ran my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top and slightly sucked on her clit her juices flooded into my mouth as she clenched my head with her legs and arched her back. She shuddered and gasped and she experienced her first orgasm and I let her slowly start to come down from the feeling when I started in on her clit again. This time it took a few minutes but she was soon bucking and moaning as she grabbed my head with her hands and pulled me deeper into her crotch. I continued to work on her sweet beautiful pussy until she had enjoyed 4 orgasms and was breathing like she had just ran 5 miles, and then I crawled back up to her and took her in my arms and kissed her deeply. Her tongue was swirling around mine, tasting her sweet nectar, greedily licking my face clean. I was rock hard again at this point and wanted to fuck her so badly but I knew I shouldn’t push my luck so I suggested I go make us breakfast and she could shower and try on one of her new swim suits for a photo shoot at the beach. She agreed and bounced out of the bed into my bathroom and I heard the shower start. I thought I would take this opportunity to relieve my aching balls so I closed my eyes and lingered on the look and taste of Lisa’s beautiful pussy and started jerking my hard cock. I had no sooner started when I heard Lisa say “Hey that’s my job now!” She came over and stood at the side of the bed and removed my hand from my cock and replaced it with hers. Standing there completely nude with me watching her jack my cock was a visual I will never get out of my head – but in true fashion of never being satisfied I told her to kiss it like I kissed her and it would feel even better. She stopped jerking and just held my cock straight up and kissed the tip that was leaking precum. She licked her lips and then licked the head of my cock. I moaned with pleasure and told her to suck on the head like it was a lollipop – and she took off like a pro. As she was sucking the head I placed my hand over hers and started jacking my cock again and she picked up on that – and the pace – quickly. I thought I mumbled I was going to cum but to be honest I wanted to cum in her mouth so badly I might not have, and I shot my first load into her mouth prompting her to pull back in surprise, and timing the second shot to fly out and hit her on her nose. The rest of my orgasm just dribbled down her hand and she slowly regained her senses as to what was going on and wiped the cum from her nose and face then licked her hand and fingers clean. She giggled and said that she wasn’t expecting that to happen but she sure did enjoy it – and I kissed her again and told her how much I did too and off she ran to her shower that had been running this entire time.
VirtualStr8PnP Straight Party-N-Play Porn & Adult Webcams Supporting Professional Online Adult Content Creators, Thank you for your Support is a Directory of Links for Verified & Trusted Female/Couple #Str8PnP Adult Content Sellers and their Fans. Our Virtual Sex Worker Network Community Offers Training, Direct Promotion, Resources and Support for Professional & Amateur Online (Virtual) Non-Gay (Str8) Adults who #blowclouds during Party & Play (PnP) sessions who perform in the kink/niche market of sex & blowing clouds. (Imitating Spun Fun) Mission To Help, Promote & Train Cloudy Sexy Girl Fetish Models to be More $uccessful Online Core Values ♥ Sex Workers, Like All Workers, Are People and Every Person Has Rights and Should be Respected. ♥ We are Not Anti-Gay (an easily accessed scene exists) ♥ We Do Not encourage drug use or minimalize addiction. · pnp spun couple dfw freak
Here is a real sex story....On the farm Here is a real sex story....On the farm · Romance · You are alone at the farm now‚ you have sent IT packing and I get to visit. I am very happy that you have invited me to spend a few days with you‚ knowing full well this is just a physical thing. But that is no reason for me not to make you feel as good as possible. You had offered to pick me up in town and get me to the farm‚ but I would rather surprise you. I arrive in town and am able to get directions to your place and am just beside myself as I drive to your place. It is fall‚ and the weather has gotten cold. Even though the temperature is getting cold‚ I am feeling very warm as I approach your farm. I drive up to your house and am just amazed this is the kind of place I have always dreamed of. But to be honest I am not sure I could handle all the work here unless I was to become a full time farmer. I walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. It is getting to be mid afternoon so I really am not expecting you to be in the house. This is fine because I would love to surprise you out in the barn and it seems that I may get my way. After a while of standing and knocking‚ there is no answer so I try the door. It opens and I call out for you just in case. I do not want to scare you‚ just surprise you. With no answer to my calls‚ I manage to find the kitchen and drop my bags out of the way. But I cannot help but stop and admire this fine house and in some cases wonder how some of my own antiques may fit in here. But‚ I finally get to the back door and can see the stables. I am thinking to my self that I hope you are out there tending to your horses. I walk toward the stables and am spotted by your dog‚ who does not know what to make of me just yet. I offer him a treat in the hopes he will come to me and not give me away just yet. He barks at me but not very loudly and I am glad that it seems you have not heard his barks or have chosen to ignore him for some reason. He finally calms down and takes the treat from my hand‚ deciding I am not a threat. I pat him on the head and pet him for a moment as I continue to make my way to the stables. I am able to approach the stables without being found out and am just to the left of the doorway sneaking peeks to see if I can determine where you are or if you are in there at all. I can hear you talking to the horse you are grooming and have also been able to determine the stall you are in. Part of me wants to sneak up behind you‚ slide my arms around your waist and kiss you on the neck. But I am sure the surprise of someone coming up behind you like that may frighten you or cause some other reaction that may result with me being in severe pain. I walk up slowly toward the stall. I am also glad that my presence is not spooking the horses. I am being careful to just be out of your usual field of view and yet hope you will catch a glimpse of me as I approach. I still may startle you‚ but it will not be as bad as me sneaking up behind you. I could not have planned it any better‚ just as I reach the stall doorway‚ you turn and see me. That beautiful smile tells me that you recognize me and are happy to see me. You set down your brush and come over to greet me‚ hugging my neck tightly. I wrap my arms around you and pick you up and at the same time you wrap your legs around me squeezing tight. After a few minutes of hugging and exchanging a few simple kisses and other pleasant greetings I let you down and you stand next to me. You explain the work that you still have to complete. I ask if I may help you complete your chores. It has been a long time but I think I remember how to groom‚ feed‚ and otherwise take care of a horse. Even though it would be quicker to move on to another horse‚ I would rather stay next to you and groom the horses together. I am very happy when you let me stick by you as I play a little game of being slightly naïve of just how to complete the tasks. While being careful to actually complete the job and keep you happy‚ I do go out of my way to get next to you as often as possible. I brush against you‚ stopping to kiss you on the cheek or neck as I pass by‚ and giving little hugs at every opportunity. The time goes quickly and I am happy to have been able to help you finish your chores and am so happy to be walking back to the house with my arm around your waist. Of course just as I have been doing since I first saw you today‚ I was sneaking looks at your ass and the rest of you as well just taking it all in. We’re dirty and truth be told neither of us smell like a bed of roses. As we approach the house‚ I explain finally how I got to your place and that I let myself in to put my bags on the floor. Once we are inside the back door and as we remove our coats I grab you pulling you in close and plant a long deep kiss on those sweet lips. As our lips part ways‚ you nuzzle into my chest and I was able t see you smile. It is a great feeling with you standing in front of me with your arms pulled in tight to your chest and you nuzzle in taking in the warmth and safety of my embrace. After a while‚ you tell me that you had not prepared anything for dinner and that you were not sure what to do. While I would love to watch and help you create something in the kitchen. It has been a long day and I think it would be nice to take this beautiful woman out to dinner and if she wishes we can go raise a little hell at the bar too. So‚ I suggest that we go to town for dinner and possibly more. You are agreeable to this and I think a little relieved that you do not have to do anything other then shower and get ready for a night out. Since I do not know anything about the restaurants‚ bars‚ or anything like that in your area I am completely at your mercy as to where we may go and how well dressed we will need to be. You help me take my bags to the bedroom and I am very pleased that you have led me straight to your room and not to some guest room. Once in the room‚ my first instinct is to grab you‚ tear your clothes off and just have nasty sweaty sex with you. But I really want this to be special. Besides there will be enough opportunities for just sweaty sex. So I start asking you about where we shall go in town and how I should dress‚ etc. Once all of that is settled‚ I get some clean clothes out of my suit case and lay them on the bed. Then as I turn again thinking where exactly is the bathroom so that I can shower‚ hopefully with you. Suddenly there you are standing in front of me really close wearing nothing but a towel. Holding the top of the towel in place with one hand you reach up with the free hand and grasp my neck as I lean in to kiss you deeply and passionately. Our lips part and I get to stare for a moment into those brown eyes. You give me that little smile as you take my hand and lead me to the bathroom. I close the door behind me as we enter the bathroom. Anticipating what is to come I am already rock hard and a little kiddy with the anticipation. I turn you around to face me quickly and you lose your grip on the towel. It falls to the floor and I pull you in close‚ so I can feel you close to me. We kiss again‚ and as we part lips this time you step back a little so that you can turn on the shower. I want to just strip down and pull you in there. But that will mean I cannot watch and take in the vision of your body there in front of me. You turn your attention to me and help me remove my clothes. First my shirt‚ and then my pants‚ it is no surprise to you that I have a hard on that is just aching to break free. I step out of my underwear and move over to you just before you step into the shower. You take a hold of my cock and after looking down for a moment you look up into my eyes and give that sweet grin of yours. We then slip into the shower together into the warm water. Your back is to the shower head and the water is running over your body as I hug you close and kiss your neck you lean back letting the water wet your hair. It seems a little like you ignore me for that moment‚ so I move you behind me as I bend forward slightly to wet my hair as well. All of it done playfully‚ you then smack me on the ass as I stand there slightly bent forward. This causes me to stand up and look at you slightly over one shoulder. Now is play time‚ getting the soap I start to massage and soap your body. You keep trying to get the soap from me‚ but I am having way too much fun exploring your body and kiss the parts that are not covered in soap. I stop long enough to lather up my chest and a couple of other spots so that you can let your hands do some wondering as well. It is not long until you have found your way to my cock‚ massaging it and my balls. I get so distracted by what you are doing I stop putting soap on you for a moment. But that ends‚ when you start telling me what you like and want. Oh how I love a woman who can tell me what and how she wants it. That means that I can spend more time actually giving her pleasure rather then trying to figure what she likes and possibly not pleasure at all. We take turns soaping and rinsing each other and as parts of our bodies are cleaned off. They are immediately given some much deserved attention. I position you under the water and slowly work my way down your body with my tongue and fingers. I stop to pay attention to your nipples‚ taking one in my mouth as I lightly pinch the other. I come back up just long enough for a kiss and then continue my journey. As I reach my knees‚ I first explore your pussy with my fingers as I kiss your stomach and hips. I can feel you getting wet and lose and now I am able to work two fingers into you. I glance up to see that you are enjoying the experience as you part your legs and throw one leg over my shoulder. Now‚ as the water cascades over you I am able to use my tongue on the lips of you pussy. You hips move in and out almost begging me to do more. I am not about to stop now‚ and begin parting those lips with my tongue wanting to get to your clit. I can tell immediately that I have hit a good spot as you back arches and grasping the back of my head you pull my mouth hard into your pussy. I have no idea what you are hanging onto‚ but you have managed to put both legs over my shoulders giving me better access to that sweet pink pussy. I continue to work you over with my tongue and fingers. It is not long before I am rewarded with the taste of your cum. You then remove your legs from around my neck and shoulders as I rise up to greet you. Eager to taste yourself on my lips you grab me and pull me in for a long kiss while stroking my cock once again. You manage to bring me to the edge of release only to stop just before I do. Oh‚ what a tease and I love it! Then you work your way down my body and in no time have my cock in your mouth‚ working it over. Again‚ just before I explode you stop. Damn! How do you know just when to stop? You start again this time working your finger between my legs and are massaging my anus. Oh‚ I am sure this time there will be no stopping me. I relax enough for you to work you finger just slightly into me while expertly working over my cock with your mouth and tongue. This time I have built up what I am sure will be a load that will not remain inside of me no matter what. All of sudden you stop and stand up in front of me and I am a little disappointed but at the same time exhilarated because I have never been teased so well. I pull you close kissing you again‚ long and hard‚ breathing like I have just ran a marathon. You wrap your legs around my waist‚ while also wrapping your arms around my neck as you hop up into my arms. I lower you down onto my cock‚ as I push you against the wall of the shower. It takes a few moments but I work my cock deep inside you as you begin to move up and down. Again I am denied my release as you hop off at the last moment. Shit! Are you psychic or something?! You turn and bend over offering you pussy to me again. Although I am seriously considering hitting that ass as I slap your ass checks repeatedly getting them nice and pink. I grab your hips and pull you in hard‚ plunging my cock into again. I am determined to cum this time and am not letting go till I do. As you begin to finger your clit as I plunge in and out of your pussy I am thinking‚ that I will achieve my goal. I can feel you getting ready to cum and want to pull out and deny you just as you have denied me‚ but I cannot. All at once you cum and I am determined to cum too‚ but you decide to cut your own pleasure short to deny me once again. What do I have to do to be able to cum? Damn! Suddenly we are rinsing off again and you are out of the shower. I am a little stunned‚ what is going to happen now? Am I supposed to finish my self off or what? I exit the shower with a hard on that is damn near painful now. You quickly towel off although not completely drying yourself. You throw a towel at me and tell me to hurry up as you exit the bathroom and move into the bedroom. If I could I would have just shook the water off like a dog so I could follow you quicker. But I can’t so I towel off while in hot pursuit of that ass I see hurrying toward the bed. You throw my clothes that were lying on the bed to the floor as you get between the sheets. I follow close behind you and slide up next to you as I look deeply into those eyes and even though I am so focused on your eyes I can see that sweet smile reflected in them. I pull your legs apart and slide between them and once again am buried in your pussy. I start slow‚ varying speed and angle‚ every so often thrusting hard and holding it in place for a slight moment. Then without withdrawing‚ I roll over onto my back pulling you on top of me. I must have hit the right spot as you begin to wildly thrust and ride my cock. You change positions often from lying on my chest to sitting straight up and arching your back. Then you sit hard down as far as you can onto my cock‚ thrusting your hips back and forth‚ you back arches again and you are about to explode. I am pushing in harder and matching your enthusiasm and speed while holding onto your hips again. There is NO way I am stopping this time. All at once we cum at the same time and I feel a rush of your juices washing over my cock and between my legs. You fall down next to me in bed smiling and caressing my chest as I hold you next to me. I cannot believe the feeling I have from being denied so many times only to finish like this. But before I can say anything else‚ apparently you have some unfinished business and you disappear below the sheets and begin to lick my cock and balls clean. I am once again hard and ready for action. This time you simply take my cock in your mouth and reward me by letting me cum again‚ swallowing the entire load. I reach down and bring you up so that I may kiss you tasting myself too. Now‚ I am truly speechless as you again lay next to me on the bed. Nothing is said for a few moments as we lay there snuggled up together just enjoying the warmth of our bodies next to one another. After a little while we finally start to talk again and are planning the rest of the night. We exit the bed and begin to dress. But I cannot help myself‚ I must caress you‚ kiss you‚ and other wise touch you. There is a lot more to this night. But that will have to come in part 2 of this story.
Me naked and watching my baby mama cheat in BBC gangbangs Me naked and watching my baby mama cheat in BBC gangbangs · Group Sex · So about 3 years ago me and my baby mama we're still together and she had the urge to lie to me and keep it from me until I found out one day when I came home from work early that all the black guys in the neighborhood we're taking turns as well as group f*****ok* my wife in the living room all day and all night so when I get home she was getting her a****** pounded in her pussy around my stepdaughter was sitting on the couch playing with her pussy while she was watching her mother getting g********* buy some huge black cocks and when I see huge none of them were less than 8 inches the biggest was 12 inches I walked in put my stuff down sit down and for she get to ask my baby mama do you like this and she was screaming towards me yes baby I love it I love getting f***** by these black eyes I love being a horn and soon as you finish saying that sentence her pussy start squirting all over the place I recorded her we took her out to park and proceeded 2 make her walk Park naked in broad daylight and get people to watch her as she got tossed around 20 monster black cock guys in the middle of the park having each one of them f*** her without remorse until she squirted in the filled up her pussy in between she would have to find a random stranger and deepthroat swallow their cock until the f****** shot their come load in her mouth that night she came home covered in c** filled with c** I still got the f***** actually I got to f*** her with my stepdaughter both of them I had my best friend which is 11 inch Conte black eye and we took turns SWAT them around each other the rest of the night the next morning when I woke up my baby mama and my stepdaughter we're back in the living room this time you were both gang gang gang I asked mr. Her she was going School and she said no choose can stay and b the schoolgirl s*** 4 I hurt neighbors which were a family of black people she told me that the dad and the two sons we're going to user weather mom wants away they were already sitting in the living room once you sucking your dick so I told my step-daughter. Get on your knees and open her legs and proceeded to f****** pound her pussy with me change cock you shouldn't come over here f****** pussy in front of my baby mama. That made her super horny so she ended up putting a big dildo in her a****** spread her legs wide open only on the couch and told me to come f*** her so I will I did my baby mama I want to shut my load she walk outside to the front porch got naked got her hands and knees and she called the next door neighbors who came over on my one and proceeded to rate my big momma like a come dumpster slow
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Beach after noon Beach after noon · Lesbian Sex · Hanging down the beach chilling a woman Walk up time if I wanted a beer I said sure I could I resist her she was hot you no .and a beer led to almost a 6 pack so at the beginning we had some good conversations and that led to her talking about her problem about her partner so listening well I as k wait is your partner a female she said yes So on my head I was like dam it so she said they had a fight and her partner selp wit 7 guys in that month they was separated I was like what and she throws her self at me she said to kiss her and I did I backed off and I said r you sure she said yes so we got the balls rolling I flipped her on her belly started eat her wet pussy out also between the two holes was on my plate ass and pussy she cumes the first time she stood up and laid her on her back and slid my cock in that wet pussy down on my side we fucked every angle there was in the fucking book of sex crying to me to cum already cum I said it here pulled out and fucking release the cracking bust all over her mouth and she had enough to take home in her belly so we laid there she told me that the best fuck she ever did had so I told her if you and you girl ever was to get back with each other and you both need A man to get lust with I said I think I fit the reference I gave her my number set apart 2 Mounts later I get a call that they wanted to get together so I was like what okay so we made the arrangements at their place I showed up and eat dinner drink some wine so it's time for you know role play I was on injured person got into an accident she was on officer her partner was a nurse looking at this two hot babes there was talk to each other and they started to kiss and I was lying down in bad getting work up watching this is the first time I. Was going to get two women at once I said room 20 needs assistance room 20 needs assistance they walk up and said you need assistance we will give you fucking assistance the eat in and lick in was intense sweat was to come out my pots banging two girls beautiful as they were I had to put my mind else we're I sex was unbelievable everything was perfect after we took a shower laid back down I ask what made you do this they told me for them to be together and live happy they needed to make love with a man for the last time together and the could forget about the pass and start new till today they lived happy I was greatfull to witness love I guess some time it works that way and happy for the couple that is one thing I would never forget
Beach after noon Beach after noon · Lesbian Sex · Hanging down the beach chilling a woman Walk up time if I wanted a beer I said sure I could I resist her she was hot you no .and a beer led to almost a 6 pack so at the beginning we had some good conversations and that led to her talking about her problem about her partner so listening well I as k wait is your partner a female she said yes So on my head I was like dam it so she said they had a fight and her partner selp wit 7 guys in that month they was separated I was like what and she throws her self at me she said to kiss her and I did I backed off and I said r you sure she said yes so we got the balls rolling I flipped her on her belly started eat her wet pussy out also between the two holes was on my plate ass and pussy she cumes the first time she stood up and laid her on her back and slid my cock in that wet pussy down on my side we fucked every angle there was in the fucking book of sex crying to me to cum already cum I said it here pulled out and fucking release the cracking bust all over her mouth and she had enough to take home in her belly so we laid there she told me that the best fuck she ever did had so I told her if you and you girl ever was to get back with each other and you both need A man to get lust with I said I think I fit the reference I gave her my number set apart 2 Mounts later I get a call that they wanted to get together so I was like what okay so we made the arrangements at their place I showed up and eat dinner drink some wine so it's time for you know role play I was on injured person got into an accident she was on officer her partner was a nurse looking at this two hot babes there was talk to each other and they started to kiss and I was lying down in bad getting work up watching this is the first time I. Was going to get two women at once I said room 20 needs assistance room 20 needs assistance they walk up and said you need assistance we will give you fucking assistance the eat in and lick in was intense sweat was to come out my pots banging two girls beautiful as they were I had to put my mind else we're I sex was unbelievable everything was perfect after we took a shower laid back down I ask what made you do this they told me for them to be together and live happy they needed to make love with a man for the last time together and the could forget about the pass and start new till today they lived happy I was greatfull to witness love I guess some time it works that way and happy for the couple that is one thing I would never forget
Beach after noon Beach after noon · Lesbian Sex · Hanging down the beach chilling a woman Walk up time if I wanted a beer I said sure I could I resist her she was hot you no .and a beer led to almost a 6 pack so at the beginning we had some good conversations and that led to her talking about her problem about her partner so listening well I as k wait is your partner a female she said yes So on my head I was like dam it so she said they had a fight and her partner selp wit 7 guys in that month they was separated I was like what and she throws her self at me she said to kiss her and I did I backed off and I said r you sure she said yes so we got the balls rolling I flipped her on her belly started eat her wet pussy out also between the two holes was on my plate ass and pussy she cumes the first time she stood up and laid her on her back and slid my cock in that wet pussy down on my side we fucked every angle there was in the fucking book of sex crying to me to cum already cum I said it here pulled out and fucking release the cracking bust all over her mouth and she had enough to take home in her belly so we laid there she told me that the best fuck she ever did had so I told her if you and you girl ever was to get back with each other and you both need A man to get lust with I said I think I fit the reference I gave her my number set apart 2 Mounts later I get a call that they wanted to get together so I was like what okay so we made the arrangements at their place I showed up and eat dinner drink some wine so it's time for you know role play I was on injured person got into an accident she was on officer her partner was a nurse looking at this two hot babes there was talk to each other and they started to kiss and I was lying down in bad getting work up watching this is the first time I. Was going to get two women at once I said room 20 needs assistance room 20 needs assistance they walk up and said you need assistance we will give you fucking assistance the eat in and lick in was intense sweat was to come out my pots banging two girls beautiful as they were I had to put my mind else we're I sex was unbelievable everything was perfect after we took a shower laid back down I ask what made you do this they told me for them to be together and live happy they needed to make love with a man for the last time together and the could forget about the pass and start new till today they lived happy I was greatfull to witness love I guess some time it works that way and happy for the couple that is one thing I would never forget
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