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Home Sex Stories Taboo Photography Hobby

Photography Hobby

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Male · 58 · United States of America
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3 Months Ago
Category: Taboo

Photography Hobby

This story is a work of fiction.

There are many advantages of being very wealthy as you might imagine but for me the best part is the ability to follow your lusts to any degree you want.

I have always found young girls and boys to be a secret desire for me, so at one point I opened a photography studio and fully equipped it with the latest cameras and computers just to take pictures of a particular girl. That project went well for a few months before it ran its course and mom wouldn’t let her little girl do any more modeling, and quite honestly I had forgotten about the studio, until my phone rang.

I had posted some ads months’ earlier about child modeling and part of the ad read that you could make 1000’s a week for the right person. The mom calling me sounded a little strung out and really desperate to know how she could get the big payday, so I gave her the basic rundown of how the modeling world runs. We could meet and I would take some photos of her daughter in various scenarios and different outfits – all of which I would provide – then I would send some out to my list of clients and see if they were interested. I usually send 25 photographs for an introduction and if they like them I will sell the 25 photos for $10-$25 per picture. This would make the Mom $500-$750 each set – minus my 20 % commission. (I had to take something for all my “work” or she would be suspicious of my motives) Mom eagerly agreed to this and we made an appointment for the very next day at 10am to meet for the first shoot.

After I hung up with her I went to my studio and started getting everything ready. It had been almost a year since my last model and I had to get familiar with the set up all over again. Satisfied that the video cameras were working and all the hard drives were empty I left for the night with great expectations for the morning. I was not disappointed in the morning as mom and her daughter showed up early for our appointment. I was spot on with my analysis of mom – she looked like a meth head and had erratic body movements which were most of the time a total alarm for being around them, unless she is in possession of a beautiful 9-10 year old girl that wants to become a payday model for mom. We introduced ourselves and I had to struggle to keep calm when looking at her daughter, Lisa. She was nothing like her mom almost to the point that I wondered if they were even related. I explained again how this would work and took a chance with Mom (I don’t remember her name at all) and told her that it was usually best if she wasn’t in the studio during shoots. She seemed almost relieved and as soon as she had signed the parental release form she left without even saying bye to Lisa. With just the 2 of us there I was surprised to find that Lisa was very comfortable and was excited about modeling. We went to the back dressing room where I had racks of different outfits ranging from Tennis clothes to lingerie and we started going through them looking for the right fit. She was a natural and loved the clothes so I let he pick out 5 outfits herself, all of which were very modest, and I picked out a shorts and halter top and a bikini that was just a little too small. I told her I would wait outside for her to change into the first outfit and then we could begin the shoot on the set that I had set up last night. I went back up front and check my computer that was hooked up to the PTZ high definition camera in the changing room and watched Lisa as she changed into the first outfit. I noticed she was wearing baggy white granny panties and made a mental not to change that as soon as I could. The photo shoot went great and after 2 hours Mom came back and I told her that I had 100’s of G-rated photos that I would go through and “edit” for my clients (Little did she know that I was my only client) and I would let he know what they thought of Lisa in 2 days. She seemed a little put off that it would take 2 whole days to find something out and her lack of patience made me even happier.

For the next 2 days I did create a portfolio of 50 pictures just in case Mom wanted to see what we had done – but as it turned out she never even asked. I also watched the changing room footage at least 50 times. Lisa absolutely loved all the clothes. She would run into the room to change into the next outfit and as she would dress she would stand in the mirror and turn at every angle to see how she looked in each piece. The bikini was her favorite, or at least that was the outfit she spent the longest in front of the mirror. As I suspected it was about 1 size too small for her and it made her ass pop in the back and showed off her plump pussy to perfection. This girl was my whole package: bubble butt, flat chest with barley budding nipples, and a fat camel toe. She noticed the camel toe too as she stood in front of the mirror and pulled her bathing suit bottoms in every direction to see if it would change. After realizing it didn’t matter how she pulled, it was still a pronounced bulge she tried pushing down on the front of her pubis to see if she could flatten it out. Watching her do this to herself for about 4 minutes was the highlight of the film and I couldn’t wait to get her back in the studio. So I called mom back and told her I had “sold” 3 sets to my clients and we should go ahead and do another shoot. She was as you can suspect very excited and we agreed to meet later that day at the studio. I took $1500 cash with me in an envelope and when she got there I made a production about paying her share to her and then asking her for the $300 commission for me. She quickly handed me the money and I asked Lisa if she was ready for another shoot. She smiled and said sure and this time I told Mom that we would need 4 hours and she was off in a flash with her cash in hand.

I looked at Lisa and she looked a little tousled and her hair was uncombed so I told her that today we would start with makeup and hair and for her to follow me to the back. I spent a good 45 minutes brushing her hair and talking to her about how makeup would make her look older and more sophisticated and she confided in me that she had never worn makeup before and was excited to try it but didn’t know how. I am not a makeup artist by any means but I did my best and showed her how to apply and blend and when enough is enough. We then went back to the dressing room where I had laid out 4 sets of new underwear, bikini cut, low cut, sheer, and a thong and showed them to her. I told her today we would be taking pictures for underwear ads and we would start with these. She asked about what top to wear and I casually told her that a top wasn’t needed for the shoot as I was only taking shots of the underwear and a top could get in the way, and that I would wait for her on the set. I couldn’t believe it was that easy and I rushed to my computer to watch the show about to go on in the dressing room. When I turned it on she was still dressed standing in front of the counter holding up the thong, and then I started to get nervous. What if she wasn’t going to do it? What if she asked for her Mom to come back? As these scenarios were running through my head she started stripping down and picked up the bikini underwear and pulled them on. These were a perfect fit and you could see a bulge in front but not a full camel toe and she spun around in front of the mirror for a good 5 minutes before walking out of the dressing room wearing only the light yellow panties. My throat was dry and I took a sip of water as she entered the studio and told her she was beautiful. Lisa was a natural and slightly blushed as she made her way to the set. I had put a sofa there this morning and made a show of getting her arranged for the first shoot. Positioning her sitting and looking back over her shoulder and having her long hair come down and cover her nipples. I told her that in the pictures she couldn’t be “nude” but the goal was to seem as though she was nude. She seemed to get it and was incredibly comfortable with me helping pose her. I went back to the camera and started taking pics and started asking her to move and sit in different positions. She was truly a natural so I decided to push it a little and asked her to get on her hands and knees and look back over her shoulder so I could get a picture of her behind. She looked and little puzzled and asked why I would want a picture of her behind, so I told her that my clients thought she was very pretty and enjoyed looking at her, especially her bottom. I’m not sure she understood my explanation but she assumed the position and as she looked back at me I thought the amount of precum oozing out of my cock would have a wet spot the size of a softball on the front of my shorts. I told her that was enough for this pair of panties to go and put on another and off she bounced to the dressing room. She saved the sheer pair for the last and was a little self-conscious when she came back to the set with her hands in front of her nearly naked pussy. She sheepishly told me that you could see right through this pair of underwear and she didn’t know if she should have them on. I acted concerned and went over to her and asked her to show me. I knelt down and she slowly removed her hands from in front of her and the most beautiful bald pussy was on full display to me. I knew I would have trouble standing up so I stayed there for a minute and reassured her that she was beautiful and that my clients were going to love her in these panties. I had one hand on her shoulder and she had gotten accustomed to bringing her hair down her front to cover her nipples and I casually brushed one of the sides of hair back and brushed her cheek lovingly and told her again how pretty she was. She smiled and slowly went over to the couch to do this final shoot. She had all the poses down from memory and I loved the view as she went from pose to pose – and then she asked the question that I wasn’t ready for: “Why do your clients like to see me without clothes on?” Don’t get me wrong I knew this was inevitable but still wasn’t sure how to play this out. I decided to be honest and told her I was going to treat her like an adult and tell her the truth. I asked her if she ever played with herself, you know rub yourself down there. She was posing at this time sitting on the couch with both legs pulled up and chin resting on her knees, and when I asked that she turned beet red instantly and looked away. I didn’t give her time to reply and continued with my response. I told her that my clients thought she was very beautiful, sexy even, and when they looked at her in the poses it made them excited and they would masturbate to the pictures. Trying to keep the photo shoot moving forward I asked her to assume another position which she quietly did, and then she asked me if I got excited looking at her. I thought about it for a second and told her yes, I thought she was very sexy and really enjoyed taking her pictures. She wasn’t satisfied with my answer and told me that wasn’t what she asked; she wanted to know if I masturbated to her pictures. This was it – this was the line I had never crossed. As much as I enjoyed the visualization of young girls and boys, I never played it out in reality. It had always just been a fantasy for me and I was comfortable with that. Now I was confronted with both lying to Lisa and being somewhat safe, or telling her the truth and see if she ran and told mom. Once again I appealed to her youthful desire to be a grown up and told her that I would always treat her as an adult and tell he the truth: Yes I would masturbate while looking at her pictures. She smiled and looked way as I asked her for the next position and she complied. Nothing else sexual was discussed that day and as she was getting dressed Mom came back in the studio, obviously high as a kite and very touchy-feely with me. I did my best to fend her off but Lisa came into the room while Mom was grabbing my crotch and me trying to politely push her away. I was embarrassed for Lisa but Mom quickly said she had seen more than that before and grabbed her and started walking out. Mom looked back at me as said: “2 days until payday?” I replied that I should hear back from my clients by tomorrow so 2 days would be perfect.

After they left I once again made a portfolio of 50 pics that were suitable to show Mom should she ask – but only after rubbing out an amazing orgasm looking at the pics of Lisa in the sheer panties. I thought back to Lisa’s questions and how she reacted to my answers and I felt as though Lisa viewed me as a trusted confidant and that Mom viewed me as a payday for drugs. I actually felt good about both.

Mom and Lisa came back to the studio in 2 days and I had decided to up the game and this time I told Mom that I had 7 clients that would pay me $500 for the sets – and I thought she was going to jump over the counter and rape me. I gave her an envelope with $3500 in it and asked her for my 20% - which after way too much figuring in her head I told her it would be $700 and she reluctantly counted it out to me. I have to admit it as amusing for her to “pay me” with my own money, but the game was afoot and the less she knew the better. I asked Lisa if she was ready for another shoot and she smiled and said sure, but since it was already after lunch time I asked if we could schedule for the next day at 10:00 and told mom that we would need until 5:00 to get the next set competed. Mom was already daydreaming about the drugs she could go buy and just said yeah and walked out the door before Lisa did. I put my hand on Lisa’s shoulder and walked with her to the door and told her that she looked beautiful and I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow. When we go to the door Lisa turned and gave me a full hug and just said goodbye and walked out. The real reason I didn’t want to shoot a set that day was that I was waiting on some lingerie to be delivered. It’s not all that easy to find sexy lingerie that will fit a 10 year old so I had to order some online and it wouldn’t be there until later today. I spent the next few hours setting up the set for tomorrows shoot and then FedEx delivered. I was like a kid at Christmas as I unwrapped the boxes that contained 6 different lingerie ensembles that included fishnet stockings, garters, fishnet body suit, and see through baby doll teddies. All in all every secret fetish I had was all laid out for Lisa to model the next day.

I was at the studio at 8:30 in anticipation of Lisa coming in and the clock was moving slower than ever in my anticipation of her 10:00 appointment. 10:00 came and went with no Lisa. I was nervous and thought again about if I had properly hidden all of the hard drives with the non PG rated pics I had and if there was anything incriminating here if angry mom of the police showed up – the answer was I was good. It was now 10:30 and no Lisa. I was pacing back and forth and thinking about gathering all of my drives from the safe and leaving with in walks Lisa without Mom. Lisa looked awful; wrinkled dirty clothes, wild hair, and puffy eyes like she had been crying. I came over to her and dropped down on one knee and took he head in my hands and asked her what was wrong? Was she OK? She started sniffing like holding back a cry and said that her mom had left her at her boyfriend’s house and they had gone out to buy drugs and never came back. She took enough change from the boyfriends counter to catch a bus over here and that she was sorry she was late. I told her to come to the back and she was going to take a shower, pick out an outfit, and we were going out for lunch – anywhere she wanted. She seemed a little relieved and said she was hungry, but she asked if we were still going to take pictures today. She said her mom would be mad if she didn’t sell more pictures and she didn’t want her to be mad at her. After leaving her daughter at a druggies house overnight with no food – Lisa was still concerned about her mom’s feelings. She was a better person than me. I went back to my computer and watched Lisa take a shower and wash her hair. She was beautiful and innocent in her movements and I followed her from the shower to the changing room on camera and watched her go through the clothes rack while wrapped in a towel. She picked out a cute tennis skirt and top then went over to the bureau and opened the drawer we had all of her underwear in. I almost passed out when I watched her pull out the sheer pair of panties and pull them on. She stood in front of the mirror admiring herself for a moment then continued to dress and come up front. She looked amazing even with wet hair and especially since I knew what she had on underneath. I asked her where she what she would like to eat and she said Pizza – so I picked the place and off we went. As we were sitting in the booth across from each other, she on her third piece of pizza and me on my first, I asked her how she liked being a model and she said it was the best job in the entire world and she hoped to do this forever. She then asked me about my clients and how did I know them, how did I know what they did while looking at her pictures. I explained that there were a lot of grown men that found young girls attractive and since society said it was wrong for them to do so they were willing to pay money to see pictures without anyone knowing who they were. I told her that it should make her feel very special that these clients would pay money to see her – and she smiled and said it made her feel very special and especially special since I liked masturbating to her pictures her too. I almost choked as she said this and looked around to make sure nobody overheard her and thankfully no one had. She laughed at my reaction and not to worry she had made sure that there was nobody close enough to hear her. This little girl was amazing and had me twisted up like a pretzel. One part of me wanted to devour her like a piece of decadent chocolate cake and another part of me wanted to run and hide. The hard on in my pants was winning at the moment and I paid the bill and we headed back to the studio.

When we got back Lisa was all business and went straight to the changing room to get into today's outfit. I was extremely nervous when I opened a drawer and started laying out the different sets of lingerie with all of the components for each outfit in the same piles. I told her that today we would be doing adult sleepwear and lingerie and showed her each stack saying that all of these parts were to be worn together for the full effect, and then asked her if she had any questions or needed any help. She was holding up the fishnet body suit and had a puzzled look on her face, but she shook her head no, so I told her I would wait outside on the set for her. Back at my cameras I watched Lisa go through all the outfits one by one and inspecting each set very closely. I think my saving grace with Lisa was that the tags were still on the outfits and each one had a picture of an adult model wearing it, so Lisa had a visual image to follow. After a few minutes she chose the black fishnet stocking with the garters and matching panties and bra. This was by far the most complicated outfit I had – but it was also the most covering of all. It took Lisa about 15 minutes to finally come out of the changing room and I had enjoyed every minute watching her on camera trying to figure it all out – and she did finally succeed. When she came to the set and walked over to the white velour chaise lounge I had set up I just stood and stared with my mouth open, and finally my senses came to me and I told her that she was absolutely beautiful and I didn’t think I had ever seen such beauty before. This was not a lie – she was stunning and had an air of sophistication many adults would be jealous of. She sat down on the chaise and I went over to her and told her that with these outfits she was going to pretend to be inviting her boyfriend over to join her on the lounge chair. I went on to remind her that she was fully clothed but looked very sexy and that was what we wanted to capture on the camera. She smiled and nodded her head without saying a word so I went back to my camera and started the shoot giving her step by step directions on how to sit, where to look, mouth open or closed, every detail I could think of to give her innocent young self a look of sophisticated slutty that would carry through to the pictures. When she got to the sheer baby doll teddy outfit she stuck her head out of the changing room and yelled to me that there weren’t any panties for that outfit. I yelled back that it was ok – she wouldn’t be nude but would give the appearance of being nude and I would be careful with my camera directions. Yes I would be very careful with where I pointed that camera and my first shot was here walking to the set in that light pink sheer teddy that displayed all of her young exquisite body to perfection. She didn’t seem too shy about her appearance and started going through all the same poses we had done before with a little encouragement from me. After about 10 minutes I told her that I wanted to focus on just her face for a set of photos and wanted her to make a face like she was all alone in her room and was thinking about her boyfriend and was playing with herself. She just looked at me in bewilderment for a few seconds and told me that she didn’t have a boyfriend – and that she didn’t know what her face looked like when she did that. I realized that she didn’t deny masturbating and my heart skipped a beat – but now I had to figure out a way for her to replicate her facial expressions during that very private moment so I could capture it for prosperity on camera. I asked her if she had ever seen a video of a woman – I made sure to use the word woman – masturbate before and she shook her head no. I set my camera down and went over to my computer on the counter and within 45 seconds I had a video of a beautiful blonde model masturbating on a white bed. This was a very artistic piece of porn that I knew very well and when it was cued up I asked Lisa to come over and let me show her something. She walked over to the camera, still in her sheer teddy and looked at the screen where you could see the paused video of this model's face and shoulders. She had her eyes closed and her mouth was slightly open with her tongue running across her upper lip. I told Lisa that this was the look that we were shooting for and then casually asked her if she wanted to watch the video to get some modeling pointers for this photo shoot we were doing. While never looking away from the computer screen she nodded yes and I hit play. I knew this specific video by heart – all 13 minutes of it so as Lisa stood beside me as I was sitting in my chair I watched her reactions more than I did the video, but still made an attempt to make “professional” comments from time to time on how she would move and look. I never touched her or offered her to sit on my lap – I was too nervous to do so – so she stood there all 13 minutes watching intently on this beautiful woman make herself have a very apparent and wet orgasm. I was hard as a rock and had a small wet spot on the front of my pants from watching Lisa stare at the show in front of her and switch her weight from foot to foot from what I could only guess (hope) was arousal from the video. When the woman ran her fingers through her dripping pussy after her orgasm and brought them to her mouth to suck clean, Lisa made a little gasp and leaned in slightly to get a better view. When the video finished I tried to be “professional” again and asked Lisa if she could mimic what the woman did in the video she sheepishly said yes and walked back to the chaise lounge. I straightened out my cock and went back and got my camera and walked to the end of the chaise to start the set when Lisa asked me if that was what men liked, did they enjoy watching women do that? I thought about it longer than I really needed to and told her yes, men enjoyed looking at beautiful girls and especially beautiful girls enjoying themselves as much as that model had been doing. Lisa thought about it for a minute while still laying there with her hands in her lap and asked me if I had masturbated watching that girl in the video before? I smiled and told her yes, but that was our secret and not to tell anyone. She seemed to like that answer and asked me how she should start. I told her to lay down with just her head propped up on the pillow, arch her head back some and close her eyes. She started arranging herself as I had requested then I thought time had stopped – or at least my breathing did. Lisa had her right hand between her legs slowly rubbing her clit in a circular motion with both legs slightly bent at the knees. From the end of the chaise I had the perfect vantage point for this and for a few seconds I forgot to take any pictures. She had forgotten that I wanted head shots of this intimate act and instead after watching the video she assumed (correctly so by the way) that I wanted her to masturbate, so here she was. She had watched the video very closely as she mimicked the blonde model very well. She was spreading her pussy lips wide and licking her fingers to get wet, then slowly pushing one finger in and out of her hairless pussy then rubbing her swollen little clit, then back to the insertion. I got into the scene and started taking pictures frantically thinking how much I needed to cum and how I would be able to look at these whenever I wanted and jerk until my arm was too sore to do it anymore. She was really enjoying this – not acting - and her expressions were perfect, but after about 10 minutes she stopped and told me that it felt good when she did that but the girl on the video made it look like it felt so much better. I quickly surmised that Lisa had never had an orgasm, but had only had the enjoyment of stimulation, so I set my camera down and sat down on the end of the chaise. Lisa scooted up so she was upright leaning back on the arm with her legs stretched out and crossed in front of her and I started explaining an orgasm to her. I explained that it was something that would build and build until it felt like she was going to burst or pee and then it would wash over her like a big wave of pleasure. She told me that she could feel it building up but it never got to the level of exploding, and then asked if it was the same way for men? I told her it was exactly the same feeling but when a man had an orgasm he would shoot cream from his penis – yes I was still trying to be professional. She kind of giggled and told me she wanted to watch me masturbate as it was only fair, and that I had already told her I would masturbate to pics of her and the video of the blonde girl. I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do but in my state of extreme horniness I agreed to masturbate and told her to watch closely and I would let her know when I was going to have an orgasm and shoot my cream out. She was giddy with anticipation and sat up on her knees at the end of the chaise while I stood and dropped my pants to the floor. When I pulled my underwear down she gasped and had both hands over her mouth and both eyes wide open on my cock which was dripping a long stream of precum. She pointed and asked what that liquid was so I explained precum as a tasty lubricant to help intercourse between a man and a woman more fun. I don’t know if she understood any of that but I sat back down and wrapped my hand around my cock and slowly started moving it up and down. I could look over to my left and see all of Lisa in her nude teddy staring at me pumping my cock and I knew I wasn’t going to last long, so I told her I was about to have an orgasm. Lisa leaned a little closer to get a good view and the first shot of cum flew up and hit my neck (I was extremely excited and hadn’t cum like that in years) and the second then third shot covered my hand and crotch. I was breathless and swore that was the best orgasm I had ever had – then I remembers the video of the blonde girl licking her fingers clean, so I brought my hand to my mouth and slowly licked all the cum off, then wiped the cum off my neck and cleaned my fingers again. All this time Lisa hadn’t said a word but just watched me intently with a flushed face and neck as I sat there breathing heavily enjoying the post orgasm experience. I then told her that was what it was like for a man to have an orgasm and asked her what she thought? She said that was the most awesome thing she had ever seen and asked me if I would do it again. I laughed and told her that unlike women, men needed a little time between orgasms so they could recover and I pointed to my now deflated cock and told her see? It was down for the count for a while. She was good with that answer and I noticed much to my dismay that her mom should be there in 30 minutes so I told her that we were done shooting for the day to go get changed and ready for her mom to pick her up. I got dressed myself and started downloading all the pictures for the day onto my hard drive when Lisa came out fully dressed in the outfit she wore to lunch. She quietly asked me if she could wear this outfit home since her other clothes were dirty and she promised to bring it back. I laughed and told her that she could keep those clothes because they would never look as good on anyone else. We sat there until almost 6:00 waiting for her mom with no sign of her, so I asked Lisa if I should take her home and after trying to call her mom a few times she agreed. Before we left I got the release form that her mom had filled out complete with a photocopy of her driver’s license and cell phone number and stuffed it in my pocket.

When we got to Lisa’s apartment complex it was about what I had imagined. Nothing fancy at all and a little run down but somewhat clean with a mixture of all races – mostly young – in the parking areas. I pulled up to her apartment and asked her if she wanted me to walk her to the door and she said no – but then I asked her for her cell number in case she needed anything and she seemed happy to give it to me. I instantly sent her a text so she had my number too, and I watched her go up the stairs to the second floor and into the third door on the left. I sat there for a moment wondering if I was doing the right thing by leaving and if Lisa’s mom was there – or at least would be there soon. I reconciled that I was and pulled out of the complex, while at the same time texting Lisa to make sure. I asked if her mom was there yet and she told me no but that wasn’t unusual, so I asked her to let me know when she did come home and told Lisa again how much I enjoyed being with her today. After I got off the text thread with Lisa I looked up a number in my phone for one of my special clients, who happened to be a chief of police in the next town over, and gave him a call. I told him the story of Lisa’s mom not showing up to pick her up and that I thought she was into drugs and asked if he would do a quick search for any arrests or accidents and let me know. He told me no problem then asked if I had done any more shoots with Lisa to which I replied that the next set I did would be on the house for his work for me. He was happy with that when we ended the call and I made it home before my phone rang. It was my police chief friend and he told me that he had some bad news. Carole, Lisa’s mom (I never could remember her name) and her “friend” were in a car wreck the night before and the person they hit head on was killed. It looked as though both her and her friend were going to make it but when the police go to the wreck they found large amounts of methamphetamines and their toxicology reports showed that they were both high as a kite at the time of the wreck, so once they were out of the hospital they were both going to jail on charges of vehicular homicide and possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. He told me that they would be lucky to get out of jail in 30 years at the earliest. I hung up the phone with him and was walking around my home in a fog. I couldn’t believe my bad luck. I had finally found exactly what I loved and the relationship was going better than I could have ever dreamed, and now the dumbass druggie mother had ruined it all. I poured myself a drink and went out to my back porch that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico and pondered my options. I had to tell Lisa but when I did what would she do and where would she go? Did she have relatives here? After my drink was finished I knew I had to do the right thing so I got in my car and drove back to Lisa’s apartment. When I got there I called from the parking lot and told her I needed to talk to her and asked if I could come up. She opened her door with the phone still in her hand and waved me up. I know I shouldn’t have been noticing things like this but I noted she was still wearing that cute short tennis skirt and it made me happy – just for a moment. When I got inside and looked around I instantly was depressed. A futon, a folding camp chair and a 1990’s era tube TV were the only furnishings in the living room. I sat on the futon and told Lisa to come and sit beside me, and then I recounted the story my police friend had told me earlier. As expected Lisa started crying and we held each other for a good 10 minutes while she cried and processed the information I had given her, and when she had stopped crying I asked her about any family in the area. She told me that her grandmother had died a few years earlier and that it was only her and her mom now, and she asked if she could go and see her mom in the hospital. I was pretty sure we could arrange something but I told her it might take a few days and I wanted her to come and stay at my home while we worked everything out. She nodded her head in agreement and we went around packing what few things she had and set off for my home. As I mentioned in the beginning of the story there are many advantages of being wealthy, and another is to be able to have a 3 story, 8 bedroom home on the beach. When we pulled up to my home the look of amazement in Lisa’s eyes was enough to make her momentarily forget about the problems her mother was facing. She got out of my car and I grabbed her bag and inside we went. I took her to the bedroom that was across the hall from mine and gave her a tour. It had a spa tub, walk-in rain shower, and a private balcony overlooking the beach – and was able to look onto my adjoining balcony. I told her to unpack, relax, take a shower or watch TV and I was going to go and make us something to eat and she could come down when she was ready.

I made simple chicken Alfredo pasta and she ate like she was starving. I had a couple glasses of wine and I had a bottle of sparkling grape juice that Lisa enjoyed from a wine glass like mine, and we had a nice but quiet dinner. After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen together and then we both went to our separate bedrooms after agreeing that first thing in the morning we would look into visiting her mom in the hospital. I lay in bed thinking back to watching Lisa masturbate, then Lisa watching me masturbate, and I wished I had brought a copy of that video home with me. The memory was more than enough for that night as I quickly shot a load all over my stomach and went peacefully asleep. About 3:00 I was startled awake with Lisa slightly shaking my shoulder. I woke up and could tell that she had been crying and she told me that she couldn’t sleep and was scared and wanted to know if she could sleep with me. I told her of course and she climbed in beside me and I wrapped her in my arms holding her tightly until I could hear her breathing even out and I knew she was asleep. I was proud of myself for not taking this moment as a sexual moment – could have helped that I had jerked off a couple hours earlier – but just wanted Lisa to feel safe, and then I fell asleep too. I woke in the morning with Lisa still in my arms, but she had spun around and now had her back to me with my rock hard morning wood nestled on her panties, which just so happened to be the sheer pair she had put on the day before. I was scared to move as I was enjoying the look and feel of what I woke up to, but I had to pee, so I carefully rolled out the other side of my bed and took care of my needs quietly and went downstairs. I called my police friend and inquired about how to get her daughter in to see her in the hospital and that proved to be harder than I thought due to the homicide charges, but as it turned out a lawyer could get in. I then called another client of my photography studio who was a lawyer. Even though he specialized in real estate law I gave him an overview of what I wanted and agreed to pay his fees in full. I was on my second cup of coffee feeling pretty good about what I was planning when Lisa came down to the kitchen. I explained that the only person allowed to see her mom right now was her lawyer and I had hired one that morning that was going to go see her today and give us an update on her condition. What I didn’t tell Lisa was the main reason he was going to see her – I would wait until I found out how she took the offer before telling her. I then told Lisa we would have breakfast then go shopping for new clothes and she had to have a couple of different swim suits if she was going to stay with me here for a while on the beach. She instantly lit up and went upstairs to shower and change. We spent the entire day shopping and bought 3 swim suits and 12 outfits complete with 8 pairs of pretty little girl panties – nothing sexy but cute Cinderella, princess panties befitting a girl her age. After we got back home that evening I pooped and suggested we order out and Lisa ran upstairs to put away all of her new clothes. She came downstairs a bit dressed in a cute pair of short shorts and a halter top we had purchased earlier and we ate Chinese and watched cartoons on the couch. She asked if I had heard anything from my lawyer friend and I told her I hadn’t yet but not to worry, this might take a day or two and she seemed happy with that answer and went back to watching TV. A few minutes later she quietly asked if she was still going to be able to be a model. I leaned over and gave her a one arm hug and told her that she could be a model as long as she wanted to and I loved taking pictures of her. Lisa asked when we could do another shoot and I suggested we do her swimsuits she just bought first thing in the morning. She smiled and said great, and then we snuggled together and finished watching the movie. When I told her it was time to go to bed we both went upstairs to our own rooms. I had just finished brushing my teeth and was dressed as I usually was in my boxers for bed when there was a knock at my door. I told Lisa to come in and when she saw me standing at the foot of my bed only in my boxers she paused for a moment then came on over to the bed right in front of me. While looking down at the floor and pulling the hem of her nightshirt she sheepishly asked if she could sleep with me again, she was too afraid to be in this big house all by herself. I of course instantly agreed and we snuggled up to each other with her spooning me from behind. She had her arm around my chest with her hand resting on my nipple and it slowly became hard as a diamond – then my cock followed suit. There was nothing overtly sexual but the feeling of her holding me from behind was sensual and electric. She fell asleep much more quickly than I did but I finally managed to doze off. When I woke up that morning I was still rock hard but my cock was now sticking out of my boxers and I was lying on my back with Lisa’s hand on my stomach and the covers at the end of the bed. As I would take a breath in it would make the tip of my cock slightly brush her wrist and I realized it must have been doing this for a while because there was a string of precum from her wrist to the tip of my cock and pooling on my stomach. I wanted so bad to cum it almost hurt but I didn’t know how to move without waking Lisa. As I was trying to figure out a solution Lisa moved her hand and lightly ran her fingers down the shaft of my cock sending shivers all over me and making me hold my breath for a second. She got to my balls and gingerly rolled them around feeling their weight in her hand then she wrapped her hand around my cock – a little too tightly but I wasn’t going to complain – and slowly started jacking me off. At this point neither of us had said a word and she quietly asked me if she was doing this the right way, the way she had watched me do it at the studio. I moaned a yes, and don't stop, then erupted all over my chest and her hand. She smiled big and continued to slowly jack my cock milking all of the cum out until it went limp, then to my amazement she brought her hand to her mouth and cautiously licked her finger that was covered in my cum. Then when she decided it wasn’t icky, she licked her wrist and fingers clean, then wiped my chest with her fingers and cleaned them again. Watching her do this almost made me hard again and I rolled on my side and gave her a chaste kiss on her lips and told her how beautiful she was and how wonderful that made me feel. She just smiled and while still holding my now limp cock leaned in and kissed me again, but this time a little more passionately. I opened my lips slightly and flicked my tongue across her lips and she quickly picked up on this new game and in no time we were passionately French kissing. I broke the kiss after a few minutes and asked her if she would like me to give her an orgasm like she had done for me and she breathlessly said yes. I resumed kissing her and pulled her nightshirt up to the point we had to break apart and she finished pulling it off her body showing me her fabulous little nipples and completely flat chest. I lowered my head and kissed her neck and trailed down to her nipples and lightly kissed and licked them as they became rock hard. She was moaning at this point and writhing on the bed, and I hadn’t touched her pussy yet. I think she had a small orgasm from just my kissing of her tits but I wasn’t 100% sure. I slowly worked my kisses down her stomach and her navel sending her into another level of writhing and giggling as I reached up on both sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down. These were My Little Pony panties and as they cleared the bottom of her gorgeous bald pussy I could see a faint wet spot on the crotch, and since my nose was only inches away I could smell a very sweet but faint scent of pussy. I was enthralled and for probably a minute or two I just sat there looking at this beautiful sight, until Lisa had enough of me waiting and removed her panties herself. I returned to kissing her navel and moved down to her pubis, then her thighs as I spread her legs a little to see my prize. Her little bald pussy slowly opened up and I could see the little nub of her clit already swollen and red poking out. She was slightly wet already but when I ran my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top and slightly sucked on her clit her juices flooded into my mouth as she clenched my head with her legs and arched her back. She shuddered and gasped and she experienced her first orgasm and I let her slowly start to come down from the feeling when I started in on her clit again. This time it took a few minutes but she was soon bucking and moaning as she grabbed my head with her hands and pulled me deeper into her crotch. I continued to work on her sweet beautiful pussy until she had enjoyed 4 orgasms and was breathing like she had just ran 5 miles, and then I crawled back up to her and took her in my arms and kissed her deeply. Her tongue was swirling around mine, tasting her sweet nectar, greedily licking my face clean. I was rock hard again at this point and wanted to fuck her so badly but I knew I shouldn’t push my luck so I suggested I go make us breakfast and she could shower and try on one of her new swim suits for a photo shoot at the beach. She agreed and bounced out of the bed into my bathroom and I heard the shower start. I thought I would take this opportunity to relieve my aching balls so I closed my eyes and lingered on the look and taste of Lisa’s beautiful pussy and started jerking my hard cock. I had no sooner started when I heard Lisa say “Hey that’s my job now!” She came over and stood at the side of the bed and removed my hand from my cock and replaced it with hers. Standing there completely nude with me watching her jack my cock was a visual I will never get out of my head – but in true fashion of never being satisfied I told her to kiss it like I kissed her and it would feel even better. She stopped jerking and just held my cock straight up and kissed the tip that was leaking precum. She licked her lips and then licked the head of my cock. I moaned with pleasure and told her to suck on the head like it was a lollipop – and she took off like a pro. As she was sucking the head I placed my hand over hers and started jacking my cock again and she picked up on that – and the pace – quickly. I thought I mumbled I was going to cum but to be honest I wanted to cum in her mouth so badly I might not have, and I shot my first load into her mouth prompting her to pull back in surprise, and timing the second shot to fly out and hit her on her nose. The rest of my orgasm just dribbled down her hand and she slowly regained her senses as to what was going on and wiped the cum from her nose and face then licked her hand and fingers clean. She giggled and said that she wasn’t expecting that to happen but she sure did enjoy it – and I kissed her again and told her how much I did too and off she ran to her shower that had been running this entire time.
Pussybuffet: Beautiful story can’t wait for part two
3 Months Ago

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