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coxy1121: Anyone want to view my forum please please please please please. View my forum and leave a comment if you want. I also created a group if any of you people out there who wants to join my group please please please please please please.
9 Years Ago
stipo101: New to forum!!! Learning the ropes
2 Years Ago
PSHWC: New to this forum. Looking for adventure
1 Month Ago
Majorpain78001: I just wanna eat pussy vet my dixknsucked and duxj sma horney girl dint give a fuxk if she got s man or not I need girl thst esnns be Mt fuxk buddy like a woman thst will come mest me right noe snd fuck call 7176153199 plusè probably ganna grab silver haze latter but I wanna eat that ass and pussy and fuxk that pussy hard rough raw fuxk and suck that ass whi live close by 230basswood dr Lancaster Pennsylvania that eanna meet right nie and have sex
1 Month Ago
bluejay671: Im a 26 year old sex addict. I want women so bad. I live in plum creek. Message me for sex anytime.
10 Months Ago
shroom soon 420: hi im shroom soon and im from silver city nm:)
12 Years Ago
Am Me: Is the any girl on here from Silver Spring Hit me up.
11 Years Ago
dirtydon301: Looking for that wet wet in silver spring‚md
55 Years Ago
400killin: Looking to eat pussy in silver spring
8 Years Ago
christincharlesruble07: Anybody in silver city searching tods
2 Years Ago
Tommytohard1978: I want to fuck in Silver Springs Florida, I'm just under a year being here. I'm from Detroit MI. I want to eat it out and take it to go and where you flow and glow, you'll know who did it so.
2 Years Ago
Tommytohard1978: I want to fuck in Silver Springs Florida, I'm just under a year being here. I'm from Detroit MI. I want to eat it out and take it to go and where you flow and glow, you'll know who did it so.
2 Years Ago
chebss: The game of life. Me im a black gold silver, looking for a pink purple white.
1 Year Ago
sunnie71: Looking for someone to eat my pussy till my whole body quivers and i go completely limp . Im divorced and i havent had anyone do that to me in to long . Where is that silver tongue
5 Months Ago
mj69: Are there any good looking women in cedar Creek that would love to have sex
2 Years Ago
truckingmf: Seeking young hot women all across USA. I travel all over constantly and I want to meet up w girls from all over that either just love sex needing to make money wanna fulfill a fantasy or whatever the case is message me and let’s set up something. Maybe u always wanted to have sex in big rig well u can w me. Maybe u like to role play and wanna pretend to be the hooker at truckstop and have me buy you. Maybe you college girl just needs make extra to get by. Also I have a couple vids I’d like made and if you bored and wanna do what I’m looking for I’d pay ya for em. I looking to fulfill every single fantasy I can imagine and also help do yours too. Maybe your guy that likes to watch his woman fucked by another man ok I do that to. Maybe u always wanted to squirt well I’ve not met girl yet I couldn’t make her squirt.
6 Years Ago
truckingmf: Seeking young hot women all across USA. I travel all over constantly and I want to meet up w girls from all over that either just love sex needing to make money wanna fulfill a fantasy or whatever the case is message me and let’s set up something. Maybe u always wanted to have sex in big rig well u can w me. Maybe u like to role play and wanna pretend to be the hooker at truckstop and have me buy you. Maybe you college girl just needs make extra to get by. Also I have a couple vids I’d like made and if you bored and wanna do what I’m looking for I’d pay ya for em. I looking to fulfill every single fantasy I can imagine and also help do yours too. Maybe your guy that likes to watch his woman fucked by another man ok I do that to. Maybe u always wanted to squirt well I’ve not met girl yet I couldn’t make her squirt. Best way reach me is 2544583911 or
6 Years Ago
dixie30: anyone near wind creek in atmore
12 Years Ago
Bdumb: Anyone near Diamond creek
12 Years Ago
codyauberry23: I'm 18 an have a six pack an a 9 inch dick tattoos spiked hair an I'm by cox creek hmu for pics
12 Years Ago

Silver-Creek Sex Forum MI USA

North Blind Creek muddy creek area My favorite part of Blind Creek is the north end of nude beach! Great place to meet group members and tan together! · North Blind Creek Nude Beach Port Saint Lucie Fl
Angela ~Chapter 1 of a book Angela ~Chapter 1 of a book · One on One · The Magic Glade By Nicholas Wolf Angela It was still only 9 o’clock‚ but already the temperature in the cottage was becoming unbearable. The windows were flung wide open‚ but with little breeze to stir the air this seemed to have little affect. “Well I can’t just sit here melting‚” Angela thought to herself‚ ”perhaps the woods would be a bit cooler. At least there would be fresh air and shade.” Her mind made up‚ she took her small backpack from the cupboard under the stairs‚ and went through to the kitchen. Taking two bottles of water from the fridge she dropped them inside. She went back through to the small lounge and looked around‚ searching. “Ah there it is‚ I knew I left it here somewhere.” She said to herself‚ as sun lotion followed the water into her pack. “Can’t be too careful.” She thought. “I know I’ve applied some already‚ but in this sun...” “Book‚ book.” She searched around‚ finally locating it on the table beside her favourite chair. “Can’t go without a book.” It was one of Angela’s pleasures in life to simply sit in a sheltered glade‚ or beside the small murmuring stream‚ and let herself be transported to other lands and times‚ lost in a good book. She took her wide brimmed straw hat from where it hung beside the door‚ and went outside‚ pulling the door shut behind her. Not bothering to lock it behind her she started down the garden path‚ and on reaching the gate turned right‚ and headed off towards the centre of the village. As she walked past the old church‚ making her way to the field beyond‚ a slight breeze caught at the hem of her thin cotton dress. “Aah! Much better.” She thought‚ and moved along more quickly. The field was lush‚ thick with grasses and wild flowers. This was the first really hot day‚ and this coming at the very end of August‚ she could remember all summer. The preceding weeks had been overcast at best‚ it seemed to have rained nearly everyday since April. The wild flowers grew in abundance. Red and yellow‚ white and pick‚ the field was a veritable kaleidoscope of colour. She bent and picked some blue‚ now almost faded to lilac‚ harebells from between the tall blades of grass‚ which she twirled between her fingers as she walked‚ getting ever closer to the inviting shade ahead. Suddenly smiling‚ she placed the flowers in the band of her hat‚ and skipped the remainder of the way. As she passed from bright sunshine into the shade of the trees‚ it was just as she had thought‚ the temperature dropped noticeably. It was cool. She stopped‚ removed her hat‚ and mopped the sweat from her brow and neck. Replacing it she headed off along the well-trodden track heading in the direction of the stream. It was a glorious day‚ and Angela felt good. She smiled at the twittering and chirping of the birds‚ chaffinch and willow-warblers amongst them. She was lost in the colours‚ shapes and textures of the trees and shrubs. There was dogwood and brambles. There were Ash‚ Alder and Oak‚ but her eyes always lingered on the birch. Of all the trees perhaps the silver birch was her favourite. Not long lived by tree standards‚ it gave it a kind of mortality. Not only that‚ she loved its’ silver bark which peeled back and curled in so many ways. She had long ago given up trying to find some kind of pattern‚ and put the numerous different shapes down to the whim of the tree‚ the elements and nature. She couldn’t resist pulling a piece back‚ revealing the brown of the wood beneath. A small shape scurried across the track ahead of her‚ moving to fast to identify. A shrew‚ a mouse perhaps? She sipped some water as she slowly walked along‚ enjoying the peace and solitude‚ the tranquillity. “Peace and tranquillity?” She thought‚ hearing the sound of a flute or whistle coming from close by. The sound was melodic and tuneful‚ the refrain hauntingly familiar‚ although she couldn’t quite place it. It nagged at the back of her mind‚ but refused to come forward. She turned in a circle trying to locate the source of the music‚ and finally drawn by the melody‚ pushed aside two bushes‚ and stepped between. She emerged in a sunlit glade‚ and looked around. Trees and shrubs with various coloured flowers surrounded a circle of soft lush grass‚ which seemed to cushion her feet as she stepped upon it. The scent of the sweet briar filled the air. The grass was cut short‚ which she found surprising‚ but what she found even more surprising was what she saw in the centre. Sitting on a long thick trunk of a tree was the musician behind the music. It was perhaps the smallest man she had ever seen‚ and he was staring straight at her. He lowered his flute from his mouth. “Top o’ tha mornin to ya‚ and how be you this fine sunny day?” “What?” She said. “I said Top o’ tha mornin..” “No‚ no I heard what you said‚ it’s just that you’re ..” Being no more that three feet tall‚ dressed in mainly green and brown‚ red hair‚ a matching coloured long bushy beard‚ and speaking in a broad Irish brogue‚ well he had to be “a leprechaun.” “Well is that what I be girlie‚ and am I not to your liking then?” “It’s just the shock‚ your accent‚ the speed you talk” She stopped‚ not sure how to continue. The small figure seemed to shimmer before her eyes‚ and was then surrounded in a bright white light. She lowered her eyes to the grass‚ shielding them against the sudden glare. As she noticed the light fade she raised her head. Her jaw dropped slightly‚ her lips forming an almost perfect ‘O’‚ and her eyes opened wide. “Well dear lady‚ is this more to your liking?” Angela looked quickly around the glade. “Where?...How?....Magic?..” “ Perhaps it seems magic to you my dear‚ but for myself‚ well. It’s just natural.” He started to explain before disappearing in white light‚ to be replaced by an Elf‚ with his distinguishing pointed ears and upward slanting eyebrows. Again the light flared‚ a giant fully 10 feet tall‚ and once more a glare caused her to avert her eyes. As the light faded a huge black wolf sat staring up at her with dark brown eyes‚ its long pink tongue hanging between sharp pointed fangs from its snout. Tilting its head back it let out a deafening howl‚ before itself being consumed by white light‚ which cleared leaving once more the well spoken man sitting on the log. Angela took a half step backward and just stood staring‚ to shocked and surprised to speak. “I’m so sorry‚ it wasn’t my intention to startle or scare you‚ I just aimed to demonstrate that what you referred to as magic‚ is in fact quite natural to me.” He apologised. “What? Oh that’s fine‚ startled not scared. Just give me a minute.” As she tried to gather her thoughts she focused on the man in front of her. Well spoken definitely‚ and from the accent and manners‚ certainly English. He was not young‚ but neither was he old. He was slim‚ but fit looking‚ she could see little sign of fat‚ his hair was dark‚ showing silver at the temples. He was dressed in a short sleeved shirt and shorts‚ and wore sandals on his feet‚ which rested on the ground. His shirt was unbuttoned down to his stomach‚ and she could see a hint of hair on his chest. As to his height‚ well perhaps two or three inches taller than she was. She stared into his light blue eyes. “The leprechaun‚ are you some kind of fairy?” She asked. “Excuse me!!” “Fairy‚ you know‚ magical folk.” “Would you mind spelling that for me please‚ fairy that is?” he asked‚ his eyebrows slightly raised. “F-a-i-r-y.” she answered matter-of-factly. “Hmm. Pronounced the same‚” he mused‚ “and yes I am a member of the ancient races‚ but we spell it F-a-e-r-i-e. I believe the term fairy when applied to a man has a whole different connotation now days.” Angela giggled‚ a tinkling‚ happy sound‚ and she raised her hand to cover her mouth‚ stifling a laugh. Having composed herself she lowered her hand. “Why yes I guess it does. She continued‚ now unable to contain her laughter‚ as she smiled at him. “I didn’t mean to imply...” “No‚ no don’t apologise‚ it is of no matter.” Her smiled back at her. “Where are my manners‚ won’t you sit down. May I offer you refreshment?” She waved the bottle she still held in her hand. “Yes I see you have water‚ but perhaps some cold juice‚ wine perhaps?” “Juice sounds good thank you.” “And to eat? Choose anything your heart desires.” He offered. “Well I am rather partial to cherries.” “Then cherries you will have. Please‚ do sit.” He gestured behind her to her right‚ and she turned her head. Where before there had just been grass‚ there was now a large coloured woollen blanket‚ with juice and a bowl of cherries at the centre. She moved to the blanket‚ and as he had offered‚ she sat. The blanket was incredibly soft‚ possibly the softest wool she had felt. She ran her hand up and down‚ enjoying the soft‚ almost sensual feel on her skin. She took a deep red cherry from the bowl‚ and sucked it into her mouth. Her teeth bit into the soft fruit and it burst‚ succulent juices covering her tongue. Mmm‚ she moaned quietly and let the juice slide down her throat‚ before chewing and swallowing the fruit. As she reached for a second she turned her head and noticed him moving towards her‚ his fingers undoing the remaining buttons on his shirt. He removed it‚ and dropped it to the blanket. Angela lent away from him. “Excuse me?” She asked. “Oh. I can assure you there is absolutely nothing to worry about. You can rest assured that I won’t molest you in anyway....unless you would like me to of course.” He smiled‚ and she thought she saw a twinkle in his eye. “I was merely going to sunbathe. I do so enjoy the sensation of the suns warmth on my naked flesh. He undid his shorts and let them drop to the ground‚ before stepping out of them. Angela coughed. He stood in front of her totally naked. She ran her eyes down his chest‚ his stomach. Beneath soft curly black hair‚ his manhood hung thick and limp between his legs. She licked her dry lips‚ before placing another cherry in her mouth. He lowered himself to lay face down‚ his head resting on his arms‚ the juice and cherries between them on the blanket. She removed her hat before‚ smoothing her dress‚ she too lay face down‚ her arms cradling her head. After about ten minutes he turned his head towards her. “Do you not sunbathe?” He asked. She turned her head to look at him. “Well not really‚ and well..” Her eyes seemed to scan around the glade. “Oh you don’t have to worry about that my dear‚ we really are quite secluded‚ and people seldom come here. In fact you’re the first in‚ Oh let’s just say a very long time. Do you not like to feel the heat of the suns rays on your naked body‚ it really can be quite invigorating‚ quite sensual.” “It’s just that‚ “she looked down at her dress‚” I’m not wearing much under here‚ and with you lying there‚” she looked down his back to his firm buttocks‚ “naked‚ well...” “Rest assured you are safe here with me‚ we’ll just share in the pleasure the sun gives us.” Not knowing why she even considered the idea‚ she sat‚ her arms going behind her back to the zip on her dress‚ and undoing it. As the straps began to slip down her arms‚ she looked him in the eye. “Well?” “Oh‚ please excuse me.” He turned his head and resting it again on his arms‚ looked away. She let the top of the dress drop down‚ then lay back to remove it completely‚ before folding it and placing it beside her on the rug. Then‚ like him she lay face down to enjoy the sun. He turned his head to face her. The sun did indeed feel nice on her skin. It’s warmth seeming to seep into her. The occasional breeze would stroke sensuously over her naked back‚ as if an invisible mouth were blowing softly. She looked across. The man’s eyes were shut‚ his breathing shallow‚ he looked so calm and peaceful. She felt an urge to stroke his cheek‚ and her hand reached towards him. She stopped. “Just what are you thinking?” She shook her head admonishing herself. “Cherries‚ think of the cherries.” As she lent up on her elbows to reach towards the bowl‚ she felt her nipples rub gently against the blanket beneath her‚ The softness of the woollen fibres seemed to stroke as soft as a feather‚ gently at the tips. She sighed softly. All thought of cherries slipped away‚ as lowering herself‚ she repeated the action‚ making her nipples stiffen slightly‚ to protrude from her breasts. “Mmm nice.” She thought‚ as once more she rubbed her chest backwards‚ and then forwards as she arched her back She stopped‚ now leaning on her elbows. She reached to take another cherry from the bowl‚ and moved it towards her parted lips. Tilted her head back she sucked this third cherry into her mouth. Sweet juices burst in her mouth as she bit down hard‚ and again she let them flow slowly down her throat. She looked at the glass on the rug beside her. “Who needs that?” She thought. After all‚ the cherries did both ease her hunger and sate her thirst. His eyes had been slightly open as she moved her hand towards him‚ and he had sensed the indecision in her. She wanted to touch him‚ but felt cheapened by the thought. He smiled‚ and his eyes moved down from his study of her face‚ to fix on the curves of her white breast‚ a merest hint of it’s dark pink nipple showing‚ its tip being cushioned by soft wool. Mmmm. His tongue slipped out between his dry lips‚ circling to moisten them. He tilted his head‚ returning his gaze to her face. He opened his eyes fully. “Would you like me to apply some lotion to your back? You are after all pale of skin‚ and the sun’s rays are quite powerful.” She reached a hand back over her shoulder‚ and touched her back. It did already feel a bit hot and slightly tender to the touch. “Well if you wouldn’t mind.” She reached for her pack‚ and pulled out the sun lotion. Placing it between them on the blanket she averted her eyes as he started to rise‚ turning so to kneel beside her. “Oohh!!” She shivered and a tiny squeal escaped between her lips. “Cold?” He asked her. “Just a bit. More the shock I think. Carry on.” He had drawn a line down her spine with the creamy lotion‚ and now began to massage it into the soft skin of her back. His hands moved in circling motions‚ moving slowly‚ his fingers stroking‚ up and down. He reached across her back‚ stroking down her side. The tips of his fingers softly brushed the side of her breast. She turned her head‚ once again resting it on her arms‚ and looked at him‚ her eyes barely open. On his face was a look of intense concentration as he stroked her‚ his fingers pushing at her skin as he massaged her back‚ and up over her shoulders. Again he rubbed over her side‚ this time his fingers lingering slightly‚ pushing gently at the softly yielding flesh beneath. She looked down‚ his member was slightly larger now‚ thicker‚ longer‚ and seemed to be growing before her eyes. Her mouth felt dry‚ as she moaned softly to herself‚ her passion beginning to rise. Smoothing the lotion onto her skin his hands moved lower‚ the tips of his fingers sliding inside the waist of her white panties. Her eyes opened wider as he looked down at her face‚ his eyebrows raised in question. She nodded slightly and felt his fingers once more stroke and caress her lower back. Her nerve ends were fired‚ tingling‚ as he expertly stroked and caressed her. Her imagination took wing‚ and carnal images vied for position in her head. She moaned softly as she saw him move down her body‚ and out of her line of sight. She felt her legs eased slightly apart‚ and felt the hot skin of his legs on the inside of her calves. He ran lines of lotion down the back of her legs. With strong fingers he stoked upwards as if easing the tightness from her muscles. He stroked down the outside of her thighs‚ her calves‚ before again rubbing upwards‚ his thumbs this time stroking up the inside of her legs. Higher and higher‚ stopping just short of her panties‚ to stroke softly back down. She felt a tingle exciting her body‚ felt her nipples stiffen against the soft wool‚ felt heat build between her legs‚ as he again stroked firmly up her legs‚ her inner thighs. “Would you prefer an all over tan do you think?” She was started back to reality by the unexpected sound of his voice‚ and turned her head to look at him. She nodded as she slowly raised her hips from the ground. He leant forward and slid his hands under the waistband before sliding her panties over her hips and easing them down her legs. He moved to kneel beside her as he slipped them over her feet‚ and placed them on her dress. He looked up at the curves of her firm cheeks. Round‚ firm succulent‚ like a peach he was eager to bite and taste. He ran his still lotion-coated hands over them‚ stroking‚ squeezing‚ kneading them‚ as she tensed her muscles. Angela could only moan‚ as her body trembled with suppressed emotion. She raised her self on one elbow‚ and looked back at him. She could see the tension in his face‚ the inner tension that had grown as he had massaged and stroked her back‚ as he had caressed her legs and her cheeks. His member had continued to swell and grow. It was harder now‚ not hanging‚ but rather its tip pointing sideways at his hip. She rolled to her back. He stared down longingly‚ taking in the roundness of her firm white breasts‚ with their dark pink nipples jutting proudly from their centres. His eyes moved down‚ taking in the flatness of her stomach‚ her slim waist and small rounded hips‚ finally resting on the dark delta between her legs. He swallowed hard‚ his mouth felt dry‚ and again he circled his lips with his tongue. He looked back to her face. She was wearing a mischievous smile‚ as she picked up the bottle of lotion from where he had left it. He gave a small cough. “The front my dear?” His voice sounding husky. “Hmm.” She lent slightly forward‚ and poured some lotion into her left hand. She slowly raised it moving it up to first cup‚ and then close it around her right breast. She squeezed‚ and he saw the creamy liquid ooze between her fingers‚ and run slowly down her stomach. She held the bottle towards him‚ her eyes now fixed on the wide girth and the long length of his cock‚ which stood fully erect in front of him‚ throbbing. Sighing‚ she moistened her lips. “Legs perhaps.” He took the proffered bottle from her hand‚ and poured the thick lotion onto his palm. Dropping the bottle‚ he rubbed his hands together. Her hand squeezed and rubbed at her breast‚ slowly circling. Her fingers squeezed at the firm nipple‚ pulling‚ leaving it glistening in the sunlight. She stroked across to her left breast and caressed and squeezed‚ tweaking her nipple‚ pulling then releasing. Backwards and forwards‚ stroking‚ caressing‚ pinching‚ twirling her stiff nipples. Her right hand moved lower to trace circles and stroke her stomach‚ the tips of her fingers briefly touching her soft pubic hair‚ before once more returning to the blanket at her side.. He stroked up the front of her legs‚ leaning towards her‚ watching as she gently writhed‚ and softly murmured‚ her tongue licking her lips‚ as she lost herself in her pleasure. Down the outside quickly‚ his needs building inside him. He stroked up the inside of her thighs‚ Angela moaned louder as his fingers reached the top‚ fingers stroking outward‚ circling‚ to meet‚ to twist and tease her hair. She raised her hips as his fingers retraced their route back around her pussy‚ and then down her legs. Again she felt his hands stoke her thighs‚ and again they parted at the top to toy with her soft hair. Once more he gently stroked‚ her sense of anticipation‚ her frustration‚ building as she yearned to feel his touch between her legs. She stroked and squeezed harder at her breasts thinking‚ “please... please.....” She raised her hips higher‚ thrusting towards him‚ as she felt his hands on her legs‚ stroking ever nearer to the heat between her thighs. “Oooh!! Aaah!!” She moaned‚ as she felt not his finger‚ but the tip of a soft velvety tongue lick slowly up her lips. She looked down to see him looking up at her‚ the bottom of his face hidden between her legs. He lowered his head‚ and she sighed as again his tongue licked slowly up her pussy. Slowly‚ gently‚ sensuously he used his tongue to tease and please‚ licking up her now swelling lips. Up‚ his tongue easing them slightly apart‚ pushing slightly harder. She was hot and wet‚ and her juices started to flow slowly between her lips. “Mmmm.” He licked‚ savouring her taste on his tongue. His tongue moved faster now as he licked‚ up and down. It pushed harder‚ probing. He buried his face deep between her legs‚ pushing his tongue fully out‚ to slide it into her. Again he moaned at the taste of juices on his tongue‚ her heat surrounding it. Angela was moaning softly as she lowered her hands to grip the back of his head as she felt his tongue swirl inside her. Squeezing her thighs in his strong fingers he moved his tongue slowly in and out of her. In and out‚ licking her juices into his mouth to savour their taste‚ before letting them slide down his throat. He stopped‚ and she felt his head push back against her hands‚ and reluctantly she let go. She leant forward as he sat back to kneel between her knees. She sighed at the sight of his member‚ which stood proudly throbbing‚ its’ purple tip shining in the bright sunlight. She reached out and stroked the tips of her fingers down its’ hard length. He closed his eyes‚ sighing at her touch. “Perhaps that would be a little easier.” He nodded back over his shoulder directing her gaze behind him. The trunk was now draped with woollen fleeces‚ which covered the top‚ hanging down over the sides. She nodded‚ and taking her hands in his‚ he helped her to her feet. Hand in hand they walked naked across the glade. Taking her waist‚ he lifted her to the broad trunk‚ lowering her gently onto the fleece-covered top. He eased her slightly back before kneeling between her legs. Stroking his hands up the backs‚ he raised them and placed them over his shoulders. She lay her head back‚ and raised her hips‚ longing to feel his tongue once more buried deep inside her. He bent forward‚ and again started to lick his velvet tongue up and down her wet and eager pussy. His blood more fired his licking became my urgent‚ as his hands stroked up and down‚ and around on her stomach. His tongue stabbed out pushing hard and fast between her lips‚ and into her sweet tasting hole. In and out‚ in and out‚ Angela moaned and her muscles tensed‚ her legs gripping the sides of the head between them. In and out‚ in and out‚ the tongue felt wider‚ longer‚ felt rougher as it now darted in and out of her‚ harder and faster. Her pussy lips parted further as the tongue seemed to grow‚ pushing them wider to take its’ size‚ and licking deeper and deeper inside her. Angela saw an image of a black wolf with shining eyes‚ a long rough tongue hanging from its’ snout between pointed fangs. She looked down‚ it was a man not a wolf‚ but still she couldn’t shake the image from her mind. “Aaah!!” She groaned‚ the tongue seemed to fill her‚ as it continued to slide in and out‚ twirling‚ licking‚ burying itself deep. In and out‚ in and out‚ the tingling between her legs grew‚ spreading through her pussy‚ and out across her stomach and chest tingling her hard jutting nipples. His hands squeezed her breasts. Every nerve end in her body was stimulated‚ excited‚ and she writhed moaning as he continued to lick her inner walls. The tongue slid out to lick hard up over her clit‚ his mouth sucked hard. “Yeeeess!!” She screamed out‚ as wave upon wave of electrical energy seemed to shoot outwards. Her back arched‚ her muscles contracted as she shook and shivered‚ her orgasm electrified and heightened her senses. Her clit and nipples tingled and throbbed. As her orgasm subsided she sat up to see him now standing between her legs. “Mmmm Thank you?” she told him. “The pleasure was mine‚ I can assure you.” She watched his mouth as he spoke. His tongue was quite normal. “I must have been lost in the moment‚ in the intense sensations.” She thought shaking her head slightly. She lowered her eyes to look at the length of hard flesh protruding upwards from his loins. She slipped down from the trunk‚ and extended her hand to wrap her fingers slowly around it‚ and squeeze firmly. “More mine I think‚ but let’s see shall we.” She slowly pulled down‚ exposing his tip. Up‚ then down. She bent‚ her tongue slipped out between her lips. Up then down she stroked before she gently licked the very tip of her tongue along the slit on the end‚ tasting his seeping juice. His eyes were closed as he moaned softly. She took him into her mouth‚ licking around his hard flesh‚ as she gently sucked. Slowly‚ rhythmically she moved her head up and down‚ sliding him between her lips as her hand stroked up and down his cock. He gently gripped her arm and pulled her hand away. She looked up in surprise. “Not that way.” He said‚ and holding her shoulders‚ he turned her and bent her over the tree trunk‚ laying her on a soft woollen fleece. His fingers slid between her legs‚ and started to stroke forwards and backwards. Forwards and backwards he gently stroked her pussy‚ as her juices started to moisten his fingers. Forwards and backwards‚ she felt the heat build‚ her juices begin to flow. He slipped a finger slowly inside her. “Mmmm.” And she moaned. In and out his finger probed‚ as she grew hotter and wetter. He inserted another finger. In and out in and out he pushed and stroked. He moved forwards towards her‚ his hand wrapped around his length‚ lowering it and sliding it between her legs. She reached back between her legs‚ her thumb and forefinger circling his hard cock. She stroked it up and down her slit‚ lubricating the tip‚ before guiding him inside her. Holding firmly on her hips‚ he bent his back‚ easing his own hips forward to slowly push himself deep inside her. She felt his stomach push against her cheeks. “Aah.” He groaned. He just stood‚ his cock fully inside her‚ lost in the sensation of her wetness and her heat surrounding it. Pulling back his hips he slid almost out‚ before once again sliding slowly back inside her. In and out‚ in and out‚ a slow‚ easy rhythm. As Angela moved started to mirror his movements he withdrew his length until just the tip was inside her. “Hmm?” Slightly frustrated she looked back over her shoulder. He drove his cock in hard. “Aaah!!” She moaned as she was forced forward‚ Her hands gripped tightly on the fleece. Again he pulled almost out and stopped‚ teasing her once more‚ before driving hard back into her. Out‚ and he stopped‚ sliding slightly in and out‚ savouring her growing sense of frustration‚ as she squirmed‚ pushing her pussy back towards him. She felt his hands grip over her shoulders‚ and he forced his hips quickly forward to bury his cock hard and deep. “Ooh Yess!!” Angels raised her head‚ words and sounds coming unbidden from her lips. As he pumped backwards and forwards‚ his actions more urgent‚ harder‚ she was forced forwards‚ just the tips of her toes now touching the lush grass. In and out‚ his arms beneath hers‚ his hands clutching her shoulders and pulling back in time to his action. “Ooh ! Aah!” They moaned as one‚ as she felt him‚ move faster and faster. His cock seemed to swell more‚ becoming thicker and longer. “Aahh!!” She moaned as it buried deep inside before sliding out. In‚ and his hands moved to the top of her shoulders. Out‚ his hips moved back. In‚ and she felt nails‚ yet not nails‚ dig into her flesh. No not nails‚ they felt more pointed‚ harder‚ perhaps more like claws. He racked them down her back as he again powered his now huge cock into her. She moaned‚ and groaned‚ pain mixed with passion‚ with lust. He filled her‚ and she could feel her juices seeping round his hard flesh to run down her inner thighs. As he drew his length back he grabbed her shoulders. As he powered back into her willing yielding flesh‚ his nails or claws scratched down her back. In and out‚ in and out‚ his rhythm now regular and hard. Angela looked back over her shoulder‚ not certain what she would see. His cock had swollen and grown‚ longer‚ thicker‚ like nothing she had experienced before‚ as he now fucked her hot pussy harder and faster. His face seemed unaltered‚ his eyes closed‚ mouth open and moaning as he rode her. However his chest seemed broader‚ his arms seemed larger‚ more hairy. His hand on the back of her head pushed her face down. His action slowed‚ his thrusts becoming longer‚ harder as his passion grew yet higher‚ more intense. He lay on her back‚ and she felt his hot breath on her neck. “Oow!‚ Aah!” She let out a groan of pain mixed with pleasure‚ as his teeth bit hard on her neck‚ his teeth feeling sharp and pointed. He raised his head and howled as his cock jerked inside her‚ his hot seed bursting against her inner walls. Angela’s breathing became short‚ as she panted‚ sighing and moaning. Shocks again ripped through her body‚ her swollen clit seemed to spark. Her pussy muscles contracted around his length as he jerked again sending more of his cum spurting into her already full pussy. Every muscle in her body contracted and she writhed‚ as electricity seemed to play over her‚ her nipples so hard now that they ached. He held her hips burying his still jerking cock deep inside her as his lust spent itself‚ and his orgasm subsided. Dressed now in his shirt and shorts‚ he zipped Angela’s dress. When she had finally been able to raise herself from the fleece blanketed trunk‚ Angela had seen no visible evidence that he had ever been other than she had first seen him as a man. He was no bigger and no hairier‚ his member was surely that of a ‘healthy’ man. So why couldn’t she shake the image of the wolf from her mind. Wolf-man‚ Man-wolf‚ no surely not. But then hadn’t he been able to change his appearance? “Did you....did you... well sort of change?” She hesitantly asked him. “Change‚ in what way? My passion definitely rose to great heights‚ and my senses‚ well you all but rid me of those‚ but change? No I don’t think so. I’m still just a man.” “Hmm?” Angela was not so sure. Taking her by the hand he walked her back to the spot where she had entered. “Well my dear‚ I can only thank you for what has been a truly memorable‚ and thoroughly enjoyable day‚ but night draws on and I’m sure you would not wish to be walking these woods in the dark. I would see you safely home‚ but I am afraid that is quite impossible.” Angela looked around‚ and for the first time noticed that the sun was indeed low down above the tops of the trees. “Dusk already?” She thought‚ it didn’t seem as if she had been here that long. “EIGHT HOURS?” She thought with surprise. She couldn’t believe it‚ but judging from the position of the sun it must have been about that long. “No‚ I mean yes. Yes I guess I must be going‚ and thank you‚ I’ll be fine.” It was certainly not what she was thinking‚ but all she was about to say. “Will I see you again? I didn’t even know this glade was here.” “Perhaps my dear‚ for anything is possible. As for the glade‚ well it is always here‚ but can not always be seen. So as I say‚ perhaps‚ and should you want to enough‚ you may find your way back.” He turned her towards the gap in the undergrowth‚ and she stepped through. Turning back to say good-bye‚ all she saw were bushes and wild flowers where just moments before had been a beautiful glade. She shook her head‚ turned and began the walk home. Perhaps it hadn’t turned out to be such a bad summer after all.
Sex Forum Sex forum for the Underground Sex Club.
Bandung forum Sex group with the title: Bandung forum
Battle Creek sluts Women Only · Battle Creek sluts · I'm new to the Battle Creek area I have only been here for about 5-6 months I am a single swinger male seeking females to f*** around with as f*** buddies or whatever I would be willing to start a relationship with one of them but be aware that I love sharing so on a regular basis just going to be a g******* weekends play me some days and I am also a verified amateur on p****** when I get paid for posting videos and pictures so that's one thing that I will end up doing China Post video so I can end up getting paid finally one of y'all interested your mom with your mother welcome to contact me I have my own I have my own place so we can do it here mine contact number is 269 419 417 form if you're interested and willing to f*** on first day call me until I find a fingernail splinter that wants to f****** I'll be masturbating by myself
Post by coxy1121 Anyone want to view my forum please please please please please. View my forum and leave a comment if you want. I also created a group if any of you people out there who wants to join my group please please please please please please.
Silver Male · New Zealand. This is the member profile for Silver
Silver Ryohei Female · Canada. This is the member profile for Silver Ryohei
Long.John.Silver Male · South Africa. This is the member profile for Long.John.Silver
Quick Silver Male · Thailand. This is the member profile for Quick Silver
I find my fabulous piss-sex geriatric nympho I find my fabulous piss-sex geriatric nympho · Fetish · I am a sexual paradox. First, I am 35 yet only attracted to old women – I get so fucking turned on by their droopy tits, flabby bellies, wrinkles, fat hairy cunts, and shitholes. Secondly, after being molested (it was great) by a plump geriatric nympho I also fell hook, line, and sinker for girdle sex. And lastly, my old nympho made me piss on her hairy cunt every time she fingered herself on the toilet. Now, I can’t often find randy old birds who wear girdles and have saggy tits and bellies but none at all to date who enjoy or will have piss sex. What I wanted was a fat randy old lady who had some fetishes and liked piss play. Little did I know that the answer was solved by Rosemary who was a tenant in a small block of flats let out to seniors, and I was the general factotum. She was around 65, buxom going to fat but good-looking with great legs. On Tuesday last week, she asked me if I could help her with a ‘delicate situation’. She had surfed the web and found a site called dark secrets and had struck up a friendship with an elderly couple who had sent her some personal videos and they wanted some of her. “The problem is, I cannot film myself, can I? Would you do it for me? I am desperate because, for the first time in my life, I have found someone who shares my long-term but sadly unfulfilled interest in what I now believe is now called water sports.” As soon as she said water sports my nice thick eight-inch cock took notice and I agreed to help her. That evening whilst having a sherry in her apartment, I asked how her interest in water sports was triggered. “Well, one day, I was lying enjoying the sun in a field and started daydreaming of the usual stuff. I was horny and as no one was around, I took off my knickers and my clit started getting stiff, and as I was coming, I had this massive urge to pee urgently, so I just let it gush out which triggered the most fantastic orgasm.” She added that she continued with her fetish on her own for many years as she thought she was a freak and not something elderly ladies should enjoy. “You know, this is the first time I have truly found someone like me and I intend to enjoy it.” “Well, Rosemary, I am pleased to tell you I too am a devotee of piss sex and like you have never found a lady to share it with.” “Oh, that’s divine.” We arranged a time for us to shoot the video the next day. Arriving that evening, Rosemary opened the door wearing a simple blouse covering a pair of ripe 36 DD melons finished with a light brown skirt that stretched over her bulging sexy belly and finished about 2 inches below the knee. “Go through to the living room, I have set up the basics, so to speak, but we need to get run through how we will film this….I am just going to have a drink, would you like a beer?” Bringing the drinks, she added, “Whilst I am not embarrassed in acknowledging my ‘kink’, this is the first time anyone has seen me do it. The last thing I want is to feel humiliated. So, if what I am about to do is going to make you feel uneasy, please say so now and we will forget all about it.” “Fuck me, Rosemary, I share your interest too. So no, I won’t be embarrassed….more like excited. Shall we have another pint?” She beamed and hurriedly refilled the glasses. “Now we know where we stand, let’s make a great movie”. Lifting the settee cover, she showed me the plastic sheets and those around it “Now, I am not very creative, how do you think we should film this? Don’t forget this couple has been kind to send me some movies but they are rather basic…her on the toilet, him peeing on her at the same time. I would like something a bit different. What do you think?” My mind was going into overdrive. “What about this? You’re sitting down reading and sipping a drink, very refined. Then, think back to when you first started, slowly pulling up your skirt and start fingering yourself. You get carried away, the book drops, and you undo your blouse to show off those luscious tits and pert nipples. “Now bearing in mind that I am not here, you slowly open your legs wide for the close-up of your clit... and then I pan away. The thing is it will surprise the viewer. What do you think?” Her smile gave me the green light. My opinion of porn videos is that they are never very erotic; an erotic video, as opposed to a porn film, is harder because you have to engage and build up the viewers’ emotional climax as well as their physical one. “You are great. Now let’s start.” She was getting into the mood and quickly finished off another pint of larger! With her on the sofa, I started shooting but there was a problem …stage fright, I suppose. She looked like a very bad actress. “Look Rosemary, will it be ok if I help get your imagination going? That should get you in the mood.” “Think back to those days, the sun is hot and you’re reading a saucy book.” Suddenly, as if a switch in her was turned on, she was in the mood. The music and the effect of the larger took over. Languidly she slowly opened her creamy fat thighs and started caressing her silver-haired cunt which was highlighted by her open crotch girdle. Rosemary had a lovely bush of fanny hair. Whilst dreamily fingering herself she gradually unbuttoned her blouse, revealing those great tits. She was getting into the mood as I swear those nipples had grown by at least another quarter of an inch. She was shedding inhibitions as fast as her clit came out of her labia. So far, I was just the cameraman, but I was also the voyeur. And boy did I want to fuck her. Fully reclined with her eyes dreamily half-closed, she started talking extremely dirty. “ I love my clit. It’s like a small cock in a way, don’t you think? And when I do this – rubbing her finger over the top - it makes me want to spurt.” As she said that, a shower of piss arched up. With three pints of larger in my straining bladder and a very big lob on I was getting both randy and uncomfortable. Seeing my bulge, she added “I do believe I am turning you on – look at those trousers” Looking down I saw a large wet patch. “You’re dribbling, you naughty man. Take off those trousers right now and come over here.” Still filming, I scrabbled out of my trousers and walked over. Taking my semi-hard dick Rosemary put it in her mouth and tongued my piss hole. It was fantastic but it also loosened my bladder and I squirted. With my piss dribbling down her mouth Rosemary smiled and swallowed. “Now you know how to squirt too,” she said. Never once during all this did, she let up pulling and tugging her clit and was getting very excited. “I don’t think I can hold out much longer, time for the close-up. This will make it easier for you.” Lifting one leg up and still rubbing and tugging her ever protruding thick clit she was gone…. Sighs and moans and then: “Hey, I have a great orgasm when I piss, but I was thinking, it would be even better if you piss inside me at the same time. I know you can.” This was not in the script, but my bladder was near to bursting, and not having taken my magic tablet, my semi-hard cock was up to the job. Why waste this experience? Placing the camera low and checking that we would get a great scene, I went over and eased my piss proud cock into her very wet cunt. “That’s great, you are going to make me very happy.” “Oh, that’s lovely, not hard, not soft…just the way I like it. Then, slowly but steadily, surges of hot piss gushed from her hole as her orgasm started. She started writhing underneath me and I opened my bladder and pissed deep into her. As soon as it hit her wall she went nuts and I was showered in more piss. It went everywhere. Suffice to say that as soon as it started it was over. The film? With editing, it looked great. Rosemary’s cyber couple loved it so much that they invited her to bring ‘her friend’ when she visits them next month. I said that I was not sure as piss sex can only last as long as one’s bladder is full. “Oh, you are a silly one. Look, Philip and Gwen, my new piss friends are into all sorts of perversions and fetishes. And as for me, I am looking forward to having lots of your lovely spunk up my cunt as long as you don’t mind if I squirt.” Before meeting Philip and Gwen, I wanted to explore more kinky fucking with Rosemary. One thing that she fucking loved was when I put my hand up her skirt in the morning and shoved all my fingers up her hairy hole. Of course, she always pissed herself when she orgasmed. And to my surprise, she took great delight in pissing in public. Her favourite was wearing a plastic mac and walking with me in the park. So when she pissed herself while she walked in front of me, I told her she was a dirty, fucking piss whore. She loved being spoken to like that. Needless to add of course that at home she always wanted me fuck her shit hole so she could piss freely as possible. I preferred fucking old ladies’ arse holes as they are usually much tighter than their cunts. Before we left to drive to our hosts, Rosemary informed me that it had been agreed, that the first lot of sex play would be focused on piss as she and they wanted to, as she said, “ soak up and enjoy the fun.” She had no idea what they had in store. But we had to arrive with bladders nicely filling up and ready for action. Rosemary added that the hosts had kindly said that it would be best if we both wore minimal light clothing and no underwear Philip and Gwen, you could tell were a very sexual couple. Gwen was similar to Rosemary in build, fat with big tits. Philip was a small guy and looked very unassuming. They made us extremely welcome with Philip giving me a very tight hug, grinding his crotch into mine which I liked as I was pleasantly surprised to feel his cock get nice and hard as was mine. Rosemary and Gwen were also hugging pressing their massive titties against each other and I swear I saw Rosemary put her hand up Gwen’s very short skirt but it could have been my imagination. After a few minutes, Gwen said that she was positive that we would all like a nice big drink and went to make the coffees. Of course, I should have guessed, the coffees came in very large mugs. I looked over at Rosemary who had the biggest smile. Suddenly she said to Philip, “ Tell me, Philip, how did you get into enjoying piss sex?” “Well, Rosemary, it started when I was obsessed with wanking but I used to cum too soon. But I found that if I had a full bladder, I could last a lot longer and after shooting my spunk, I just pissed myself and it was glorious. Then afterward I got highly turned on when I used to visit my granny and listened to her having a very loud piss. One day she caught me outside the toilet door and whilst I thought she would be annoyed, but she just smiled and said then next time she wanted to ‘go’ would I like to help her? Of course, I agreed and it got to the stage where she would give me a blowjob whilst taking a piss. It went further as I wanted to finger her as she pissed. We both enjoy doing that even though she was 85. Whilst he was telling us his story, Gwen was looking at me and at the same time, pulling up her skirt and parting her fat thighs to give me a bird’s eye of her grey hairy cunt. I could see that Rosemary had taken this as the sign previously agreed she said to Philip: “Philip, your story has got me quite excited. I just love my cunt filled with spunk and then washed out with strong streams of piss. Have you ever tried it with Gwen? Here let me show you, you don’t mind do you, Gwen, you’ve told us to help ourselves.” Gwen, now unashamedly fingering her gash said, “Of course take him into the conservatory and your young man and I will watch”. Their conservatory was extremely warm with underfloor heating and with the lack of rugs and plastic-covered easy chairs and sofa it was their pissing palace. My now naked Rosemary was getting Philip nice and hard and I was jealous. His cock was not big it was very thick. Laying on her back, he entered her hairy twat and started humping her. Gwen had got my cock out and said, “I bet your bladder is fit to burst – mine is. Now let’s get you nice and hard and you can fist me. I don’t know if they both timed it but we all came at the same time. Philip then pissed up Rosemary’s fanny for a least a minute and, I don’t know what came over me, but Gwen and I were pissing over each other she urged me to piss in her mouth saying “give momma another hot drink.” It was fucking wild and very erotic. After we cleaned up and showered it was time to leave but they promised us some more fun and games next Saturday. The following Saturday could not come quick enough as far as we were concerned. Arriving in the afternoon, Gwen invited Rosemary to go shopping with her and for us boys to amuse ourselves – “we have some lovely horny videos you can watch.” Phil made us a drink and put on one of the videos. It was kinky. There were two guys dressed in stockings and knickers feeling up and double fucking a fat granny with a massive hairy twat. I must admit it was making me very horny and my cock was tenting in my trousers. Phil’s cock was doing the same. So we agree to wank each other as a change. It was lovely, lots of pre cum made it very easy. And we took it real slow so as not to cum too soon. Phil said asked if I was bi like him. I said that I had not considered it, but I must be a bit as I was enjoying our wanking. Then he shocked me by admitting that not only was he bi but also cross-dressed. He said that he loved wearing ladies’ panties and sheer nylons and his favourite thing was being fucked up in his shithole while fucking his wife. “But the best bit is that when we’ve all cum, we piss up the holes and then let it all ooze out”. “It is the ultimate orgasm,” he added. We both agree that our piss session was good. But I said the trouble was that they didn’t last very long as you can only piss so much. Then he started telling me how he and his wife can make it last for hours. “First, you make sure that your bladders are full to bursting but you hold it in. For us guys it’s easy as when we have a hard-on we can’t piss, I cannot at least.” The wife and I go shopping and she just loves dribbling her piss all over the place and nobody knows a thing. And back in the car, I start fingering her and as she cums she also squirts out a fuck load of hot piss. You will have to teach Rosemary how to dibble her piss. It is so fucking erotic”.
mbrown5599 Male · Silver Creek, United States of America. This is the member profile for mbrown5599
lickurpuss Male · Silver Creek, United States of America. This is the member profile for lickurpuss
Goose creek/Charleston USA Only · Goose creek/Charleston · Looking for some female company $
Hey let’s talk Macon/Warner Robins, GA (USA) · Casual Sex · Hey I’m into bdsm. If you are let’s talk. I already knew this but now you know. == Results from == 100% Degrader 100% Dominant 100% Rigger 100% Owner 100% Master/Mistress 95% Primal (Hunter) 95% Sadist 85% Brat tamer 83% Non-monogamist 74% Experimentalist 63% Daddy/Mommy 50% Exhibitionist 50% Voyeur 24% Ageplayer 6% Vanilla 3% Masochist 2% Pet 1% Primal (Prey) 1% Rope bunny 0% Degradee 0% Switch 0% Slave 0% Girl/Boy 0% Brat 0% Submissive I love this article so here you go, hope you get as much from it. I was into this life before fifty shades of grey. I always loved discipline. As long as I can remember. I'm soo aggressive and rough with it. I am into domestic discipline. I love pulling hair, slapping ass as well as a face, I'm into choking during sex and romancing all day through text message. Yes my woman will always wake up and go to sleep to those texts and romantic music. but the sex is long and rough. Neck biting is definitely my thing. I have been in this type of lifestyle all my life. This is all I know, get at me only if you are into that. I live in Atlanta right now but travel often. So I could come to a city near you, no problem. Give me a reason :p I have my own business, so I have my own time, do what I want. Only thing that controls me is I am a dad. I love to travel (can’t find much time to lately, I have three children now and I’m a great father) anyway I still love to make money FAST hustle money! Been in adult entertainment 13 yrs, but now I am a motivational speaker for my own private school group of Alpha males (exgang members, expimps and exdrug dealers.. guys just like me). I love what I do. I am a workaholic. I authored nine books and twenty magazines so far all on one subject. Yea, Im pretty fucking wild ! The spontaneous shit, anywhere then everywhere, its fucking awesome. I love fast cars, exotics, mink coats (I love em) big flashy diamonds, I have tons of pics in different states, in casinos spending big drinking, having fun. Some with my crew, I wont put them on here because each one has there on discreet life with me and dont want it publicized like when we were all younger. These are my real pics. Im wild but, I can romance too! :p Hope to hear from you. Lets do what comes to mind... On the highway (we pull over) although I have and will do it while driving fast. But Im not that tall and I usually cant see over the girls head lol. Dont laugh, that part wasnt funny. :p I have a good since of humor. At a fast food restaurant... (in the bathroom men or womens doesnt matter) In a long drive through line (mostly at the Jack in the box late nights) NO DRUGS AT ALL! I normally only talk to girls who have kids too! I know I sound sponge bob square pants but trust me, Im hella fun. Run my own business in the day time and like to have fun at night. I am 100% gentleman. Oh yeah, Im polygamous and a father of three so my time is precious to me So don’t waste mine and I won’t waste yours. I am 100% NO BULLSHIT. I am NOT into excuses. Be great or Be nothing, nobody, not remembered or rarely talked about. Well thats just about how I am and who I am. Any institutions using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects - You do NOT have my permission to use any of my profile or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a serious violation of my privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications. It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this! I am Kevin (but call me Daddy) I'm 38 years old. I dont drink or smoke. I love to work out. I live to dominate a woman. Its my thing. I love every vampire movie that has ever come out and the books that came before them and also to study genius, to talk about and work on being more than what we are everyday. We travel, shop, we workout, make money, film and fuck. Join us. I did my own vampire movie (with all of my own money) I just realized that I am really into making girls squirt at times that aren't supposed too. On certain bed spreads, in pants and panties etc. Not just on a towel anymore. And do try to resist, ugh this life is something else. I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it. Must be atleast 18. Oh yea, institutions you are not allowed to use my page for anything. And call me Daddy when you talk to me. I hope to hear from you. Join us -Daddy
North Charleston, SC sex hookups! I'm trying to create a group for like minded individuals in the Charleston / North Charleston, South Carolina area who want to get together and fuck, suck, lick, and stick each other without all the usual drama and games that are played in the normal way that others are meeting each other thru. Let this be a forum in which we all meet, say "Hi and Hello" to each other; and then we get together for a hot and juicy sex session no matter what your sexual persuasion is. Whatever your likes are is welcome in this group.......the main goal is getting together and having sex again, just like it was before the time of Covid! Feel free to post pics and discussions. - North Charleston, SC sex hookups!
Post by fuckmyassbareback I want my Sweet Hot Sexy Ass pounded Hard Deep Long and Very Rough in a Gang Bang by multiple men have a extremely Very Kinky side also want bareback pounded Many Cocks shooting Hot Thick Loads of cream inside my Sweet Hot Asshole and also Throat Fucked at the same Time also have a foot fedish love to lick feet and suck toes I'll be your foot slave humiliate my Slutty submitting Asshole fucking my Ass Doggie style You can whip my Ass with a leather belt Don't have one let me know I will bring one I am Friendly Honest Tell It Like I Want it for your pleasure and Mine extremely Very Horny Right Now Here in Dayton Ohio or Surrounding Areas come Get Me And Fuck me As Long As you Wish BBC more then welcome uncut cock is a big plus also love piss in my mouth I will drink every Drop For Real Seriously Now REPLY › DELETE SIMILAR ADS Lookin for a bi brother Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Looking for some hot nasty sweaty male sex Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA Want fucked bareback Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Very horny want to have lots of sex Category: Casual Sex Country: USA starved4sex in bristol need a good woman Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA LATEST ADS Looking for Kalgoorlie anal pleasures Category: Men Seeking Men Country: AU Jerk buddy Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Gangbang for wm40 Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Eat my pussy for hours Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA Gust for fun Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA Local Horny Women
Post by fuckmyassbareback I want my Sweet Hot Sexy Ass pounded Hard Deep Long and Very Rough in a Gang Bang by multiple men have a extremely Very Kinky side also want bareback pounded Many Cocks shooting Hot Thick Loads of cream inside my Sweet Hot Asshole and also Throat Fucked at the same Time also have a foot fedish love to lick feet and suck toes I'll be your foot slave humiliate my Slutty submitting Asshole fucking my Ass Doggie style You can whip my Ass with a leather belt Don't have one let me know I will bring one I am Friendly Honest Tell It Like I Want it for your pleasure and Mine extremely Very Horny Right Now Here in Dayton Ohio or Surrounding Areas come Get Me And Fuck me As Long As you Wish BBC more then welcome uncut cock is a big plus also love piss in my mouth I will drink every Drop For Real Seriously Now REPLY › DELETE SIMILAR ADS Lookin for a bi brother Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Looking for some hot nasty sweaty male sex Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA Want fucked bareback Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Very horny want to have lots of sex Category: Casual Sex Country: USA starved4sex in bristol need a good woman Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA LATEST ADS Looking for Kalgoorlie anal pleasures Category: Men Seeking Men Country: AU Jerk buddy Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Gangbang for wm40 Category: Men Seeking Men Country: USA Eat my pussy for hours Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA Gust for fun Category: Men Seeking Women Country: USA Local Horny Women
For The Real non Flakers and no money takers Hard Core Sex · For The Real non Flakers and no money takers · This is a forum for the non flakers and no money takers only local meet ups with those in the Los Angeles and Southbay Long Beach‚CA areas. Exploring is the aim for this room to better ultilize this underground sex club
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