Male · 78Blackwood, NJ · United States of America Relationship Status: Soft Swinging Sexual Preference: Straight Sex Frequency: Once Per Month Favourite Position: On your cunt, if you will, in any way I can. I'm 30 years retired from the "Printing Trade". Journeyman "Dot Etcher". Don't ask. Suffice to say "Dinosaur". I'm not retired, wealthy, not even comfy, I get by. I'm not going to witness a Mars landing, so anything long term is unforeseeable. I don't get around well, no car. If you have one that would be terrific, otherwise I have to use a bus. I'm clean, attentive, and friendly. Really, I don't bite ..... hard that is. Nice, soft, likeable if you so, wish it. Spelled out, I'm after companionship, good old fashion fun. A little caressing, touching, intimacy, to warm up an old man's heart.