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pussyfuck: Any girl wantin sex tomoro in omagh i wil meet u at grange car park at 1 in the afternoon if u wana be standin in car park at 1
11 Years Ago
BallsOut: Looking local orgies in cali
12 Years Ago
Bmillionaire: I’m a fit male who just turned 30, I’m new to this type of stuff.. can anyone point me in the right direction of local sex parties/orgies or any female services around caboolture/Morayfield please! ??
8 Months Ago
SofaKingDTF: Looking for a local hookup on .a regular basis in the cameron.park area..
1 Year Ago
Soberlust12866: I'm fucking horny as usual and as usual I'm not getting blowjobs and backrubs like I wished for ..:( WILL WORK FOR SEX!;) I'm a local and on foot so it's gotta be local and soon!iphone 518-538-4037 pixtxt me or iCloud email J2gemini36@me.com or Skype J2gemini36 hit my ass UP! Send that filth!
12 Years Ago
leeroy201314567: looking for local girls Swansea or Llanelli so local get intouch lets get it on.
10 Years Ago
Stouty: Looking for local girls around the local area for fun. Who wants to have sex
9 Years Ago
MissCunnilingus: I'm still looking for LOCAL pussy to eat and LOCAL cock to suck.
3 Years Ago
LocalsOnly: Looking for local hookups,no games, drama,bullshit, 673 sleven sleven trey neine. U local u know area code (text first)
2 Years Ago
nickid143: Local Tampabay female looking for local gangbangs
11 Months Ago
NerdyBiBear: Horny fuck bear looking to fuck Mass local women or get fucked by Mass local men. Hmu at my email nerdybibear@gmail.com
5 Months Ago
mcandelaria28: 23yr old male looking for sex orgies threesomes straight
12 Years Ago
sandmsam: any orgies on in canberra‚ australia
12 Years Ago
Easyme33: Ok‚ Very horny and capable guy needing same as you. Some really good hang it all out fucking. Need my own personal orgy. A Supreme Court Justice said orgies are ok and good as a release of social tension. I'm a little bit tense right now. How about you?
12 Years Ago
amber ll: Very happy outgoing women with a shocking sex drive wanting to expand my connections and explore different sexual scenarios safely. Looking for couples‚ single females‚ orgies‚ and other people interested in alternative lifestyle. Sexy white female with passion to spare! Very easy going! Lets chat :)
11 Years Ago
skippy adventure: Just looking for some genuine people in Canberra who host sex parties‚ orgies or casual discreet things of that nature.
11 Years Ago
jayant: hi‚ i am m‚ single‚ from delhi‚ looking for orgies
11 Years Ago
kimy: couple seeking orgies miami to nigth
11 Years Ago
meerkat87: Want a hard fuck‚ threesomes‚ orgies! Straight
11 Years Ago
kani435: Looking for orgies or my first gangbang
55 Years Ago

Local Orgies in Angle-Park SA AU

Help Meat (A Dystopian Tale Part 2) Help Meat (A Dystopian Tale Part 2) · Fetish · Author's Note: I strongly suggest you read part 1 first so this makes more sense! I am splashing over the rocks, my hands outstretched as I try to catch a fish. I have been on my own for two weeks, hiding during the day under clumps of ferns or blackberry bushes. My mother would not recognize me now with my tangled filthy hair and clothing torn to ribbons. I hiss as the river’s grainy water stings the cuts on my arms. With a lunge, I catch the fish, crouching to devour it as it squirms in my hands. Men’s voices rise behind me as heavy boots crash through the brush. I drop my fish and dash for the forest, zigzagging through the trees. The dog is howling as it catches my scent. Sprinting for a tree with low enough boughs, I grab for a branch, dragging myself up as my legs kick the air. Sudden teeth sink into my ankle. I scream as the dog yanks at me, its weight dragging me down. I land on my chest, air exploding from my lungs. Hands grab at me as the yipping dog is kicked back. A knife is sawing at the remains of my shirt, ripping the fabric from my body. My bra is cut and flung to one side. The hands flip me onto my back and again the knife flashes. My jeans are pulled off, and then my panties. Naked now, I lay sobbing on the ground. My ankle is bleeding. There is a sharp stab of pain when I try to move my foot. The man above me accepts a cloth from a larger man, pours water onto the fabric, and then bends to dab at my face. “What do you think, John?” the bald man in the shadows asks. “Do we sell her for meat?” Straddling me, the man tilts my head into the dappled sunlight. “Pretty,” he says at last. “I say we keep her. Bring me the tape, Brian.” I writhe as my wrists and ankles are bound with duct tape. The men find a branch and run it between my arms and legs, each of them holding one end as I swing back and forth between them. Dangling chest up, I see a glimpse of red between the thick ferns, the men reaching a clearing where their pickup is parked. My captors yank out the branch and toss me unceremoniously in the back. I am manacled by one ankle, secured by a chain to the scratched bed of the older Ford. Then I grunt with every jolt as the vehicle dodges the road’s many potholes. The men have the radio’s volume cranked, raucously singing a song I’ve never heard. I close my eyes, fighting for calm. I had watched from behind a rock as they had emerged unexpectantly from the trees to attack our camp. They had slitted my mother’s throat first thing, hanging her head down like a deer to open her up and gut her. My traumatized little sister had been taken away in the red truck by the sandy haired man—while the bald one remained behind to carefully skin and behead my mother. Then taking up his ax, he dismembered her casually as though he was chopping wood. By the time the smaller man returned alone in the truck, my mother’s torso was roasted crisp, suspended on a spit about a foot above a fire. The two men had seated themselves close to the dripping meat, carving with their knives the flesh from my mother’s limbs. I lingered nearby, hating to leave the last place I had seen my mother. The men had busied themselves the following day with wrapping up the meat. Then one of them spied my footprints on his way to the river. For two weeks they hunt me—two whole weeks that I managed to avoid capture. But then they bought a dog. The men stop the truck beside a ramshackle building. It is a hunter’s shack, yet these men are not poor, I realize, spying the fine-looking vehicles beside the cabin. Instead they are doing what was now a favorite past-time for men; scouring the forests in search of fleeing women and girls. I hold my breath as the men disappear through the doorway of the shack. If I fight them, I die, I think. The men pass the truck and stop beside what looks like a picnic table. I see them lay out a plastic sheet over the top, weighing it down with rocks on the ground around it. Gravel crunches as the shorter man approaches me. His taller companion is leaning an ax against the picnic table, along with a large tub and a bucket of what appears to be tools. A chill of dread touches my spine as the man named John frees me from the truck, then drags me down from its bed. Unsteadily I sway on my feet as John crouches, his knife sawing through the tape binding my ankles. John gestures me to raise my bound hands above my head. As I do so he pushes at my thighs, spreading my legs. Without a word, he wets a rag in a bucket of cold soapy water, and then goes to work. As I stand there shivering, he washes every crevice of my body, not once but twice, returning with a second bucket of fresh water after the first darkens to brown. “You are a help-meet,” he grates into my ear. He empties a third bucket over my head, and then soaps up my hair. “That means you were made to please men. Got it?” I nod, shivering. The sun is behind the trees now. Their hound dog’s icy nose snuffles at my anus. “Why did you run?” Brian asks as he joins his friend. He is a bear of a man with a bald head and laughing brown eyes, his hands and body built like a lumberjack’s. I look away and stare at my feet. “You killed my mother,” I whisper dryly. “I am a man so that is my right,” Brian says. “Your mother was too old to take to the butcher. But not so old to waste. She was actually tender for her age. Her breasts, too, were very nice—too lovely to resist. Care to see what I make with them?” I begin to shake my head, then catching his frown, I nod, fighting back tears. The man grins as he unhooks a little bag from his belt and shows it to me. It is a small leather pouch, round with a protrusion at one end. “They’re easy to make,” he says. “You cut around the base first, then slide your blade just under the skin and up, keeping the tip inside. Then you ease it all the way around at that angle, all the while pulling hard at the nipple. The skin slides off all in one piece. I flip it over my thumb to scrape away the blood vessels and stuff. And look, it has no seams!” He turns the bag over. “I sell these at the club.” John catches my chin and forces my eyes to his. “He could do that to you, you know. Your tits are certainly big enough. But it seems to me we could do more useful things with them; what do you think, Brian?” The bald man barely glances up. “I agree that she’d make a good dairy prospect. But she’s not old enough yet. Besides, you’d have to breed her first.” “Oh, such a chore!” John rolls his eyes. “No, I’m talking about keeping her for us. Wouldn’t it be nice to have milk on hand without going to town? Drawn straight from the tit is always best. Why not this one? With those glands of hers she’d be a natural. Here, let me check.” He feels between my legs, his calloused fingers inserting themselves. He takes a sniff, rubbing his fingertips together to check the texture. “Could be she’s ripe. We’ll fuck her hard for the next little while and see what comes of it. If we can get her pregnant, that’ll bring on her milk once the offspring is born.” “Whatever.” Brian rolls his eyes and snorts derisively, his attention on the picnic table nearby, and assembled tools. “You know this act of yours really gets old.” “It’s never an act. Every single time we go through this I tell you the same thing. Only with this girl . . . I mean look at her. She could produce enough milk to get us through the day. For our cereal. Or cheese if we want to make cheese. Butter, pudding . . . Don’t tell me this doesn’t appeal to you.” Brian stares at the sky. “Like we ever make cheese.” He pauses with a snort. “And what would we do with her later, hmm? You know, when it’s time to go home?” “We’d cross that bridge when we get to it.” John shrugs and kicks at the dirt. Shivering, I close my eyes. “Well girl, in case you’re wondering, my name is Brian,” the big man addresses me. “Brian Dunahee, and this little dreamer here is John Scott, my best friend. We are your masters now—got it? You do what we tell you, and maybe we’ll let you live through the night. If not, I’ll stretch you on that table and gut you, too. What are you called, girl?” “Amy.” Trembling, I nod stupidly as the two men half-carry me into the cabin. John takes a towel and dries me off. Then I’m stretched onto my stomach on the kitchen table, the men sliding me forward over the edge until my breasts hang down. Brian supports my shoulders as John crouches to measure each breast from stem to stern, then checks the circumference, with Brian scribbling his findings on a pad. I tense as something hard and cold slips between my legs and into my body—stopping with a jerk several times as it’s positioned within me. More numbers are recorded, Brian’s expression intense while John scoots a chair close to the table. Sitting beside my shoulder, the sandy haired man raises my nearest breast into the light. “Finely grained skin. Good heft, too. Heavy and dense, with a good plump nipple.” He kneads my breast hard, feeling the bumps and texture of the flesh. My captors carry me to the mattress and set me on my back. Spreading my legs, they raise them high over my head and secure them with ropes to hooks in the wall. They stare unhappily down at my raised pussy. “I’ll get on it,” Brian says, hurrying into the tiny bathroom to grab shaving supplies and a roll of paper towels. He kneels in front of my cunt, sawing the hairs short with his knife, then lathering me up to shave me smooth. He pauses briefly to consider his work, then, spreading my folds widely back with one hand, he dries them off carefully with a paper towel. John hands him strips of duct-tape to hold my pussy open. “There.” Brian stands at last, his fingers stroking my exposed girlhood. “It’s just so much easier this way. I don’t like it when your body hides your cunt from my sight. I hate all that loose skin.” Teary eyed and shaking, I toss my head, my face going hot as John shoulders Brian aside and kneels between my legs. The smaller man explores me closely, tracing the edges of my opening. He sinks a finger into me slowly, pressing upward against the roof of my cunt, then moistening my opened folds, moving languidly around the shape of my vagina. “If we keep this girl, Brian, we could do whatever we want. No brothers to interfere, or put it to a vote.” “I know.” Brian crouches beside the bed to grip and pull on my breasts. “It would be cool if we could, that’s for sure.” “Hey, you’re the one that started that club.” John catches my look. “We have a barn up on the hill,” he explains. “Started a gentleman’s group up there maybe a year before the laws were finalized.” “Nine months prior,” Brian manages. Grinning, he releases my nipple with a slurp. John shrugs. “Fine, nine months then. There are men like Brian here who just happen to love gore, who get off on destroying female bodies. Men like this serve a valuable purpose. They do the clean-up work that no one else wants to do. Eliminating the girls who refuse to fit in. You know, like runaways and such. Girls like you, for example. I bet if I asked you right now what is most important in life, you would not give me the right answer. You don’t even know what the right answer is.” “Damn these tits!” exclaims Brian. He presses into my breast, kneading hard. “How big do you think they are? Double D’s?” “At least. I told you they were nice for her age. She’d make a great milker.” John is prodding my exposed opening, poking in his fingers repeatedly to keep me wet around my pussy. “We have her bra; we can always check.” He inserts his fingers fully, stirring the moist flesh. “She’ll carry a lot of milk if we can get a kid out of her. Damn. That’s it.” He stands abruptly to unfasten his belt, his jeans dropping to the floor as he falls on me. I stiffen in shock, gasping in pain as his cock drives in. Screaming, I grasp for my bonds to free my tied ankles. Brian seizes my wrists and yanks them down. He leans heavily into the squirming tissue of my breasts, releasing his hold to press hard against me, his sausage fingers working my flesh like dough. John is thrusting vigorously now, his shaft inside me plunging deeper with every stroke. I shriek and claw at the mattress. Then abruptly John stiffens; grunting, he wilts above me, his upper body sagging as fluid spills from my cunt. Brian releases me and climbs to his feet. He shoves John off me, then jerks up my buttocks with his hands. Smiling, he nuzzles my opened entrance, his tongue sliding deep into my cunt, moving lazily in a circle. He takes his time eating me out, sucking on my clit and pulling with his teeth. His fingers sink in; he bends to thrust his tongue between them; like a bee pulling pollen from a flower, he licks greedily, his fingers drawing more of my juice to the surface. “Not all girls taste good, but my god! I can’t get enough of this one!” “Maybe it’s me you taste,” John says with a laugh. “You know I just fucked her, right?” “No, this is girl, one hundred percent pure.” Brian runs his finger up and down over my pussy, playfully stretching my tight opening. The men trade off, John mounting me a second time to lower himself into me, pushing in fully, then easing out. “This is choice meat,” Brian says as he prods my buttocks. “She’s what, about sixteen? She won’t be worth a damn if we don’t harvest her soon. Aged girl is hard to sell.” John is moaning, pumping slowly as he braces his arms, controlling his thrusts enough to watch his cock move in and out. Trembling under the abuse, a huge part of me outraged by this violation, I glare at the ceiling. John stiffens mid-thrust, howling as he drives in hard, the volcano of his shaft erupting and going soft, throbbing gently within me. “I’ll tell you what,” he manages at last. “We go through this every time, and every single time you get your way. I never get to win these little contests. You destroy the girl, butcher her for meat, and what do you end up with? You’re happy for a day or two, but then what? You’re always hungry for more. “This girl has the finest breasts I’ve seen, and that’s without the drug. I look at her and I see months or maybe even a year of always having cream for my coffee, or milk for my cereal. But it’s more than that. Did you see how deep she goes? Did you look at the numbers you scribbled down? We can learn from her body, don’t you see? Practice on her. You say you can’t fist, well I’m betting you’re wrong. With this girl, I could teach you.” “My hands are too big.” Brian growls. There is a pause as he stares between my legs. “Do you really think I could?” “If you follow my instructions.” John moves to the kitchen to wash his hands. “She’s got the depth. All we have to do is get some width out of her. We have all the time in the world, Bri—many weeks or months to stretch her out. She’s ours now. You can practice on her all you want.” Licking his lips, Brian crouches between my legs. His big hands press against my pelvis. He is tilting my hips toward the little lamp nearby, his fingers entering me tentatively, hooking at the sides and spreading my tissue. Grinning then he leans down, his mouth fixing itself around the rim of my vagina, his hungry tongue scooping inside me, drawing out my fluids. He sucks hard against my cunt, extending his tongue as far as it will go. I close my eyes, moaning despite myself at the sensations flooding through me. When I open them again, I see John standing behind him. “I take it you’re hungry?” John asks. Brian grunts in his throat and lifts his head, creamy tendrils of fluid running down his chin. He inserts his fingers to spread me again, delight broadening his face. “Look at that. She’s so wet!” Brian stirs my fluids with his fingers, the wet sounds filling the quiet room. Once more he dips down, his tongue swirling in circles as I raise up my hips. Smiling at John, he smacks his lips. “Fine.” Laughing, John returns to the kitchen. “Get familiar with her body. That’s the one thing we must do. In the meantime, I’m hungry. Want a sandwich?” Brian closes his eyes, his mouth open as his fingers dig into my cunt, the hands separating and turning. He hovers above my pelvis, stretching my opening wide at different angles. He pulls me toward him until my legs stretch taut against their fetters. Once more he buries his face, straining for reach with his tongue. “You know,” John calls to him. “When you fist, your hand gets to go a lot farther than your fingers. You can reach down past your wrist—maybe even deeper with this girl. If her juices are what you like, there’s no better way than a good fisting to coax them out.” “I’m too big to fist,” Brian repeats sadly. Nevertheless, he pulls over a chair and sits between my legs. I squirm, embarrassed and strangely aroused by the look on his face as he gapes me gently. “That’s it,” John urges. “Explore her out. Feel inside until you know the terrain. If you want to gape her, use the top wall of her cunt as leverage, then slide in deep with fingers from your other hand and pull down. It takes some muscle but it’s worth it. It’s the quickest way to work large objects in.” I try to relax as the big man makes the attempt, my body yearning for penetration as I stare at the wall. The fingers sink deep, the hand separating as Brian grunts with effort. “The top part’s hard,” he exclaims. “It doesn’t—” “That’s what I mean; you use it for leverage,” John says. “The bottom part should yield readily when you stretch it. Did you feel that?” Brian nods, scrutinizing my pussy around his hands. “Good, that’s what you want. When you insert your hand to fist, you always want to angle it down, utilize that yielding lower wall. Same thing if you’re trying to insert something big like a bottle.” John walks suddenly to the bed and sits down beside me. Flustered, I look away, staring at the wall. “Now you,” he begins, reaching to massage my loose breasts, “listen up. Enough with this hostility, please. In case you haven’t noticed, you can’t run down the streets screaming ‘rape’ anymore because nobody cares. The very concept of rape has ceased to exist. So what must you do to survive, I wonder? According to the bible, the most important thing in life for a girl is to please men. It’s in the book of Genesis, right at the very start. A girl is made to be a man’s help-meet. To be useful to men in every way she can.” I am gritting my teeth, my nostrils flaring. “You killed my mother.” “So we did; so what? Brian found it enjoyable. He found the butchering part enjoyable, the skinning part enjoyable, because that’s Brian’s thing. It’s not just pussy juice that turns him on. It’s internal stuff like blood and guts, and making his little purses. Your mother served her purpose well. Her meat fed me and Brian, plus five other men at a homeless shelter. What meaning have you found in your life, Amy? Here you have this opportunity tossed in your lap, and you stick your nose in the air. If you think you’re above us, think again. This is what I mean. Girls like you don’t belong. Girls like you end up . . .” “Very bloody,” Brian says darkly. “Which is a shame, because damn, you taste good.” I chew my lip, forcing myself to meet John’s glare. “Isn’t that something, though? I taste good. So don’t I have a purpose?” The two men stare at me. “Yes,” John says quickly. “Absolutely—of course you do. But how can you please Brian using this skill? That’s what girls need to ask themselves constantly; how do I take this situation and use it wisely.” I gaze into John’s blue eyes. “I’ll try; I promise. Please don’t kill me.” John thinks for a moment. “Ok, for now you’re on probation. Brian wants to fist you, and I want to see you do everything you can to help him. We’ll untie your legs so you can get your circulation back. But then I want to see an active involvement into making this work.” I cry out in pain as my legs are lowered, hastily massaging my thighs and ankles. John brings plates into the room and a pitcher of milk. I wipe my face and sit up, swinging my legs to the side of the bed as I reach to accept my plate. I avoid the jerky, remembering my mother. But the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are good, and the milk rich and frothy. “That’s not your mother,” Brian says suddenly around a mouthful. “Not sure why, but this batch of jerky came out lighter.” “More fat in the meat, perhaps?” suggested John. Brian shrugged. “Could be, though if I recall, she wasn’t fat.” “That’s girl milk,” John informs me as I wipe the foam from my lips. “You’re going to have to get used to these alternative foods. How long has it been since you’ve had milk?” I think for a moment. “I don’t remember. I never really drank cow’s milk. My mom was into the healthy stuff like Almond or Hemp milk.” I finish my meal and wait the men out. “So how can I help? I don’t know anything about fisting.” “You don’t fight him, that’s how,” John replies. “You relax and enjoy yourself, or act like you do. By tensing up you make the process so much harder. You are now at the age of usefulness for girls. Be useful! This is a new world now.” I stare at Brian’s big hands. “I’ve never had anything inside me before today,” I lie. “Now I have to fit that much in? It’s going to hurt.” “Virgin to fisting in one day,” Brian says around his food. “It is a bit of a leap, John.” The sandy haired man studies me briefly. “Ok, since you’re trying to be so good, I’ll start you out for him—get you ready for his hands. Sound fair?” “Can you explain something to me first?” I ask in a quavering voice. “Why did this happen? Why are women suddenly slaves now?” John chokes on his mouthful. “Not slaves. You were made from the rib of man, by men, for men to use, and to make men happy. Or at least the pretty girls were. Men are made by God and in his image. Girls were made by men. See the difference? Now, shall we get started?” I sigh, moving the pillow to a centralized location on the mattress. Then I sit at the foot of the bed, lying back shakily, my head resting on the pillow. “Smart thinking,” John remarks. He pulls a chair up close and seizes my ankles. With one pull he yanks me slightly off the bed, then places my left ankle on his shoulder. Behind me Brian catches up my right leg and bends it toward my chest. “Hold that for us,” will you” he asks, and I comply, wrapping my arms around my raised knee. “You see how she’s positioned, Brian? IF you want the lower wall of her pussy to stretch, you’ll need to get her ass off the bed first to give yourself the room. A pillow under her hips works too.” Leaning over, John massages the muscles of my groin and pelvic area. He kneads my hard thighs and presses out the stressful knots. Then bending forward, his hand parallel to the floor, he tilts his hand palm up and slides his fingers in. “Lie back,” he tells me. “And don’t think too much about what I’m doing. Brian, bring that flashlight and pull up a chair. You need to watch if you’re going to learn.” Closing my eyes, I grip my knee and breathe in through my nose, exhaling slowly through my mouth. I am exhilarated by this attention—the sight of the two men staring between my legs as they sit side by side. John’s tenor voice speaks softly to his friend, explaining as he works. “Down like this,” John is saying, “into the opening like you’re diving into a pool, and then slightly up . . .” A look of strain crosses his face. “There, see that? I had to lean into my wrist, didn’t I? Press downward, like this . . . see what I’m doing? Stretching that wall between her pussy and anus. Bear down and rotate in. Angle in, pressing against her here. Except I can’t go in yet because I’m only using fingers. But if I funnel my fingers like this—and tuck my thumb between them. Now see what we do.” I draw a deep breath at the sudden tightness, the fingers rotating, rocking side to side and stretching my taut tissue. Knuckles grind against my cunt. “Amy, you’re trying too hard,” John admonishes. “Relax if you can. Visualize yourself opening.” I nod quickly and turn my head, setting my gaze on a spot on the wall. The stain has a tree shape, reminding me of the branch with the one little bulb in the Charlie Brown Christmas special I used to watch. I close my eyes, my full belly making me sleepy. When have I last had a good night’s rest? I am . . . My eyes flare wide. The weight of the hand breaks through and into my body. My cunt is wide around John’s wrist, fluids dribbling down my skin as John glides straight to my core, then drags back in reverse. John pulls out all the way and I see his fingers dripping, the smaller man curling them to show his friend. “Watch again as I go in,” John says. “Down, twisting, lean to stretch, then angle. Right here. See that little give before I’m in? That’s the real bitch right there. Not the entrance to the pussy so much. It’s this second threshold here. Bypass this and you’ve mastered her body. But to get past you’ll want to utilize that lower wall. There’s a hollow just beneath with lots of room; see how much I can move my hand? That’s how you get around those tight muscles. Angle down, twist into the hollow, slide in. There! Level out and push! See how far I can go? She’s very deep. “Okay, once you’re in, draw immediately back, “John continues. “Not all the way—don’t come out of her. You want to stop beneath those muscles that just gave you so much trouble. Now you take your time and press them out; make them soft. Cock your arm and press with your knuckles. Just enough pressure and twisting to . . . There, did you see that! The muscles just relaxed. Now watch as I slide right in.” I lick my lips as the hand goes to town. John is fisting with vigor as he stands above me, his arm rotating as he reaches my cervix, then pulling out hard with a loud wet sound. “See how I angle my elbow as I work, changing speeds when those muscles start to tighten? Never hold in one place for too long. Keep moving. See, again toward the surface we find those very tight muscles. So we work them, pumping fast with lots of lube. Pressing those knots all soft again. There!” He sits back in his chair, cocking his arms behind his back to stretch himself. “This is how we can pump her all night. We feel what her muscles are doing and keep adjusting our tactics. See . . .?” Seating himself, he glides in effortlessly, rocking in his chair as he thrusts in and out. “Like putty in my hands.” I am trembling, groaning, my pelvis straining toward him as he exits, grunting as he thrusts. There is a pause in the motion. Then larger fingers are rotating in. My pussy stretches wider, more fingers delving into my vagina, stretching me back as the thumb joins the rest. “Good,” John says. “You got this. Now lean as I showed you.” I grunt involuntarily, my tissues straining. I try to relax, to find the tree shaped splotch on the wall beside me again. The big hand is yawning my pussy’s mouth, grinding hard into the tensing muscles. “Dive in quick before she tightens back up and you unravel all my work. Good! Level out. Now push!” “Oh!” The word passes my lips. I raise up my hips, my head flopped back against the pillow. The big hand forces me wide inside as it pushes in fully. Brian’s eyes are filled with wonder as he slowly draws out. “I’m doing it!” he cries. “Oh my God, that feels good.” “Yes, now keep going!” Facing me, John straddles my lower torso, his weight on his knees as he leans forward on the mattress. Pressing his weight into his hands he slowly and deeply massages my breasts. “You see?” he tells me as I writhe beneath him. “Being a girl has its perks.” I am moaning as the big hand pumps me, filling me up and pulling me back. Fluids pour down my thigh, soaking the fitted sheet beneath my pussy. Brian pauses and bends to gape me with his fingers, his soothing tongue cleansing me out, gliding from cunt to anus. Then he’s fisting me, his big hand changing angles as he works, the force of his entry raising my pelvis off the bed. I cry out as I struggle, as John, pressing my breasts together, sucks my nipples into his mouth. Bucking, I spurt from my cunt, my body quaking on the bed. Brian is wiping his face – licking his fingers. “Keep at it!” John orders him. “The longer we go, the better.” I scream fiercely and wild as the big hand stretches my pulsing flesh. Now Brian is pulling aside my opening on one side with his fingers, stretching me wide as his hand sinks deep. He stands and lifts me by one leg, forcing John to scramble from my body as I am hauled from my pillow. Vertically I hang with my right leg dangling, my upper body resting on the bed. Brian is grinning like a happy kid at Christmas, with John reaching in to gape me while Brian fists. I undulate madly as John sucks my clit, spraying both of the men again as my body falls limp. I am exhausted, fatigue dragging me down into a kind of fuzzy stupor. And still the two men work tirelessly on, the rhythm of the hands fisting endlessly. I wake in the night to a darkened room, with light between my legs and the hulking silhouette of Brian’s shoulders. My folds are loose, freed at last from the painful tape. Brian is exploring at his leisure, swabbing me with his tongue. I grunt as he slides his hand into my aching cunt, his large fist forming a hard knot inside my opening. Rapidly he pumps just inches from the surface, leaning hard left and then right as he softens me. He pulls out with a squelch and cool air rushes in, my slackened flesh opened, relaxed. With two hands he spreads my cunt deeply from inside, then leans in to lick me out. John is snoring from the bed beside me. I raise my hips, mashing my pussy against Brian’s face. He grabs my buttocks to support them, his head tilting back and forth to guide his tongue. At last he sets me down and wipes his face. I groan and wish for more, my fingers playing with my clit. “Tell me,” he says conversationally, flicking the flashlight on my face. “What made you decide to behave? Could you sense how we were planning to kill you? You are exactly the right age to butcher. I was going to carry your out to the picnic table after—to do to you what I did to your mother. We had the tools out there and everything. But then you had a change of heart. So what happened? We do this all the time. No other girl has done a one-eighty on us like this.” I stop playing with myself to look at him. “You won’t believe me if I tell the truth.” “Try me.” Brian is silent, the unwavering light on my face. I lick my lips. “I wasn’t exactly a virgin, you know. My mom took us away because . . . she was religious and I embarrassed her. I like being penetrated more than anything. My mom called me a nympho, but really what’s the harm if it’s what I love? This though—I wanted to hate you for killing my mother, but you made me feel so good! All I know is I want this day and night, for as long as you let me live. I don’t want you to ever stop.” Leaning between my legs, Brian squeezes my right breast gently. “John always says a girl’s body is meant for this. I guess he’s right.” I am nodding. My laugh sounds silly in my ears, almost childish. “Definitely!” “Well then, I shall indulge you.” Brian sits back in his chair, opening my folds with one big hand. He raises an oily-looking bottle, squirting lube directly in. Smiling, I lay back and raise my hips, feeling my muscles surrender as he eases in. The lube makes him slippery inside me, sliding like a fat eel in and out. He grips my thigh, the motion of his big hand effortless as he works. “If you do stay,” he pants, “There’ll be days when we bring home a girl to butcher. You’ll have to get used to that.” I groan between my teeth, my hips rising to meet his thrusts. “I’ll do anything to stay,” I tell him. “I’ll even make those little purses for you if you show me how. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do anyway? Help men?” Surprised, he jerks up his head. Then he grins. End of Part 2
Wicked Wicked · Fetish · Part 1 The white, 19-y/o Georg and the also-white, 20-y/o Sebastian, were enrolled in summer classes at a university. And the first Thursday evening in July, they were studying when Georg was surfing online and found a Net-group, “DisreputableTarts.” He scrolled through its membership list until he accessed a naked woman’s picture showing her large, firm tits, trim legs and black hair. He then read: - “Hello. I'm Carol, a 38-y/o widow living in River City. I hope to contact dominant men, being I’m submissive and desperately needing golden-showers, extreme humiliation and safe physical abuse. My hobby is corrupting adult boys, 18 to 21. Please reply to 'thesurpreme_slut@gmail.com'.” ‘Look, Sebastian,’ Georg said as he pointed toward his computer screen. ‘Wow, she’s a sexy, old broad, isn’t she?’ Sebastian remarked. ‘She has a vulgar appearance, though I’ll answer her anyway.’ Georg said as he typed: - “Carol. I’m Georg. My buddy, Sebastian, and I think you’re hot. He’s 20 and I’m 19. We live in River City, too. Can you meet us in Washington Park this Sunday morning at 2:3o?” Carol immediately responded, 'I will, sir.' That morning, the guys drove to the otherwise-deserted park and waited until she arrived in nothing except high-heeled shoes. ‘I’m indecent, aren’t I, sirs?’ she askd. ‘Yeah,’ Sebastian replied, as he clutched her tresses and steered her into the men’s restroom. ‘This is where you’ll desecrate the Sabbath,’ he informed her. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol said. ‘Are you ready for my abuse?’ Georg inquired. ‘Yes, I am, sir,’ she’d scarcely answered before his palm exploded against her pretty face. ‘Aaah!’ she gasped. ‘The poor thing’s suffering!’ Georg jeered. ‘Good!’ Sebastian said, followed by him inserting his finger in the slit between her thighs. ‘This is a morally primitive cave,’ he noted. ‘What do you expect? She’s a Neanderthal!’ Georg chuckled before Sebastian removed his finger and wiped it across her lips. ‘You’re so, so sweet!’ he snickered. ‘Cunts are known as honey-traps,’ Georg interjected. ‘She has a potty-hole,’ Sebastian referred to her anus while undressing ‘Your cock’s beautiful, sir,’ she told him regarding his 11-inched pecker. ‘You’re in love with it, aren’t you?’ Sebastian asked. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol admitted. ‘Prove it!’ he snarled as he bent her over and chiseled his prick into her vag. ‘Fuck me!’ she moaned. ‘You contemptible whore!’ Sebastian growled. ‘Demolish the bitch!’ Georg advised him. ‘Yeah!’ Sebastian answered. ‘Uuuh – uuuh – uuuh!’ Carol panted. In a bit, Sebastian came in her snatch and withdrew from it while Georg stripped, brought her to her knees and guided his 9-inched cock into her throat. ‘Suck my dick, you dirty skank!’ he yelled, and Carol obeyed until she had an orgasm. Georg next unloaded in her mouth. ‘Let's relieve our bladders,’ he grinned as the boys pissed in her gullet. ‘Thank you, sirs,’ Carol said. ‘We’re giving you a chance to corrupt us again in church next Sunday morning,’ Sebastian smiled. ‘When, sir? ‘Ten 0’clock,’ Sebastion said. ‘Thanks for mistreating me, sirs,’ she answered, then left. But she didn’t realize that the church was temporarily closed, since its pastor had hired Sebastian and Georg to do some repairs. Still aroused, she wore a skirt, blouse, fishnets and high heels to another meeting when Sebastion and Georg were dressed in priest robes. ‘You understand you’re “wicked”, don’t you?’ Sebastian inquired. ‘I do, sir,’ Carol said. ‘Were you faithful to your husband?’ Georg questioned her. ‘No, sir.’ ‘You were and always will be an adulteress!’ Georg remarked as he led her up the aisle to the altar. ‘Pray!’ he ordered. ‘Yes, sir!’ Carol whispered as she sank to her knees. Sebastian then hammered his cock into her guts. ‘I’m evil!’ she wept. ‘Yeah, and your sins are beyond forgiveness!’ Georg said before Sebastian unloaded in and discarded her bowels. Never in her life, had she felt so degraded and multiple orgasms possessed her with demonic fury while Georg aimed his dick into her rectum. 'Split my ass wide open!' she exclaimed, with Georg indulging her until he spewed jizz into it. By then, Sebastian was holding a communion goblet into which he and Georg jacked-off and urinated. Sebastian then poured the liquids into her mouth. ‘We hereby invoke the Devil’s name and curse you forever!’ he intoned, and... ‘... amen!’ Georg concluded the ‘service.’ However, she wanted him and Sebastian to 'marry' her and a week later, they had a pretend wedding, though the guys demanded that she continue engaging in ‘adultery.' ~*~ Part 2 After the 'nuptials', Carol astonished her ‘husbands’ by confessing to her fantasies involving bestiality. ‘You little pervert!’ Sebastian snorted. ‘That’s what you are, isn’t it?’ Georg inquired. ‘Yes, sir!’ 'That's right,' Georg said. Without forewarning her, though, Sebastian and Georg explained a certain plan to their friends, the white, 18-y/o Elroy and black, 21-y/o Jeremy. ‘Are you serious?’ Elroy asked them. ‘Yeah, we are,’ Georg answered. ‘Carol’s your wife?’ Jeremy said. ‘Unofficially,’ Sebastian responded. ‘The honeymoon’s this Saturday night and we’ve reserved a room at the River City Motor Inn. Come with us,’ Georg said. Next, he and Sebastian went to a kennel to purchase an Australian Shepherd and named him Nimrod. Having done that, they took him to Jeremy’s apartment and left him there until the honeymoon when Sebastian ordered, ‘Wear your red shoes representing adultery and the bridal gown we bought you.' ‘Yes, sir,’ the slag answered before Sebastian and Georg drove her to the motel where Elroy, Nimrod and Jeremy were waiting. Sebastian unlocked the door and shoved her into the room while Georg, Nimrod, Elroy and Jeremy followed. ‘Let me introduce Nimrod, the mighty hunter,’ Georg said. ‘He’s going to shoot his arrow and not miss,’ Sebastian remarked. ‘You fucking hound!’ Elroy disparaged her. ‘Yes, I’m hound!’ Carol said as Jeremy shredded her gown, honked her boobs and said, ‘These milk-cans are enormous.’ ‘Her infidelity’s monstrous!’ Georg sneered. ‘Yep. She wallows in her own filth,’ Sebastian said as he, Georg, Jeremy and Elroy undressed. However, Jeremy’s 12-inched staff excited Carol. She fell to her knees and directed it into her mouth. ‘Suck my cock, you piece of shit!’ he growled. Elroy then moved behind her and hurled his 10-inched spear into her vag. ‘Dummy!’ he yelled. ‘Your brains are in your dung-pussy!’ Sebastian remarked. Hearing that inspired Georg. He went to the bathroom and returned with a toilet plunger. ‘This is her favorite dildo!’ he smiled not long before Elroy soiled her snatch and Jeremy her mouth, followed by Georg slashing the plunger handle into her entrails. ‘Yes, yes, assault me!’ she urged him. ‘I’m not a rapist!’ Georg answered, ‘Me, neither, though I’ve never seen a fouler woman,’ Jeremy said as Georg removed the handle. ‘Foul is as foul does!’ Sebastian snickered while jamming his cock into her ass. He’d barely done that before Georg crammed 4 fingers down her throat. ‘Gag!’ he snarled. ‘Uh-hmmm!’ she nodded while he withdrew his fingers and thrust his penis into her oral gape. In a few minutes, Sebastian jizz-defiled her guts and Georg her mouth. Moaning, the vixen crawled under the canine’s belly and nursed his pizzle into a 7-inched boner. He then reared and penetrated her snatch. Silently, the hunks watched until Jeremy shouted, ‘You’re disgusting!’ ‘Yeah, an obscene abomination!’ Georg replied. ‘Yes, sir!’ she wailed as an orgasm flooded her loins. Soon, Nimrod unloaded in her vag and dismounted her. ‘Okay, let's seal the unholy union,’ Georg said. ‘Union?’ Elroy asked. ‘Her latest husband's tied the knot with her,’ Georg replied. ‘We aren’t selfish, are we, Georg?’ Sebastian said. ‘No,’ Georg answered as he, Jeremy, Sebastian and Elroy pissed in her mouth. ‘Thank you, sirs,’ Carol said. ‘‘Don’t forget that your husbands will never love you,’ Georg remarked. ‘Yeah,’ Sebastian said. ‘You should perform stupid pet tricks!’ Jeremy scoffed. ‘You should turn tricks. How much are you worth?’ Elroy asked. ‘Nothing, sir.’ ‘Your wife’s less-valuable than junk, Nimrod!’ Elroy chuckled. ‘This is weird, but I wish my mother was a dog-fucking whore,’ Jeremy said. 'Me, too,’ Elroy replied. ‘I’ll play your mother,’ Carol volunteered. ‘You little pervert!’ Sebastian repeated. Once the men had driven her and Nimrod home, however, they banged her for another hour and she enjoyed it ~*~ Part 3 The next Friday, Sebastian and Georg went to the university cafeteria where their 21-y/o white friends, Troy and Jim, were eating lunch. Georg and Sebastian bought their food, carried their trays over to the other guys’ table and sat down. ‘Jim and I are having argument. Would the world be a better place if all girls were sluts?’ Troy asked. ‘I don’t mean to shock you, but can I tell you a something?’ Sebastian replied. ‘Sure,’ Jim said. ‘Georg and I are in an unsanctioned marriage Carol who's a slut.’ ‘Really?’ Troy answered. ‘Yeah, and metaphorically, our dog, Nimrod, is her third husband,’ Georg remarked. ‘You’ll let Jim and me do her, won’t you?’ Troy said. ‘Of course. Strange as it might sound, her best quality is her not respecting herself,' Georg answered. ‘Yeah, and I have an idea. Our original meeting happened in Washington Park on a Sunday morning which we’ll do this Sunday at 2:30,’ Sebastian said, followed by him and Georg going to Carol’s house. ‘Do you want us to shame you?’ Georg asked her. ‘Yes, I do, sir.’ At 2:15 on the present occasion, however, Georg had her wear nothing except high-heeled shoes, again. After that, he and Sebastian took her and Nimrod out to his car. Nimrod followed her into the back seat, with Georg and Sebastian getting in the front one. Georg then drove to the park, where seeing Troy and Jim awaiting her induced her to grovel toward them. ‘This is your wife?’ Troy inquired. ‘Yeah, Carol, and this is Nimrod,’ Georg said. ‘I guess you’re trained to satisfy 3 husbands,’ Jim noted. ‘Yes, sir.’ However, Jim and Troy were amazed by her large hooters. ‘Rocks fill those bags!’ Sebastian chortled. ‘Do you have rocks in your head?’ Troy sneered. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol responded as Jim, Sebastian, Troy and Georg stripped. ‘Choke, you despicable whore!’ Jim snarled while thrusting his 11-inched penis into her mouth. He’d scarcely done that when Troy knelt behind her and rammed his 9-inched tool into her anus. ‘You dirty bitch!’ he yelled. Fifteen minutes later, Jim spooged her mouth and Troy her guts, though Sebastian masturbated into her hair. Next, Georg drilled his pecker into her vag, massaged it until he came in it and withdrew from her. The dog then stabbed his dick into her gooey snatch. ‘Fuck the 666 beast!’ Georg urged him. ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ she moaned through an orgasm. ‘Christ almighty, this is unbelievable!’ Troy exclaimed shortly before Nimrod inseminated her vulva and jerked his pizzle from it. ‘It’s your duty to commit adultery, isn’t it?’ Georg reminded her. ‘Yes, sir,’ Carol said. After she. Nimrod, Georg and Sebastian went home, however, Georg filmed her and Nimrod rutting and uploaded the footage a site: The Cage. How appropriate for a beast! ~*~ Part 4 Naturally, Carol's second park experience was debasing, considering that Troy and Jim had learned about her 3 'husbands' while Jim had called her 'a despicable whore.' Since Sebastian and Georg relished opportunities to defame her, however, they requested the 33-y/o Javier to give her an embarrassing interview at The Voyeurs' Den which charged an admission fee. That occurred the Friday night 2 weeks later when she was wearing high-heeled shoes and collar. 'Will you be well-mannered if I release you from your cage?' Georg asked her a rhetorical question. 'Yes, sir.' 'Are you sure?' he responded. 'Yes, I am, sir,' Carol said. 'You promise not to howl, don't you?' Sebastian replied. 'Yes, I do. Where are we going, sirs?' Carol asked. 'You're destined to notoriety,' Georg answered. 'Yeah,' Sebastian said as he, Carol, Nimrod and Georg went to his car and he drove to The Den. 'You're Carol, aren't you?' the Latino Javier inquired. 'Yes, I am, sir,' she answered as Javier ushered her, Georg, Nimrod and Sebastian into his studio having a mirror-window in it. But she wasn't aware about 4 sensitive microphones in the ceiling and that an all-male audience could listen to every word. 'I'm Georg, this is Sebastian and Nimrod, the tramp's husbands,' the former said. 'Great meeting you,' Javier responded. 'Have a seat,' - and he gestured toward chairs before Sebastian, Georg and Carol sat down. 'Are you ready?' Javier said. Yes, I am, sir.' 'First, I must say you're lovely fuck-hole,' Javier complimented her. 'Thank you, sir.' 'You're welcome. How did you get to be a slut?' Javier replied. 'I don't know, sir.' 'Would you agree you're an impure female?' Javier said. 'Yes, I would, sir,' Carol responded, 'Okay, Sebastian and Georg, why do let her screw around?' Javier asked. 'She's worthless for anything else!' Sebastian smirked. 'Besides, nature manufactured her to please cocks by the literal 100's,' Georg remarked. 'He's exaggerating, isn't he?' Javier inquired. 'No, sir,' Carol fibbed. 'Do you have sex every day?' Javier asked. 'More than once a day, sir.' 'Really?' 'Yes, sir,' Carol said. 'Do you husbands ever kiss your wife?' Javier asked. 'Never,' Sebastian responded. 'She's vile, isn't she?' Javier said. 'Arc you, Carol?' Georg asked. 'Yes, sir!' 'Puta!' Javier growled as he exposed his 8-inched prick and stuffed it into her mouth after she'd knelt while Nimrod gouged his dick into her vag. Surprise then erupted among 30 white men who were stroking their pricks and observing the action, as they did unril Javier shot jizz into her throat and Nimrod squirt semen into her snatch. Next, Sebastian and Georg stripped, with Georg invading her ass. 'Uugghh, uugghh, uugghh!' she grunted. 'You filthy animal!' he snarled. 'Tu casa de perro (“you doghouse”)!' Javier sneered before Carol surrendered to a orgasm and Georg sauced her bowels. 'You're still a pervert!' Sebastian remarked while sinking his penis into and unloading in the same orifice. 'I always will be, sir!' 'Si, si, puta!' Javier grinned as Carol, Nimrod, Georg and Sebastian left, though she'd always remember that she was a 'vile!' ~*~ Part 5 Twice a week, Carol went to a beauty parlor. Throughout the next week while was she gone, Sebastian wore surgical gloves to collect Nimrod's sperm in jar which he stored in a bedroom refrigerator until a Saturday afternoon when she was drinking coffee in the kitchen. As well, she was dressed in panties and a bra. 'Did you buy some new clothes?' he inquired. 'I prefer being half-naked, sir,' she replied. 'Your immodesty suits you,' he answered. 'So does your depravity,' Georg remarked. 'Yes, sir!' 'You belong in the gutter!' he said. 'You're rude!' Sebastian chuckled. 'Thanks,' Georg answered, then: - 'Caffeine's an aphrodisiac.' 'Yes, sir,' Carol said. 'Are you horny?' Sebastian inquired. 'Yes, sir,' she answered. 'Take your bra and panties off,' Georg instructed. 'Yes, sir,' - and she stood to obey before Sebastian disappeared into his bedroom to bring the jar and a douche-bulb to the kitchen. 'Nimrod's supplied a drug,' he said as he opened the receptacles and emptied the jar into the bulb. He replaced its spout, thrust it into her ass and administered her an enema before he took her cup and held it under her. 'Defecate!' he snarled. 'Yes, sir!' Carol said as she complied. Next, he slid the nozzle out and buried it in her throat. 'Taste your poop!' he commanded. 'Uh-hmmm!' she nodded. Sebastian finally unplugged the spout and handed the beverage to her after she'd sat in her chair. 'Swill that, pig!' he laughed. 'Yes, sir!' Carol blushed. 'Our wife's a sow!' Georg remarked as Nimrod entered the kitchen, reared, aimed his dick into her snatch and triggered her orgasm to end the afternoon. ~*~ Part 6 Since Carol had received a large inheritance from her real husband, she didn't have a job until a company hired her to promote its business. And during supper the next Thursday, she announced, 'I'll be working, sirs.' 'Doing what?' Sebastian said. 'Demonstrating sex-toys. A customer's scheduled an appointment for tomorrow evening at 5, sir.' 'Your employer provided your phone number?' Georg asked. 'Yes, sir.' 'Congratulations. I'm proud,' Sebastian responded. 'Thank you, sir,' Carol replied. However, she didn't know it was the company's policy to send representatives to initial demonstrations, though she was wearing a short dress when she answered the door that evening. 'Hi, Carol. I'm Liam,' a white man startled her. 'H-e-l-l-o, s-s-sir.' 'Liam's an Irish name, isn't it?' Sebastian said. 'Yes, it is, and my ancestors kissed the Blarney Stone,' Liam replied before Georg whistled and Nimrod sauntered into the living room. Georg lifted his tail, shoved her to her kness and growled, 'Kiss your husband's stones!' 'Yes, sir!' Carol murmured as she started dehumanizing herself. 'Did you say husband?' Liam asked. 'Yeah, I did,' Georg answered as Liam dropped his jeans to display his 9-inched pecker. He began fondling it while Sebastian forced a vibrator and a dildo into her muff. Nimrod then turned and emptied his balls into her mouth. 'You shameful hussy!' Liam snorted. 'You're a slattern, aren't you, Carol?' Sebastian inquired. 'Yes, sir!' she admitted while an orgasm surged through her loins. 'Nimrod should divorce you!' Georg replied as he and Sebastian directed sperm into her oral pit. Nevertheless, Carol flinched when Liam shot jizz into her eyes. 'Weep, you poor, poor baby!' he taunted her. After that, he drew his jeans up. 'I'm finished and ready to report to my supervisor,' he said. 'Is she allowed to sell these devices?' Sebastian asked. 'Yeah, at a 75% discount,' Liam responded. 'Thank you, sir,' Carol bid him farewell, then: - 'Please don't divorce me, Nimrod!' But the dog's only answer was to bark! ~*~ Part 7 The following Saturday was the honeymoon's 3-month anniversary and Elroy's nineteenth birthday, with him, Sebastian, Nimrod and Georg celebrating both events at Carol's house. 'Time flies and I can't believe we've been hitched that long,' Georg said. 'Me, neither,' Sebastian replied, then: - 'You don't love your mother, do you, Elroy?' 'She's an obscene abomination,' Elroy quoted Georg. 'Yes, I am, sir,' responded Carol who was naked. 'You're glad Nimrod didn't divorce you, aren't you?' Georg asked. 'Yes, sir.' 'That's because he appreciates your promiscuity,' Georg said. 'Incest isn't any worse than bestiality, is it?' Sebastian inquired. 'No, sir.' 'You're an adulteress, aren't you, mom?' Elroy asked. 'Yes, sir.' 'That characterizes the sleaze-bag you are,' Georg answered as he, Sebastian and Elroy stripped. She lay on the floor; Elroy thrust his dick into her mouth while Nimrod steered his into her pussy. 'He's going to breed you!' Sebastian warned her. 'Whelp Nimrod a litter!' Georg suggested. 'I wouldn't mind sharing your motherhood,' Elroy said. 'You're generous,' Sebastian remarked. But Carol was taking pill. Nevertheless, Elroy battered her throat until he came in it and Nimrod her muff. They withdrew from her before Georg began destroying her snatch. 'Hurt me!' she begged him. 'You bet, I will!' he growled as he slimed her vag. However, he'd scarcely done that when Elroy flipped her off and said, 'Bless you, mother-dearest!' 'We cursed her in church, huh, Georg?' Sebastian inquired 'Yeah, forever!' Georg replied. 'I'm damned to hell, sirs!' Carol sobbed while Sebastian ejaculated into her mouth. 'Swallow your disgrace!' he ordered. 'Yes, sir.' 'Happy birthday, Elroy. Would you marry me?' she asked. 'You're twisted! But, why not?' Elroy answered. 'Thank you, sir.' She now had 4 'husbands,' though regretted that she couldn't 'whelp' Nimrod a 'litter.' (to be continued)
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my first crossdressed gangbang my first crossdressed gangbang · Crossdressers · Hello! I am a 55-year-old bisexual male who loves to cross-dress, and this is my true gang-bang story. It was a lot of fun and I would love to do it again someday. Maybe when I do, I’ll write about it here. ;) My First Time Crossdressed Gangbang Story I was 26-years-old at the time and traveling all over the country for my job. My work kept me in a new state for about four months, then it was on to the next one. I would always choose a hotel that was close to an adult bookstore or an all-male spa, and if those were not available, a truck stop would do. Luckily, in this case, there was an adult video store about 10 blocks away. Late one night, after a few beers and getting a bit stoned, I got extremely horny. I was in the mood for getting dicked down while dressed like a little slut, and I knew exactly how I wanted it. I had some experience sucking dick and enjoyed the occasional ass pounding now and then, but I had always wanted to be gang-banged bareback by a group of well-hung guys while dressed like the whore I am. But before I set out to fulfill my fantasy, I had to get ready. I showered and shaved my entire body smooth, with special attention to my crotch and ass. I applied makeup, bright and thick to make my eyes and lips pop. Long, trashy red acrylic nails and matching toes rounded out the look of a hot and ready hooker. It was about 10:00 pm when I packed my backpack with everything I needed. I stuffed in my blonde wig, strap-on titties, sexy black lace bra, matching panties, black thigh-high stockings with a bold back seam, garter belt, and a pair of black six-inch stiletto stripper heels. I also made sure to throw in some lube and several dildos of various sizes. As I headed out, I had decided to walk since I was still a little buzzed. I made my way to the local adult video store. I had already been there several times on previous trips, so I knew they had viewing rooms, some with glory holes. That was where the real fun happened. This store was one of my favorite hook-up spots because I could always find easy cock. I was confident that I’d have no problem getting all my holes resized tonight. When I arrived, I noticed it was quite crowded. I went to the counter, got 30 dollars in single bills, and proceeded to the back where the booths were. My favorite booth was available and I took that as a good sign. I liked this particular stall because it was small and had a glory hole on each wall. So if I got on all fours, my ass would be at one hole and my mouth would be at the other. I’d normally just change in the booth, but I was so horny that I decided to change in the restroom. Next, I had to prepare for the night ahead of me and chose to warm up with some intense dildo action. I took the assorted plastic and rubber phalluses out of my bag and got to work. I started with the thinnest one, lubricating it thoroughly before sliding it up my butt. I stroked it in and out of myself for a few minutes, letting it flirt and tease my prostate, quickly getting in the mood. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud. I could feel my cock hardening, but I had to resist cumming, lest I spoil my plans for the night. One by one, I repeated this process with all the dildos, working my way up from the smallest to the largest. All the while trying my hardest not to shoot my load all over the restroom stall. Once I was all lubed up and ready to go, I shoved a giant butt plug in my ass. It was so big that it barely fit and kept me stretched open wide. I quickly finished dressing and put on my heels. I was eager to get this show on the road. I walked out into the store proper, where several guys stood around, chatting and laughing. I felt daring as I strutted by them on my way to the booth, making sure to switch my hips to bring attention to my legs and ass. I even winked at them over my shoulder. The cat-calls started almost immediately as more and more patrons took notice of my scandalous getup. I felt like a real slut, and with all the stares I got, I knew that I was in for a good time. I stepped into my stall, purposely not locking the door behind me. I put in a few dollars and selected a sexy gay bareback gang-bang video, the kind I wanted to recreate. I didn’t have to wait a whole minute before a nice, cut cock about eight inches or so came through the glory-hole facing me. At the other hole, I saw another guy watching me and jacking off, so I got down on my hands and knees, settling onto the cum soaked floor. I began to slowly suck the dick in front of me, simultaneously removing the huge plug in my ass. I replaced the plug with a huge dildo with a suction cup base, making sure to give the guy behind me a good view. I stuck the fake dick to the wall just below the hole he was watching and slid my ass onto it, rocking back and forth, putting on a show. The guy behind me must have gotten tired of just watching because he thrust this cock through the glory-hole and tapped my ass with it to get my attention. I briefly paused the blowjob to look back at the new dick. It was huge! Roughly 10 inches long and as thick as my forearm! I absolutely had to have it inside me. I removed the dildo, leaving my asshole gaped, and the monster cock slid right in, all the way to the hilt. He started pumping into me bare as I sucked the other cock. It felt so good, and I was close to cumming when the cock in my mouth shot several streams of hot yummy cum down my throat. I swallowed every last drop, and the guy left, obviously satisfied. Still, I continued to hold back my orgasm, knowing that it would be worth it later. Barely a second passed when another big hard cock came through the hole, and I got back to work sucking while my ass was being pounded. The man behind me hammered my prostate, making me moan around the cock in my mouth. Not long after, the cock in my ass erupted. I could feel spurt after spurt of thick cum being shot up my ass. The door to my stall opened, and there stood four or five guys, all big and buff and stroking their huge cocks while watching me get fucked. As soon as the cock I was sucking filled my mouth with another delicious load, I was pulled into the hallway by this new group of well-endowed men. Each of them took turns using me. For the next hour, my ass was constantly stuffed with dick, and my stomach was full of jizz. When they were done, my entire body was sticky with sweat and cum. The men were fully sated, and none wanted a second round. I hadn’t expected my night to end so quickly and was very disappointed. Just then, two massive black guys walked in, and I knew that my night wasn’t over by a long shot. They surveyed the scene and saw me in my ruined lingerie and makeup. I gave them a flirty, gooey smile and beckoned them over with a finger. They must have liked what they saw because they started to strip while everybody watched. When they were completely naked, my jaw practically hit the floor. They had two of the biggest cocks I have ever seen! Both must have been 11 inches or more and thick as a baseball bat. One even had a nice upward curve that I knew would feel amazing on my prostate. The one with the curve got behind me; I felt him lineup his huge cock with my cum-lubed ass and slowly pushed in. It was bigger than anything I had taken so far and hurt going in. When he was about halfway in, he began slowly pumping in and out. Allowing me to get accustomed to his impressive size. The other guy grabbed my head and tried to shove his huge cock down my throat. I could only manage to get the head in. The others stood around and watched. Some were even taking pictures and filming me from every angle. After about 10 minutes, the man in my ass shoved his huge cock all the way in. I could feel his balls pressing against mine. It was so long, I thought I could feel it in my stomach. Then he really started to fuck me hard, and all I could do was moan with pleasure. I was so turned on, and it felt so good that I shot my load from just being fucked, splattering the floor with my cum. I finally managed to swallow a few more inches of the cock in front of me. I could feel it reaching down past my tonsils. I knew that I would have a sore throat in the morning. After a while of fucking me like this, they decided to switch it up and trade places. I could taste my ass and the other men’s cum on his dick and eagerly slurped it all up. I had lost track of time. The one now in front pulled out of my mouth and went around back. At the same time, the other one slipped under me. I sat down on the cock below while the other man began pushing his way into my already occupied asshole. I started to protest, thinking these two must be crazy. One massive cock barely fit on its own; two would surely split me apart! Before I could fully voice my concern, the head of the one behind me popped in, and I almost screamed. It hurt for only a minute or so. Before I knew it, I was being double fucked by these huge black cocks. The other guys must have decided that they were ready for round two. They came back into it, fighting to shove their cocks down my throat and dumping what seemed to be gallons of cum into my stomach. At this rate, I wouldn’t need to eat for days. The two guys fucked my ass like that for another half hour, alternating thrusts, so I was always full before adding to the collection of cum in my ass. I could feel their cocks in my stomach as shot after shot of hot cum was unloaded deep in my ass. They must have dumped at least a quart of cum in me. I was so full of cum that it squirted out of my ass and all over the guy behind me when they pulled out. Once they were done, the other men all had another go at me. After watching the other men run a train on me for a little while, one of the black guys came over and started talking to me. He told me I was incredibly sexy and introduced himself and his friend as Rick and Marcus. He said he had a business proposition for me. "We own this joint, how would you like to do this every Friday and Saturday night? We’ll pay you 200 dollars per show. We charge spectators a fee and we will find you the biggest, hottest dicks around with a minimum of six to ten guys". They told me to think about it since I could not answer right away as my mouth was filled with cock. It went on like that for another hour before the last guy finally came. I was absolutely filthy from head to toe. I was covered in a mixture of jizz, spit, and sweat; I must have stunk something awful. I got up and walked to their office. I was horribly sore and exhausted but couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I opened the door and said that I would be happy to work for them. They were excited to hear it. "Since you’re gonna be our new slut, how about you come over here and give us some head. Think you can handle a couple more loads?" Marcus said, already unbuttoning his pants. "Hell yeah!" I sank to my knees in front of them and happily sucked them off one at a time until they came. Marcus finished in my throat. He held my head all the way down as he unloaded his hot, sweet cum in my stomach. Rick came shortly after but instead of cumming in my mouth, he sprayed it all over my face. "I’ll see you guys tomorrow!" I said as I stood up, still covered in cum and looking like a beat-up whore who had a rough night. I knew my clothes were ruined, and my makeup must have been running down my face. On my way out, I stopped by the bathroom to clean up the worst of the cum dripping down my body. I was still so horny that I didn’t bother changing my outfit. I just grabbed my backpack and walked back to the hotel dressed as I was, heels and all. I was hoping that I might get propositioned by someone looking for an easy, late-night fuck. It was around three o’clock in the morning when I left the video store. I was coming out of an alley when a police car pulled up beside me with the lights flashing. They probably thought I was a prostitute, and I was scared they were going to arrest me. I was trying to find a believable excuse for why I looked like a hooker when two big muscular cops got out of the cruiser. They surrounded me, pinning my back against the alley wall. "Well, what do we have here? A sissy crossdresser faggot?" The one in front smirked at me while his partner laughed. "What happened to you?" The second cop looked me up and down, taking in my disheveled appearance. The first cop whispered something into his radio, but I couldn’t hear what he said. I was hoping he wasn’t calling for backup. I proceeded to tell them all about my night at the adult video store. Still, carefully leaving out the part about me working there, just in case they really did intend on arresting me for prostitution. Another cop car pulled up to check me out, and I regaled him with my escapades as well. I noticed all three cops had bulges in their pants and grins on their faces. After I finished my story, I could tell they were all pretty aroused. The second cop stepped closer to me with a sly smile on his face. "Listen slut, we have a little deal for you. You blow all three of us right now and you won’t spend the night in holding for whoring." And that was how I found myself on my knees, surrounded by three cops with their big hard cocks out. I sucked all of them off until they came in my mouth. I swallowed all their cum with a big smile. True to their word, they didn’t arrest me and let me continue my slut walk of shame back to the hotel. Once I got back to the hotel, I was able to sneak in one of the side exits using my key card. I knew if I tried to go in through the front lobby looking the way I do, they’d probably kick me out. I was tired and sore when I got up to my room but still very excited for the day ahead. I kicked off my heels and peeled the cum soaked lingerie off my body. I took a nice hot shower and douched the last of the cum out of my gaping asshole. Once I was all clean, I got in the bed naked and was out like a light. he following night around 12:30am I walked back to the bookstore dressed the same way, but I was wearing a red outfit with a tight black mini skirt, I took the back way this time to avoid traffic, but I had to walk through a big truck stop to get there I looked around the truck stop before continuing and only saw 3 trucks all dark so I continued on and I stopped to check myself in the bathroom mirror but just then 2 truckers walked in as I was about to leave they took me into the bathroom and fucked me as I sucked them off. One came in my ass and one in my mouth and I was on my way. When I arrived at the bookstore I walked in and was greeted by the two large black men from the prior night (the owners) I was quite horny and looking forward to what the night had in-store. I was wearing my clity Cage, my strap-on tits with a hot red and black latex boos-tier, lacy red G-string panties, with matching garter belt, black thigh high stockings, and my 8-inch red stripper heels and a huge Butt plug with a long black fuzzy tail. The 2 black men escorted me through the bookstore where it was quite crowded with lots of horny men. We went back to their office where I sucked both their cocks as they gave me the rundown of the night. The one with the husky deep voice explained that they had 10 well hung guys that were just dying to get at me. Then the other guy spoke with a much higher fem voice with a slight lisp. He said that they had a private room in the rear all set up and there were going to be about 20 people that were just going to watch and enjoy the show, they also said that pix and video were going to be shot. About that time one of them shot a huge load of cum in my mouth it was so big I thought I was going to drowned, but I managed to swallow it all. The other guy came around back of me and removed the huge butt plug I had in and shoved his huge black cock in my ass and started to fuck me hard after a few minutes of this he shot a huge load of cum deep in my ass. It felt like he was filling my stomach. I loved it, it felt so good that it made me cum, and no one had even touched my cock yet. They then shoved my plug back in my ass and said don’t want all that good lube to drip out, then pulled me to my feet and escorted me through the bookstore where everybody started clapping and whistling. I then noticed that on one wall there was a large flat screen monitor that showed their office where I just got the 2 men off and realized that everybody in the bookstore just watched me get them off and that turned me on even more. We walked through this door in the rear and inside was a sex swing, bed and 2 couches, in the middle of the room were 9 of the biggest cocks. All around were men and some women seated all naked and waiting for the show to start. I strutted into the room and went right to work. I started sucking the first cock I came to. I am telling you there was not a cock under 8 inches. Almost immediately my panties were taken off of me and my ass hole eaten, lubed then filled with cock as I sucked cock after cock as cock was being shoved in my ass after a little while the first load was shot right in my mouth I swallowed every last drop of it, then I felt the huge cock in my ass erupt with a huge load deep inside me it felt so good. Then another cock was shoved in my mouth and then before the other pulled out of my ass another cock invaded me and I was being fucked in my ass by 2 huge cocks at the same time. After a little while it got quiet and in walked this Arab guy, he had the biggest cock of them all, I swear it was at least 12 to 13 inches long and so fat it looked like a little baseball bat, I thought it would rip me in half. I tried to get it in my mouth, but I could only get the head of it in, he went around back of me and started to push his huge cock into my ass which was dripping with cum and very well lubricated, it felt like he was ripping me. He was gentle and took his time though. finally, the head of his enormous cock popped into my ass I tried to scream but my mouth was full of cock. he slowly entered me until he was almost all the way in and then slowly pulled out all the way leaving my ass gaped, then he shoved it back in. He did this several times until I was used to it and it started to feel real good then he slammed it in as far as it would go and started to pound me hard, all I could do is moan as the cock in my throat erupted at the same time and was pulled out and replaced by another. he fucked me hard for what seemed like an hour before he shot this enormous load into my ass, it felt like a fire hose inside me it was by far the biggest load I had ever had. It was so much that it was seeping out as he continued to pump my ass. it turned me on so much that I shot my own load I could feel my ass hole clamping down on his enormous cock as he moaned as I used my asshole to suck every drop of cum out of that wonderful cock. He finally gave me all he had to give I could feel his cock going limp and he pulled out. 2 other cocks took his place quickly. this guy would fuck my ass 2 other times throughout the night, this went on for hours until I had every cock cum in my ass and in my mouth I was covered with cum and loving it. When they were all done I went out to the audience and started to do some of them, I was so turned on I could do this all night then the 2 Owners came in and had 2 tall shot glass's filled with cum from the audience and wanted me to drink them. I did, it was so good I licked the glass's clean then they both fucked me in the ass, it was so good to have these 2 huge black cocks deep in my ass as I felt them both cum in my ass, it was dripping cum as I stood up and they handed me 200 hundred dollars and a video tape of the whole thing and said will we see you next week?, I said hell yeah they said that they had already had about 15 guys for me next week and I said can’t wait. I left shortly afterwards dressed like a slut. I was still covered in cum and had the huge butt plug in my ass to keep in all the cum as I walked towards the truck stop where it was full of horny truckers. again, I was taken to the bathroom where about 4 truckers waited for me, I sucked off all of them before I started my walk back to the hotel room. But, before I got there, I decided I wanted to stand out on the corner across from the truck stop hooking myself out for the rest of the night. I got 3 guys and sucked and swallowed each of them for 20 bucks each. the sun was Cumming up, so I stood on the corner and jacked off for all to see until I shot my own huge load all over my self. I was soaked in cum from all the cock I had throughout the night and my ass dripping cum I then walked my slutty ass back to my room and popped in the video they had given me and started to jack off to it when there was a knock at the door!
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Me naked and watching my baby mama cheat in BBC gangbangs Me naked and watching my baby mama cheat in BBC gangbangs · Group Sex · So about 3 years ago me and my baby mama we're still together and she had the urge to lie to me and keep it from me until I found out one day when I came home from work early that all the black guys in the neighborhood we're taking turns as well as group f*****ok* my wife in the living room all day and all night so when I get home she was getting her a****** pounded in her pussy around my stepdaughter was sitting on the couch playing with her pussy while she was watching her mother getting g********* buy some huge black cocks and when I see huge none of them were less than 8 inches the biggest was 12 inches I walked in put my stuff down sit down and for she get to ask my baby mama do you like this and she was screaming towards me yes baby I love it I love getting f***** by these black eyes I love being a horn and soon as you finish saying that sentence her pussy start squirting all over the place I recorded her we took her out to park and proceeded 2 make her walk Park naked in broad daylight and get people to watch her as she got tossed around 20 monster black cock guys in the middle of the park having each one of them f*** her without remorse until she squirted in the filled up her pussy in between she would have to find a random stranger and deepthroat swallow their cock until the f****** shot their come load in her mouth that night she came home covered in c** filled with c** I still got the f***** actually I got to f*** her with my stepdaughter both of them I had my best friend which is 11 inch Conte black eye and we took turns SWAT them around each other the rest of the night the next morning when I woke up my baby mama and my stepdaughter we're back in the living room this time you were both gang gang gang I asked mr. Her she was going School and she said no choose can stay and b the schoolgirl s*** 4 I hurt neighbors which were a family of black people she told me that the dad and the two sons we're going to user weather mom wants away they were already sitting in the living room once you sucking your dick so I told my step-daughter. Get on your knees and open her legs and proceeded to f****** pound her pussy with me change cock you shouldn't come over here f****** pussy in front of my baby mama. That made her super horny so she ended up putting a big dildo in her a****** spread her legs wide open only on the couch and told me to come f*** her so I will I did my baby mama I want to shut my load she walk outside to the front porch got naked got her hands and knees and she called the next door neighbors who came over on my one and proceeded to rate my big momma like a come dumpster slow
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