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WallyParker made a post. 1 Month Ago Soi was told not to do this, but what have I got to lose? Hmm… let’s do a fact check! Wife:? Nope.NEXT!
Visitation for your supposed spermazota injection? : NOPE!
How about a job dan-dan? You got a jobby? : umm. Nope.
Ok so you can’t provide for yourself. Let alone the spermazota donation to your ex-wife, whom I hope one day you’ll get on touch with. I don’t care. I still hold Sarrah accountable for keeping my supposed spermazota injection further than a gone abroad kidnapping!
Yea. But you wouldn’t quit getting high on crystal meth shards, amphetamine, xannys, alcohol, mary Jane, oh and in case you blanked or blacked out, and don’t recall or remember, when you get like that dan, you usually, well, always resort to the great feeling of being hypersexual after you cranium is overloaded with your soon to be fading dopamine receptors, that let you down everytime you come back to reality, and you soak, bask, and roast yourself to a sad and lonely remotely assisted homicide/suicide, crime scene that defies all rules, all love has no place here anymore. I’m sorry Lord. Cuz it says, the Bible, that “God is love“. It also says “God is light”. Then why do I keep showing the opposite of love to those I supposedly say I love. Cuz it, The Bible, also says “ this is the first and most great commandment, to love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, and mind. And the second is like to it, which is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. on these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets.” How am I supposed to love people continually poisoning my air and contaminating everything of mine, and my moms with whatever the fuck you say it is? Hell. I’m so fucking ready to jump in the ballpit at anyone of the ballpits in my near vicinity. I think I lost track? No. Not on myself! But I’ve been trying to track the old Daniel. The younger Danny. I clearly remember defying any opposition to me carrying out what I thought I wanted, but intentionally led me feet first into a pre-planned, and pre-meditated, inescapable, torturing, patience ending, and sociably a excommunicated nightmare that I used to tell my friends about when I was a young lad, I’d used to say “ my worst nightmare would be like the Truman Show” surrounded by fake, hurtful, backbiting , murder’s in their thought, in their heart, on the tip, just watching, waiting, plotting, shooting me with a highly pressurized agricultural, irrigation water cannon that can rain down anything from saved up blood, vomit, cum, spit, other disgusting add ins, to fucking being told from my community that I’ve been being poisoned with ‘Ricin’. I know I’ve lost almost anyone, everyone, and I’m starting to work on myself, well, not like in a good way, like I’m giving up on me. Because honestly, I don’t appreciate when I do the things that dan-dan does. There is still, and seems like it all always be, this little innocent child always will be happy. No matter how frustrated, discouraged, or low I feel, I still, and will, have an unsurpassable notion, and rudely, and rightfully so, to always remain that little Daniel. Wasn’t never scared of nothing, but that all changed quick. I was three with full on forest fires in my eyes. Ready to kick nate, my step brother, out of my room, which was actually Tiffany’s. I usually, well, normally, would always, either sleep with my mom, or with my dad, but that stopped, well, it didn’t stop, but I just didn’t visit they’re beds as regularly. Yea. I couldn’t tell anybody, I wanted to tell my mom, and the first person I thought of telling was tiffany, my older sister, who now currently “HATES” me